AngelliJim Member


  • I'm about to start 21 Day Fix from Beachbody, and it's a great combination of strength and cardio, and all you need is dumbbells! You can add me for more info.
  • I've done both, and I recommend 21 day fix. I like how it incorporates weight training, and even though the meal plans are the same, I got better results from 21 day fix. I'm almost done with Insanity max 30, and then I'm going back to 21 day fix.
  • I'm on week 6 of Insanity Max 30, and I've been following the eating plan almost perfectly. I have only lost 1-2 lbs and around 5 inches, and I was really expecting more. When I first completed Insanity, I lost 9 lbs., so I'm kind of disappointed. Next, I'm doing 21 Day Fix, and I hope to see better results. It sucks…
  • I'm starting week 6, and so far I've only lost 1-2 lbs, but around 5 inches. I was at a plateau where I wasn't losing at all, so this is some progress. I am following the eating plan, and I actually like it. The workouts are amazing! After this, I'm doing 21 day fix.
  • I'm in my second week of month 2, and I love this program. I've been following the meal plan (it gets easier), and so far I have lost 2 lbs and around 5 inches. I didn't lose as much as I wanted to, but I've been at a plateau for a while.
  • I'm 5'3" and my goal weight is 110-115 lbs. The lowest I've been is 125 lbs, and I still wasn't happy with that. I'm up to 130 lbs now.
  • I just finished Rockin Body, and I lost about 5 lbs. I only have about 10 lbs left to lose, so that's probably why I didn't lose that much. I think it's so fun but also hard work. I'm only 5'2" and 130 lbs, but on the day I did "Booty Time" and "Rock it Out", my HRM said I burned 1200 calories; thus, I think the claims…
  • I just started my sophomore year! (Woot Woot!) Feel free to add me :)
  • This is my first ever challenge! Good luck everyone!! SW: 180 lbs CW: 156.2 lbs GW: 151 lbs UGW: 135 lbs Weigh in Dates: 9/1: 156.2 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/31 Total weight lost:
  • There is nothing wrong with interracial relationships! I am a product of one (Black and Puerto Rican). Love is love, and all love is beautiful.