krispy1982 Member


  • Hi! For me it's salt. I went to the doctor for the same reason (and it's great that you are you for ask yours too) and it was a blood pressure issue from not enough sodium. I wasn't doing it on purpose, but when you're choosing whole foods you don't get the sodium you used to. She actually prescribed me 1 Pringle to take…
  • It's probably not you at all. Some people just have "b itchy resting face" and have no intention of coming across that way. But I do get how someone putting out those vibes can make it hard to go. Remember though, dealing with other moms gets easier as your kids get older. We all just kind of relax a little bit and those…
  • Your BMR is what you would need if you were in coma - not digesting food or getting dressed or brushing your teeth. The net calculations takes ordinary daily tasks into account and subtracts the necessary calories for you to reach the goal you entered when you set it up. It's all a little overwhelming at first but the…
  • I first read the title as 'cured kidney disease' and I was like waaaaat? But I'm still glad I clicked! I love curry and I can't wait to try it!
  • Ha ha ha ha ha! ! Well done!
  • Ya it takes me about 30 minutes or so too. Longer when I warm up and stretch properly. If I time my rests it takes longer, if I'm lazy and don't it's faster. I started at week 5 in the beginner one and about a week ago I started the advanced. I think I can absolutely see results. The last week or so I've started to notice…
  • I looooooove salt and vinegar chips. Since I can't fit as many as I'd like in every day, salt and vinegar is also awesome on really crisp iceberg lettuce or cucumbers. Ok now I want a snack...
  • If its been about a month would it fair to say your big loss happened to start coming off right around this time in your cycle? A lot of notice a big loss or our only loss after our period. Give it a couple of days, it will come. Oh, and watch out for sales people on the forum. ????
  • I think all you can really do is start a new week. That and be proud of yourself for recognizing what the problem is and trying to nip it in the bud right away. Can you try something small? Like challenge yourself to drink a cold glass of water and go for a short walk when you're ready to grab some chips? The walk will…
  • Which fitbit do you have? You can get the app on your smartphone and it syncs via blue tooth. I've actually never synced to the computer, just my phone. I agree though, about really tightening up the logging. P.S. Weightlifting is good for the bones, menopause is not:( Might as well balance it out?
  • This happens to me too. It kind of 'hangs' there and looks weird. This morning I was half an inch down in my waist and up half in my hips. The skins all weird and jiggly. I'm excited about it actually because it always mean by next week or so it'll be gone!
  • Hey me too! 5 babies 4 kids at home. Don't worry, the kids will get to know 'the drill' and mom's workout time just becomes part of the routine. Take it slow, lady! No matter how thin you get, more loose skin from super fast weight loss isn't pretty. We have enough of it from the babies, right?
  • Is it possible you're hungrier with the cardio and eating more than you think? From your post it sounds like you're not really logging. Just eating when you're hungry isn't an accurate way to make sure you're not overeating. Also, (and you're going to hear a lot of this, I bet) . You're weight's not bad at all. If it's the…
  • I'm the opposite! I always do the most weight I can so it burns soo en and I can get away with fewer reps! I think heavier weights is better for gaining muscle but really I'm no expert and find it totally confusing when I google it and get different answers everywhere. I think if one way was working for you that's probably…
  • Mine is going on right now! Friends of ours are getting married and i said no to the drinks at two banquets and a birthday party this week so I could just let loose and celebrate. So far it's been delicious and totally worth it.
  • I definitely agree that you should just be honest. This is one of the hardest parts of being a parent I think - the dealing with other parents! But trust me, it just gets worse and it helps I think if you can start standing up for your own standards now. Soon it will be explaining to other parents why you won't let your 13…
  • Ha! I WILL remember this...and hold you to it at some undetermined time in the near and/or distant future.
  • I tried those split squats today and they are haaaarrrrdddd!!!
  • Holy crap! You should be proud! You look awesome!
  • Me too!! I love love love carbs! And I really can't handle low carb at all. I found this article the other day and it made so much sense! But I know what you're saying... you "know" low carb isn't for you but still fighting the constant barrage of "carbsarethedevil" can wear a person down! Here's the link:…
  • I'd just about strangle somebody for a chocolate bar if I don't get enough carbs during the day. Carbs help me feel full and energized and if I try to cut them down too much I'm an exhausted sugar - craving maniac who ends up waaaaay over my calorie limit. Maybe get a little more during the day? That way you've planned for…
  • I love swimming too!! Something about the way the water kind of makes your own special cocoon and you're completely enveloped and protected from everything. It somehow pushes against you and with you at the same time. Ah!! Now I wanna go to the pool!!
  • Try the book Strong Curves, maybe? It's a full body program but the main focus is the butt! The ladies in my family have flat, square butt and 4 weeks in I'm seeing some progress. Have you thought about your posture? I have some hip problems and tend to stand and walk with my 'tail' tucked under. I've been working on that…
  • My hips hurt way before my butt does and I'm looking for a solution too. I think I'm going to try pieces of pool noodle or that foam pipe insulation and see how that works. Thanks bugs, I'll check out that post too!
  • Sometimes changing too much at once can be setting yourself up for a let down. What worked for me was developing the habits of the person I wanted to be - that way I kept it off without too much effort because it was just the new way lived. For example, when I was very heavy I was drinking a lot of my calories in Kool aid…
  • Edited once I realized everyone else said what I was going to say. Haha!
  • Hi! I want to start by saying the following comes from someone who lived with abuse for way longer than she should have and this is everything I wish someone would have said to me: Another poster mentioned that people who grow up in environments such as yours tend to go to one extreme or the other. This is totally true and…
  • Hi there! I second the advice to see your Dr. It's not unusual for someone with PCOS to have a family member with the condition, but still it would help to make sure you're in the track and you may need medication so it's totally worth a visit. I was also wondering, how would you feel if you weighed yourself a little more…
  • I like to think about it like this: if you list 3 lbs this month's and it takes 3500 calories to make a lb of fat, are you really going to go over by 10500 calories in one day? Probably not. I'm like a two year old in that when I tell myself I can't have something it becomes an obsession. Then I'm in trouble. For me, it…
  • I'm with ya. I've noticed weeks where I was at the lower end of my range one Sunday and the higher end the next. If I didn't weigh often I'd be freaking out thinking I gained two pounds. Mind you, this may not work for everyone: if you're going to stress every time you see an increase and think you've gained 3 lbs of fat…