

  • Well I didn't ask for a weight loss drug.. I've never been on anything like that other than OxyElite Pro from GNC... But with the huge amount of gain (and I'm still gaining by the way) the doctor was concerned. I ended a relationship recently so I took a pregnancy test to rule that out. I have hypothyroidism which is being…
  • My doctor specifically prescribed the medication for weight loss though I googled it to find out as much information as I could about it. I just wanted to hear other people's exerpiences with it as a weight loss aid and appetite suppressent and how long it took to see results. I've been on it 1.5 weeks now and have noticed…
  • I know what it is like to not have a support system when you want to lose weight and get fit. Everyone around you eats whatever they want and whenever they want and you are struggling not to eat too much or not to eat when you are bored, etc. I have never had to do this before, diet and exercise, and I too am finding it…
  • The Run is October 13, 2012. You can find the information on their website.....
  • I'm finding it difficult to eat healthy regardless. I have bills and they get paid. I try to buy frozen rather than canned veggies because fresh is too expensive. But it is cheaper to buy them $1.00 box of little debbies to snack on than it is to buy a $5.00 bag of apples. Leaner meats are also more expensive than just…
  • I find I'm a munchier when watching television. Possibly a boredom thing I don't know. But I constantly munch when I'm in front of the tv. I have picked up putting together puzzles and crocheting in an attempt to curtail the need to munch, but not doable when studying! With my schedule I rarely get to watch tv and I've…
  • I coach soccer two nights a week so I have started to try and jog with the kids when I make them do laps. I also try to do zumba at least one night. And then I do sit ups or something to on other nights. I'm slowly finding time to incorporate some exercise into my daily routine. It's all just an adjustment. I haven't ever…
  • I do understand the implications of diabetes. It runs in my family. Though I must say no one has lost a limb or had to go on dialysis because of it. Yes I have an addiction and with any addiction there are side effects to withdrawal. I have cut back on how much I drink soda and increased my water intake. And to be honest I…
  • Thank you for the tips. And thanks Tammy for the suggestion to alter my loss goals so I don't fee so I don't get so discouraged that I quit! I hadn't thought about that. I will try that and the suggestion to leave something be and get it a bit more zumba or something. Thanks again everyone!
  • I know how you feel. I have been on here about that long and if you see my little scale thing.... I haven't lost a pound yet. I only gained a couple! I'm drinking more water which is good cause it's cutting back my dr. pepper which I drink WAY too much of. But it just seems like I ALWAYS go over my calorie limits every day…
  • The only thing that I have tried that I could lose big with is OxyElite Pro plus low calorie "diet" (not really refusing myself anything just restricting my calorie intake) AND exercise! Exercise is a must of course or you end up with loose skin. I lost almost 10 lbs per month with it.