

  • Careful about picking just any trainer. Honestly, 90% of certified personal trainers out there no SQUAT (pun intended) about properly lifting. Find a trainer that has experience specifically in strongman/woman, powerlifting, and olympic lifting. As far as getting a "powerlifters" body as a female I want to say this. When I…
  • If your working out at home and want to start gaining some muscle and strength I suggest starting with basics. Low bodyweight squats are great for beginners (*kitten* to grass - do them barefoot because running sneakers will put you in your toes and you want to be in heels). Next get a chin up bar and get a stool and start…
  • When you start exercising your body needs more calories. Calories=energy. If you're not eating enough, a workout can be hard to get through. IMHO myfitnesspal's recommended calorie intake for any person I've seen is EXTREMELY low. Especially if you are doing hard workouts. Also, I think you should incorporate weights into…
  • That is a loaded question. I think you first need to define what healthy is. If you are taking into account energy levels, blood work, etc. then I think vegans can be "healthy"....but it's rare. The amount of time and effort you'd have to put in to make sure you are getting complete proteins (complete proteins contain all…
  • Whey is a derivative of dairy. So even if you take a whey protein powder your still taking in dairy protein. Dairy can cause bloating and cause other digestive issues. Almost everyone in fact is somewhat dairy sensitive, you will realize if you cut out dairy for some time and then add it back into your diet. I recommend…
  • Yes, like others have said. Start now. The sooner the better. Muscle mass is not easy to put on, especially being a female. It can take years of solid lifting to really give yourself the a fit look, if that's what you're going for. Women so many times over estimate the ease and amount of time to build muscle. Also, having…