

  • I write you from Spain. Here we have high unemployment rate and they're rarely giving mortages so kudos on both!!!! Congratulations girl!! Second, I suffered for years from anxiety so I eated my *kitten* off. My trick: - Little goals and no punishing you for that. First, no junk food. But no limit in other things. - Then,…
  • The thing is, if you do the exact same exercise everyday, you'll become more and more efficient doing it. That's less cals burned. An athlete burns less than you running a mile because does it everyday. You have to switch exercises, try new things, sweat learning how to do it, so your body is always challenged. For me,…
  • I was worried too last weekend, first girl's night out since started dieting and exercising. I did it right, was even in the famous plateau and started losing weight again, so for me it worked. If you're thing is beer, have a protein dinner. Steak, ommelete, that kind of thing. No vegetables, no fruit. You'll be able to…
  • I'm in! 90 miles, 60 kms. Walking, swimming and spinning. Bring it on! Good luck everyone! Jane.
  • Another 1.5 km swimming
  • Hi! Yesterday 4.5 walking in treadmill. Today another km swimming + 1.5 walking.
  • Hi, so sorry this happened to you. I'm furious. Talk to a doctor, find out what your situation is, urgently. NOW. He has big issues. From the moment he starts undressing you to the point there's a penetration, theres a lot of "no"s involved. You are young, probably like him very much, and he trespassed a very clear line.…
  • I'm a swimmer too! I find it easier as well, an d I combine it with water aerobics, walking... I have a bad knee, so swimming is fine for me cause there is no impact at all. I simply stay for an hour in the pool, make 100 laps (its a 25 metres pool) and counter cals says thats around 400 cals. I finish so tired, I believe…
  • HI! I'm a 36 years old spanish non-mom, I started my MFP last monday, really loving the people here. First week was perfect, second week, not so perfect. I'm having trouble finding time for my working out, and a bit desperate, no exercise, no lose weight, so today I have to work hard, it's been two days of laziness.…
  • I totally get it. My single girlfriends tell me to go out with them, but they don't realize girl's night out=5 beers at least. That's 600 calories, stomach swelling, water retention, hangover and no exercise next day... Catastrophic! And they tell me I have to have fun. I WILL HAVE FUN WHEN I REACH MY GOAL WEIGHT then it's…
  • I'm in! here in spain we don't celebrate thanksgiving, but I'll join you anyway. Jane.
  • Hi! Nice chart! Today, another 100 laps in the 25 m. pool, so 2,5 km more. Yay! (I'm exhausted!!!) Jane.
  • I can't answer about the size, I can definetively answer about keeping them firm. I lost weight before, and mine are just in place. I joined a water aerobic group, they put the floating long device (That one like a long noodle) under your knees, you sit on it, and go just with the arms. There are a lot of exercises that…
  • 1. What's your real name? 2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Super Single. 3. How old are you (no cheating)? 36 4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Sweet things and pizza. 5. Celebrity crush: Tim Olyphant, Gerard Butler, Gabriel Match... 6. What size would you like to be? The one that…
  • I'm the queen, the real master with "not seeing it, not thinking about it" UNTIL I have to go somewhere and actually dress up. Then nothing fancy fits, I have to run, buy something ****ty and be uncomfortable during the whole thing. I could be a month without looking at myself at the mirror. I really wonder how I got waxed…
  • Did 30 laps swimming, but after a 50 minute class of aquagym!
  • I agree with you, saw the videos in you tube and looks so fun!. I'm waiting too for the reviews to buy the wii or the xbox, I think it would be good to mix it up with the swimming pool.
  • Remember to drink water, that helps with the retention!!
  • DON'T PUNISH YOURSELF, we are soooo good at that. There are 100 things that can cause a weight gain. Maybe half of that gain is muscle, this will accelerate your metabolism and start loosing weight again next week without doing a change. We can't control everything, just breathe, do what you know that has worked for you so…
  • Hey luzy I'm from spain, and another newbie. Welcome and you're doing great, the good thing about here is people, so keep posting and meeting friends and it will make it all easier and funnier. Good luck! Jane.
  • Didn't work, how about this?
  • Hi! Just checking that I can put my ticker, this is my first challenge, I'm going to swim cause I have a bad knee and It'll have to wait until i'm thinner to walk long distances. But hey, I'm in!. <a href=""> <img border="0"…
  • Hey, I have a hormonal imbalance so I understand you. Those days it's all about the water. Little trick: If you are keeping water in your body during those days, you MUST drink so the body knows there will be a refill, and gets rid of some. If you don't drink, the body keeps water in storage. To get rid of more water, the…
  • Hi! Another rookie here, have a good day and enjoy! Jane.