"Getting to knooow you, getting to know all about you..."



  • themostbeautifullies
    10. One of your pet peeves:
    Ha, the list can go on forever. I hate hate HATE being late. If your not 15 min early, your already late in my opinion.

    I'm just like that! If I'm late, I'm hurt or I was kidnapped.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    1. What's your real name? Patrick
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married 16yrs (Yerp I married young. But it worked! :D).
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 35
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Mongolian BBQ
    5. Celebrity crush: Movie stars are not celebrities to me and the only real celebrities I could choose from are dudes. Soooo...
    6. What size would you like to be? 165lbs before weight training.
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? I have a ton of awesome ****s that I can't fit into :\
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? 2 Chihuahuas Taco y Bell
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: What ever my son wants.
    10. One of your pet peeves: One eh? I guess I must be pretty broad then. Hrm... The way people drive.
    11. Something you're grateful for: My family.
    12. What brought you to MFP: My sister.
    13. What's your occupation? I work in the video game industry.
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Hrm very interesting. Greediness over vanity... I would have to say weight because I believe it would improve my quality of life more than a million dollars would.
    15. Who's your hero? My Uncle.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: When I was a teen I was at magic mountain and this girl who was super hot from my highschool came up to me. She seemed interested in me but some how while talking to her I blew a big snot bubble from my nostril... Yeah that happened.
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Still in the games industry but making a considerable amount more.
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? B&H Photo
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): SKIP! Tho I'm sure I have a decent bra size :\
    20. One of your best qualities: I am absolutely honest with everyone.
  • blel0906
    1. What's your real name? Elaine
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married 20 yrs
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? Just turned 40 in August
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: So many!!!
    5. Celebrity crush:
    6. What size would you like to be? 10
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Feeling insecure like everyone is judging me.
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? 3 dogs and 1 cat
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Not really into sports...I love watching Cheerleading
    10. One of your pet peeves: People that can't admit they made a mistake and have to make excuses and blame others
    11. Something you're grateful for: My family
    12. What brought you to MFP: Tired of feeling frumpy
    13. What's your occupation? Full time Student, currently unemployed and looking
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever, or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? HMMMM can't decide the things I could do with a million...but I'm sick of being fat
    15. Who's your hero? Don't really have a hero...a lot of people that I admire for different reasons
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: 7th grade, wearing white shorts in PE and having a leak!!! Devistating
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Teaching and healthy
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Right now Target or a furniture store so many things I need for the house..
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 36 D
    20. One of your best qualities: I'm laid back I don't get worked up over stupid stuff...My eyes
  • dmossett
    1. What's your real name: Dominique

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed: Divorced

    3. How old are you (no cheating): 34

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: French Fries

    5. Celebrity crush: Nicholas Cage

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Bathing suit shopping

    8. Pets? If so, what kind? 2 golden retrievers and a small pond full of fish.

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Dancing/swimming

    10. One of your pet peeves: Poor table manners

    11. Something you're grateful for: My life

    12. What brought you to MFP: Desparation

    13. What's your occupation? I work in the health insurance industry.

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever, or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Goal weight. Yes greed over vanity...besides a million dollars nowadays doesn't last as long as it used to.

    15. Who's your hero? My grandmother.

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Realizing I was wearing two different colored shoes...after I was already at work.

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Happy and healthy.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Home Depot...I can't get enough of those home improvement projects.

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 36D

    20. One of your best qualities: I am easy going.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    1. What's your real name? Amber

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married for 7 years in January

    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 26, soon to be 27 in January as well!

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: PIZZA! and chocolate....

    5. Celebrity crush: Gerard Butler

    6. What size would you like to be? I am happy with the size I am!

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? I hated looking in the mirror at myself when I was overweight.

    8. Pets? If so, what kind? Do kids count? If so, then three. If not, then none. BUT, I am TRYING to talk my husband into a kitty...

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Basketball

    10. One of your pet peeves: Being LIED to. Oh, and chewing with your mouth open. Gross!

    11. Something you're grateful for: My beautiful little family!

    12. What brought you to MFP: First, I googled "free weight loss site" Then, it was the FANTASTIC members that KEPT me coming back!!

    13. What's your occupation? Stay at home mama!

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? I'd rather stay where I am forever. AS MUCH as I would love the money, I would hate to be miserable. I think we're pretty well off for a while. :)

    15. Who's your hero? God, and then my husband. :heart:

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Trying to explain to the guy at Verizon Wireless today that yes, he DID see me last week to reactivate my phone because I dropped it into my son's bath water. And YES, I DID drop my NEW phone into the dishwasher today, so that makes TWO phones that I have destroyed by dropping in water in the past few weeks. :blushing:

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Living happily ever after with my family

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? The Children's Place

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 34D

    20. One of your best qualities: My sense of humor :laugh:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    1. What's your real name? Dave

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married

    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 48? I forget sometimes. :) Most people are surprised when I tell them. Must be the baby face. =D

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Ice cream or chips

    5. Celebrity crush: My first love was Olivia Newton-John...hey, she said it first...she loved me...she honestly loved me... But these days it's more Tea Leoni or Julie Bowen or tttt, anybody kindhearted that can make me laugh. If they're cute too, that's just a bonus.

    6. What size would you like to be? Anything less than 2XL.

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? You know how women hate it and can totally tell when a guy's eyes drop down to check them out or stare at the 'girls'? Same thing with my tummy. But on the bright side, it's been happening less lately! =D

    8. Pets? If so, what kind? The best dog EV-ER. Female, American Foxhound.

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Meg, racquetball, I 'spose...

    10. One of your pet peeves: Not picking/cleaning up after yourself. (You hear me, Boyz of mine?!?)

    11. Something you're grateful for: MFP. No, I really mean it..I'm not just sucking up. <group hug!>

    12. What brought you to MFP: Was just looking for a stupid calorie-tracking app for my phone and discovered this amazing, supportive community.

    13. What's your occupation? Product Test Engineer

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,

    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? I'm not completely unhappy where I am, but oh, OK....goal weight.

    15. Who's your hero? My dear, sweet Mom. (Miss you...) To know her and have her in your life was to know unconditional live and acceptance.

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Singing a solo in 7th grade and blanking on the lyrics in the middle of the second verse....screeching halt. I got it going again after what seemed like an *eternity*...

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? In love.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Any Harley-Davidson store. Lessee...that oughta just about cover 3 maybe 4 t-shirts... 8-o

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): Pass...

    20. One of your best qualities: Only one?? :-( Get to know me and you'll find out that I'm a kind, caring person. I might appear to be big 'n scary on the outside, but I'm really a teddy bear in the inside.
  • indianajonex
    1. What's your real name?
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Super Single.
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 36
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Sweet things and pizza.
    5. Celebrity crush: Tim Olyphant, Gerard Butler, Gabriel Match...
    6. What size would you like to be? The one that makes me feel good when I look at myself at the mirror.
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Always scared and hiding.
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? Now nothing, but I'm a dog/horse person.
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Surf, swim, horseback riding, fishing, driving...
    10. One of your pet peeves: Don't get in my space and don't think that because I'm nive to you, I'm stupid.
    11. Something you're grateful for: My health, family, friends... and my good humour.
    12. What brought you to MFP: Looking for an app for my iPhone.
    13. What's your occupation? Illustrator, graphic designer, kid's tales writer...
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? **** the million dollars, I want to feel good!
    15. Who's your hero? My folks.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: One of my funniest too: I was drunk, saw a hunk, and on my way out of the bar, stopped in front of him, poked him in the chest with my index, carefully and said: " Just cheking you were real", and got out of the bar. A million years ago!.
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Alive, healthy, working still in children books, with a kid and a place with garden for my two terranova's.
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? I would take my god-daughters and their parents to have a good time.
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): No idea, cut the tags and I'm waiting to buy more.
    20. One of your best qualities: Optimist, positive and would do anything for my people.
  • leah660
    leah660 Posts: 15 Member
    1. What's your real name? Leah
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married to a wonderful man
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 44
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Pecan Pie
    5. Celebrity crush:
    6. What size would you like to be? 8
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Not being able to run with my grandchildren
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? Dogs; a golden retreiver and a rescued austrailian shepherd (blue merle)
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: rappeling
    10. One of your pet peeves: being late
    11. Something you're grateful for: wonderful husband, my 4 beatiful grandchildren
    12. What brought you to MFP: needed something to motivate me to keep on track.
    13. What's your occupation? 911
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? goal weight and stay there
    15. Who's your hero?
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: mmm I don't thinks so
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? staying at my goal weight so that I have the energy to keep up with grandkids
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? The fire store
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 36C
    20. One of your best qualities: personality
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    1. What's your real name?

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    Cookies, cake, doughnuts, chips

    5. Celebrity crush:
    Robert Downey Jr.

    6. What size would you like to be?
    I like the size I am now — finally!

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    Hated: Feeling uncomfortable overall

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?
    Two Shelties (or, as we like to call them, Shetland Americans)

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play:
    Running around playing with the dogs

    10. One of your pet peeves:
    People who block grocery store aisles with the carts and/or bodies

    11. Something you're grateful for:
    My husband

    12. What brought you to MFP:
    The food diary

    13. What's your occupation?
    Copy editor

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever, or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    Goal weight for sure. It feels too good to finally be here. I’m not giving this up for any amount of money!

    15. Who's your hero?
    My dad

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:
    I used to work in the communications department of a forest products company, and we had a huge PR event on Mount St. Helens one day. A very attractive forester invited me to sit with him while we were eating lunch, and we happened to be sitting on a very large tree stump. After lunch, I was headed back to work and was quite a ways away when he yelled, “It was nice meeting you.” I yelled back, for everyone to hear, “Thanks for letting me sit on your stump!”

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    Home, with my hubby, and with my kids all grown and happy

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):

    20. One of your best qualities:
    I’m pretty loyal and dependable
  • Tasha1476

    5. Celebrity crush: John Krasinski, Jared Padalecki, AND Joseph-Gordon Levitt... I can't pick just one :P

    aww I LOVE Joesph Gordon-Levitt!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    5. Celebrity crush:

    Nice :drinker: bottom's up w/ the mead!
  • monoxidechick
    1. What's your real name? Jen

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married for a little over a year!

    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 29, recently had my last celebration birthday

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Grilled cheese sandwich with ketchup

    5. Celebrity crush: Umm just a few members of some of my fav bands I guess: Sully Erna, Monoxidechild, Billy Joe Armstrong,

    6. What size would you like to be? an 8 would be great
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? pictures and shopping

    8. Pets? If so, what kind? Two crazy cats

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: bowling, bike riding, hiking, snowboarding

    10. One of your pet peeves: lazyness

    11. Something you're grateful for: My family, friends, and husband

    12. What brought you to MFP: Its time to do this for myself!!

    13. What's your occupation? Teacher

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Umm, I guess I would rather lose weight, I would spend that money too fast and then be back at the same spot

    15. Who's your hero? My grandma, my third grade teacher, Bob Burnquest, Jerry Seinfeld

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Ummm, there are lots of them, im always doing silly and clumsy stuff

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? still living in montana teaching my own class again, with a few kids of our own, and my husband owning a shop of his own.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Probably a sporting goods store so I could get new snowboard gear for me and my husband!! LOVE THE SNOW!!

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 36 C

    20. One of your best qualities: Hard working but also love to have fun!!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    1. What's your real name? Ashley
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 26
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Ice Cream
    5. Celebrity crush: Oh, this is embarassing. Taylor Lautner. Yes, I'm a cougar.
    6. What size would you like to be? 10
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Being the largest girl out of our group of friends.
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? One 4 year old Shiba Inu (dog)
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: I love to watch football. I don't really play sports because I am the most uncoordinated person ever. Though I do really like to golf.
    10. One of your pet peeves: People who ask the same questions over and over even after I've said I don't konw the answer.
    11. Something you're grateful for: My healthy, amazing, beautiful children and my loving supportive husband.
    12. What brought you to MFP: Thebump.com. Someone on there recommended it and I decided to check it out.
    13. What's your occupation? Stay at home mom, medical transcriptionist, courier dispatch. I do it all. :)
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever, or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? I'd rather be poor and healthy than rich and fat.
    15. Who's your hero? Wow. That's a toughie. I'm not sure I have one right now. I'd like to become my own hero.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Slipping on the ice in front of about 1/3 of my college campus and landing flat on my back.
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? I want to be a healthy mother of 3 and financially stable.
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Target.
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 42D
    20. One of your best qualities: I'm very loyal.
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    1. What's your real name? Stacy
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Relationship :)
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 23
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: CHEESE
    5. Celebrity crush: Liam Neeson
    6. What size would you like to be? 8
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? I'm slow. I thump when I move. And the rolls. The ROLLS!!!
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? One Yellow Dog :)
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Spud. Like from grade school? And volleyball.
    10. One of your pet peeves: People who think that everything bad only happens to THEM.
    11. Something you're grateful for: My family and friends...who are like my family
    12. What brought you to MFP: Being overweight? lol.
    13. What's your occupation? Receptionist
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? One million dollars o.o
    15. Who's your hero? Dont have one.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Word vomiting something really cruel
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Married, pregnant, successful
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? the Guess Store :D
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):38C. Kiss those puppies goodbye! They're the first thing to go when I lose weight :D
    20. One of your best qualities: I'm methodical. I think thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me :DD
  • holymolar
    1. What's your real name? - Christine

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? - Single

    3. How old are you (no cheating)? - 22 (23 in a month)

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: - Pizza :|

    5. Celebrity crush: - Jimmy Fallon, John Stamos, Kellan Lutz. (What, a girl can't have more than one?)

    6. What size would you like to be? - Honestly, anything smaller than what I currently am works for me.

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? - Lack of energy

    8. Pets? If so, what kind? - Cocker spaniel

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: - Tennis, more the part of hitting the ball, not the actual game.

    10. One of your pet peeves: - Chewing with mouth open

    11. Something you're grateful for: - MFP

    12. What brought you to MFP: - Found the app through Iphone.

    13. What's your occupation? Well, I'm unemployed at the moment, but I'm a dental assistant.

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? - be my goal weight for SURE.

    15. Who's your hero? - MFP people who manage to loose large amounts of weight and keep it OFF.

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: - too many to count.

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? - a healthy weight, living on my own, working in a field i love.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? -do I have to spend it? if not, i'd rather save it for new skinny clothing! woo! :)

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): - not really sure on the size, but i'm a small C.

    20. One of your best qualities: always on time. i have a thing about being late to appointments.
  • jessimacar
    I love these. Serious guilty pleasure.

    1. What's your real name? Jessica
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Somewhere in the midst of long-term, common-law, almost fiance.
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 22 (phew that was easy! :P)
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: pizza!
    5. Celebrity crush: gerard butler
    6. What size would you like to be? 120-130lbs (I don't know what size I'd be..)
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Chafing!
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? My fur baby :) A collie-mix named Weston.
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: rugby, but haven't played in years.
    10. One of your pet peeves: serious spelling and grammar errors, especially when i make them!!
    11. Something you're grateful for: my boyfriend.
    12. What brought you to MFP: me! i was looking for a calorie counter, and found out this place rocks!
    13. What's your occupation? recent grad working p/t at a local deli.
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? my goal.
    15. Who's your hero? i don't know.. the biggest losers. Lol.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: i don't get embarassed easily, so i don't know.
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? married, with a couple kids, living in the uk (which is not here atm)
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Victoria's Secret. :)
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 38E ..at least.
    20. One of your best qualities: I'm honest.
  • kyasarin381
    1. What's your real name?
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?
    3. How old are you (no cheating)?
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    5. Celebrity crush:
    6. What size would you like to be?
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    8. Pets? If so, what kind?
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play:
    10. One of your pet peeves:
    11. Something you're grateful for:
    12. What brought you to MFP:
    13. What's your occupation?
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    15. Who's your hero?
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):
    20. One of your best qualities:
  • MrsMills712
    1. What's your real name?
    * Laura

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?
    * Married

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?
    * 25

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    * Doughnuts

    5. Celebrity crush:
    * Ben Affleck, Channing Tatum, Keith Urban... all for different reasons.

    6. What size would you like to be?
    * 125 lbs.

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    * Not feeling comfortable in clothing / always adjusting and layering to hide flab.

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?
    * I wish I could own a giraffe, lol

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play:
    * Bowling is about as close to a sport as I get. I lack coordination for much else :)

    10. One of your pet peeves:
    * Two faced people.

    11. Something you're grateful for:
    * Having grandparents and parents who were/are wonderful role models & supporters.

    12. What brought you to MFP:
    * I kept seeing updates on my friend's facebook.

    13. What's your occupation?
    * Cake Decorator

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    * Get to my goal weight. I don't have a million bucks now, and I'm still happy.

    15. Who's your hero?
    * My grandpa.

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:
    * I can't think of anything. It takes a lot to embarrass me.

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    * Still happily married with at least a kid, hopefully two. Working a job within my degree.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?
    * Some big store like Target or Wal-Mart.

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):
    * 36C

    20. One of your best qualities:
    * My positive attitude.
  • mrsltobe
    1. What's your real name? Katie
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Engaged!!!
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 24
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Pizza!!!
    5. Celebrity crush: Nicholas Cage/Hugh Laurie
    6. What size would you like to be? 10..
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? My muffin top and cellulite.. ewww!
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? 3 cats - nicholas, stephanie and lloyd
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: I like a bit of badminton
    10. One of your pet peeves: Liars, two faced people, arrogance...
    11. Something you're grateful for: My health, my family and my fiance
    12. What brought you to MFP: I can't fit into any of my clothes!
    13. What's your occupation? Teacher
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Goal weight forever!
    15. Who's your hero? My grandad
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Too many to name! I'm always embarrassing myself!
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Married, 4 kids, lovely figure, happy and still teaching and travelling
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Thomas Cook!!
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 36B
    20. One of your best qualities: I'm friendly and always laughing/smiling!
  • Beach_Chica
    1. What's your real name?

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    -Mashed potatoes.

    5. Celebrity crush:
    -I don't really have one, but it used to be Chad Michael Murray and Freddie Prinze Jr.

    6. What size would you like to be?
    -I'd love to be in the single digits.

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    -I feel misjudged.

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play:
    -Basketball is one I really enjoy playing.

    10. One of your pet peeves:
    -Bad drviers.

    11. Something you're grateful for:
    -True friends. :]

    12. What brought you to MFP:
    -I don't remember where I heard about this site, but maybe Google did.

    13. What's your occupation?
    -Substitute teacher.

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever, or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    -I want to reach my goal weight. Money cannot buy me happiness, but I will have something to be proud of myself once this weight is history.

    15. Who's your hero?
    -I am very grateful for all the soldiers. I have some friends who have fought in battle and I am ever amazed at how willing people are to protect our freedom.

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:
    -Hmm. That's a toughy. An embarrassing moment was when I was asked to pee in a cup [I was 8 or 9], I peed all over my clothes.

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    -I want to be married, have a family, have the teaching job I've longed for, and just being happy with myself.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?
    -Old Navy! :]

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):
    -I'm a B cup. Depending on how the bras are made and where I buy them, the numbers fluctuate.

    20. One of your best qualities:
    -I'm true to my word.