

  • Congratulations! You look great!
  • Welcome! I have found that if I consistently log in, track calories, track exercise, and read through the posts daily it helps keep me on track and thinking about healthy eating/living. Staying fit is NOT an easy thing; it's hard work everyday. That is why finding what works best for you daily is the key. Good luck! :happy:
  • If you like country, Eric Church's "Smoke a Little Smoke" is a great one!
  • thanks for the info....I'll give that a shot and see how the week goes! :happy:
  • I do log my daily calories and exercise.....I do try to eat my exercise calories, some days I'm under 1,200 but I'd say overall I'm doing pretty good about 1,200 calories daily.
  • That's a great question. I do strength training twice a week right now and have been entering it into my exercise as well. Interested to know myself.......
  • I can totally understand where you're coming from. I think I've yo yo'd pretty much all of my adult life and I've come to the conclusion that my issues aren't necessarily with my ability to lose weight, more so my issues within my soul, mind, spirits and what my mood is for the day. I received a book for Christmas that I…
  • How about a crockpot white chicken chili? I made it over the weekend and it was pretty good. Chicken Breasts 2 cans great northern beans 1 can white hominy 1 can chicken broth (use reduced fat) 1 can cream of chicken soup (use reduced fat) 1 can green chilis Optional: green onions reduced fat shredded mozzarella Boil the…
  • Congratulations! You look amazing and the pictures don't've done well. keep up the good work!
  • Thanks for putting yourself out there and explaining your thoughts and feelings. I did almost the exact same thing last night and am feeling horrible for it today. The fact that you haven't binged in 6 months is an accomplishment though. Don't forget what you HAVE accomplished. Today is a new day, get yourself back on…