Strength Training Calories Burned

I like to do strength training ex. 10 min traeadmill and 8 to 10 different upperbody or lower body workouts (different days) within a 50min period. I entered the strenght training in the MFP but there are no burned calories calculated. I burned a lot of calories when doing these exercise because the sweat is on. Do I need to be concerned about burned calories when doing strength workouts or just keep my focus of the cardio calories burned.


  • carrollaj34
    That's a great question. I do strength training twice a week right now and have been entering it into my exercise as well. Interested to know myself.......
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    search "strength training" in the cardio section for an estimate of calories burned lifting weights
  • umwayes74
    I agree with you about this. I wish there was a way to calculate the calories burned during a strength training workout as well. In addition to my daily cardio of 35-40 minutes, I also do one muscle group per day on my Bowflex trainer. For example I will do 10 sets of 12-15 repetitions. I wish there was a way to calculate the calories burned while doing these exercises as well.
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor that counts calories, it would probably be more accurate than the counter on here.:smile: