Good Luck :) You are well prepared and from experience that counts heaps. Keep us informed.
Interesting and another nail in Conventional Wisdom but hardly 'new insights' as the Study title says.
Lot of wisdom in having a cheat day/meal.
Deep Nurtrition: Why your genes need traditional food. Catherine Shanahan, MD Food Rules ; A doctor's guide to healthy living. Catherine Shanahan, MD
Any tips? What benefits did you see? I have been making broth and also adding a desert spoon of gelatine to my food for the past two years. I no longer am plagued by tendonitis, my knees are stronger and I can now walk up steps normally. Also my finger nails are much stronger. Dr Cate Shanahan's books 'Deep Nutrition' &…
Try ginger and sparling mineral water. What you do is grate a knob or two of ginger then steep it in boiling water. When it cools you can add some of it (to taste) to a cup of sparkling mineral water.
Fantastic, keep it up.
Mark Sisson says that Primal is not a religion and he suggests that many people do well on an 80:20 ratio. That is eat primal 80% of the time. This allows for so called "cheats" which make life more colourful. After all eating is not a religion. Dairy cream is actually considered OK if you tolerate diary. There is a wealth…
I look at binge eating as the feast part of 'feast or famine' and thus I don't beat myself up about it. Having said that, I do try to feast on paleo/primal foods of which I include dark chocolate. Sometimes I feast on SAD food, which I find very sad. What I have found is that when my weight loss has stalled and I binge…
Here a a few references that helped me get over my fat phobia brenbrenm. Learning, Your Memory and Cholesterol: The Cholestoerol Myth that is Harming Your Health: What Causes Elevated LDL Particle Number?:…
Giblet Gravy: www.siimplyrecipes,com/recipes/giblet_gravy Substitute the flour with manoic. Paleos would rather give the muscle meat to the dogs and eat the innards themselves. The chicken feet make a great, gelatanous broth. I have read that liver is natures, natural vitamin pill.
Thanks, loved it. Great laugh.
Look at the party as the feast part of 'feast or famine'. It is in keeping with Paleo principles and you may find that you have retained water which will quickly go.
I am losing weight oh so slowly; 1/2kg per month (about 1lb) so I am trying fat fasting. I basically have a tablespoon of oil (coconut or olive) for breakfast and again for lunch and maybe a few nuts, then I eat a normal, primal dinner. I did this twice per week and it worked; I lost 1, 1/2kgm last month but then went on…
Paleo is freedom from counting. I only log my food when I plateau.
This is what Paleo's about, getting healthy.
Have a look at this site,,
I watch U Tube videos on primal living. Especially Dr Lustig, The Bitter Truth, it scares me into compliance each time. Good luck.
I guess the lawyer lady may be looking after legal and ethical matters. Anyhow I think it is a move in the right direction, as long as they remain open minded and are aware of their biases. I often feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall when I try to explain the philsophy behing Paleo/Primal. I now reply by…
Just mindbogling.
From what I have read in the Paleo Solution and Primal Body, Primal Mind, what you say is true. Dr. Lustig explains sugar cravings on his video "Sugar- The bitter Trruth". Long winded but worth a look.
I'd like some paleo friends, Been on this site for a week now and am finding I need some friends as the general posts are just too confusing.
Me too.
Congratulations vytamindi, looks like you have conquered your sugar addiction!!!:happy:
PALEO ROCKS My big moment was having a slice of luscious looking birthday cake and thinking "This tastes just dreadful".
Watch Dr Lustig's utube video on "Sugar: The Bitter Truth". It scared me big time to give up a 64 year addiction to sugar. You also may think of getting your energy from fat rather than sugar. Good luck.
If your carbs are below 100 then I would think it was time to see a professional Paleo nutritionist. Its the carbs not the calories that we Paleo/Primal people need to track.
Same here.
Sounds yummy. Thanks for that recipe.