

  • I'd agree with him !
  • Try a low cal hot choc drink and top with a tblsp of spray cream ...sprinkle on top the cream a light dusting of cocoa or cinnamon...and a delicious chocolate fix for very few calories! Try it...
  • Hi, well I think this story will resonate with many people on this site. Certainly with me. Thanks for sharing. Think there is a lot to be said for that old communication model of "Who, Says What, To Whom, With What Effect"...sometimes the comments I received from others in the past regarding my weight issues has sent me…
  • Don't let anything stand in your way of losing weight if you need to. I'm over 50 but I think Age is but a number. I, too have heard the scare stories about the menopause/hormonal difference/ slower metabolic rate reduces your ability to be able to lose weight in this age group, but frankly, I have never seen or heard of…
  • Strangely enough, I had already had this light-bulb moment myself and worked out that just losing 1lb a week I could lose a staggering 52lbs easily in a year...well, theoretically speaking anyway. I have tried lots of different diets in the past and frankly am just fed up now following specific fad diets, being told what…
  • Now what I want to know is...Did you eat it? and if so, what happened????