Anyone here over 50?



  • supermoo2
    Yep, I'm 53 - it is more difficult, but if you stick to good eating habits, and make sure you move more - even just walking everywhere instead of taking the car if possible, and using the stairs instead of the lift, it can be done. Walk up and down escalators as well, it can be done.

    I have lost 24 kilos (about 52 lbs) in 11 months just by doing the above, and I didn't deprive myself of any food either, just kept the portions size down, and when I had a treat, it was just a very small amount.
  • MDGirlLovesFood
    MDGirlLovesFood Posts: 24 Member
    50 something and counting... I'd like to keep it that way, which brings me here today. Time to make healthy lifestyle changes. Who's with me?
  • JJaynes51
    Hi, I'm 51 and yes it is more difficult to lose weight. What worked for me 10 years ago, is not working now. I have decided that I am going to stick to good eating habits and regulary work out and hopefully the weight will start to come off. I know it will be slow, but they say that is the best way to lose. Good Luck.
  • pidnit
    pidnit Posts: 11
    I am 55 and have just come back to myfitnesspal after a long absence. And, yes, I think it is harder to lose as we age. I need to shed about 100 pounds and I know it did not all go on in one day and it is all not going to come off in one day. I have had two knee replacements in the last three years after ten years of pain and inactivity. Now I need to get going. A little every day. Keep your eye on your goal and if you have a lapse, don't beat yourself up.
  • cj1960
    cj1960 Posts: 1
    At 52 nearing 53 have just joined MFP, over the past few years have found it incredibly hard to lose even a 1lb, - I think know what my problem is - no exercise - work day 6.15am to 7.15pm - sitting at a desk all day, not really in the mood to go out in the
    evening and weekends always seem to be busy doing something! I need to get in the habit of a walk around the block i think.
    I am hoping by counting the calories it may be easier (hopefully) than 'a diet'.
  • Mausie3214
    I am 59 and new to the site and have been finding it very hard to loose weight we get older we become a little complacent with our bodies and our health ...we think because it is harder that it is to hard ...well that me at least good luck with your new lifestyle plan as that is what I am on ...I chose not to call it a diet but a lifestyle plan so it doesn't sound to daunting
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    sounds like it is all attitude to me. If you buy into that you're older and will never be as thin as you were at some younger won't. With age comes getting plain ole tired ...and it is easy to give yourself excuses to not try any longer. I think as one ages they move less...are less active..and have more built up toxins in their systems as well as have gained five to ten pounds a decade so they have more to lose. So it takes some thought ..but don't blame it all on age.
  • e2b130
    e2b130 Posts: 3
    51 and looking at another b-day tomorrow :) ! I think it's harder for me because now I have body parts that are not as forgiving as they used to be-- I walk but I used to be a lot more active. It doesn't help that I have a desk job either-
  • mfell1005
    I'm 54, 55 in February and it is much harder. How much are you wanting to loose this year?
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    I am fairly new to this web site but have been slowly losing over the last few years. My metabolism has slowed down, but like others have said, it is definitely possible to lose weight. I am 53 and have about 15 pounds to lose, and joined this site since it seemed like I was at a standstill for losing those last few pounds. I have slowly started to lose again with a little focus, and the healthy perspective of other MFP members. Good luck. Send me a friend request if you want to add me.
  • Sirref0275
    Sirref0275 Posts: 31 Member
    Just turned 51 in december it can be challenging! but it's worth the work.
    Steve Ferris
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    I'm brand new to the site and over 50 (54).....need to get healthier and gain energy and I think the way to do that is to lose about 40 lbs.

    I'm planning on eating better, no junk food (not even chocolate!) and excercising more. My daughter is a fitness queen so I have her to help me and for inspiration!
  • CheriePTC
    CheriePTC Posts: 5 Member
    I just joined the site today. I'm 52 and I lost 50 pounds at the beginning of 2012 and by New Years Eve put it all back on, arghhhhhh! I absolutely think it's harder to loose weight as you get older. Everything is sagging or lagging, need a jump start to feel like a human again.
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    I am 63 and don't know if it is harder to lose or not when one is older. I never really tried to do so before now. I quit smoking 4/2, began working out for the first time in my life on 4/9 and joined MFP on 12/6.

    I do know that if I stick with the program of regular exercise coupled with a reasonable diet (Hate that word) without unreasonable deprivation, I will achieve my goals. Good luck with your journey!
  • susankaney
    susankaney Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 58 going on 59 as well. Yes. It much harder to lose weight than it was when I was younger. For us older ladies, losing and then keeping it off means an entire lifetime change of food habits. I've a,ways been able to lose the weight, the trouble I have is being able to maintain the loss.
  • e2b130
    e2b130 Posts: 3
    40 poundsis a goal---but I don't want to concentrate on the goal number---it always seem so far away. I like working towards the 0's and 5's ---160 to 155 to 150 to 145 :tongue:
  • Irenedavis
    Don't let anything stand in your way of losing weight if you need to. I'm over 50 but I think Age is but a number. I, too have heard the scare stories about the menopause/hormonal difference/ slower metabolic rate reduces your ability to be able to lose weight in this age group, but frankly, I have never seen or heard of any scientific study/evidence that proves this theory. Have you? Until that day dawns I am inclined to believe that this theory is merely a myth put about by someone who was looking for an excuse for their weight loss failure...and is also latched onto as a good excuse to hide behind by those in this age bracket who know they should be losing weight ... in order to justify why they aren't! Well, if losing weight is seemingly out of their control due to their age and their hormones or their metabolic rate, then they don't have to take any responsibility for any weight loss failure do they? I am sure it even offers others a clear conscience regarding any reluctance to do anything constructive about their weight problem.

    Ignore it. Do what you know you need to do to lose weight healthily..and stick at it. No doubt we will all fall off the band wagon at some stage on our weight loss journey - and if that happens to you as well - just pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back to it.

    You can do it. I am sure!

    Let me know how it goes. I tried to join the lose 1lb week challenge group I saw on here last night, but blowed if I can find it today...any ideas?

  • susanp15
    susanp15 Posts: 25 Member
    SUSANSIZZY Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Charlene and Everyone Else:

    I'm 53, and yes it is harder to lose the weight. I am plugging along at a "normal and safe" rate of weight loss though. I average 2 lbs. per week, which should be easier to maintain in the end. As long as I'm losing those 2 lbs I figure I'm doing good. Statistics show that if you lose at a slower rate you have a better chance of keeping those pounds off. You just have to have patience, committment, and determination! I have 85 to 90 additional pounds to lose and I hope to have lost them by the end of 2013. That is my goal. Keep logging your food intake, EVERYTHING. Logging will keep you on track, even if you go over your calories. Good Luck.
  • elizabethkaffitz
    Hi, I'm Bette, and I'm 69. I just started today and blew too many carbs & cals on 2 cans of Coke. I'm under my 1200 cals, so I'm going to go over with a stalk of celery with 1/2 T of peanut butter. Exercise aggrivates my fibromyalgia. If I can make it this year anyone can. Good Luck to all of us newbees! Tomorrow I'll only have 1 Coke and more fats and protein. :smile: