qlk77 Member


  • Hard boiled eggs Tuna salad I made a yummy chicken salad from leftover poached breast: from smitten kitchen website and has walnuts and cranberries in it! Sliced turkey (deli) Bean burritos on weight watchers tortillas
  • How's everyone doing? I just did L1D5 today. I can't stand her voice anymore and now that I know the routine well for L1, I just leave music on. I still haven't improved for push ups - I'm finding them impossible! Probably going to need to take 3 days off this week as I'm going away for a girls weekend on Sat but will get…
  • I would consider looking into a boxing video. It would give you cardio and strengthen your upperbody but no stress on lower (hence why I don't recommend kickboxing). Maybe see if you can find some freebies online to start? I like Jillian's No more Trouble Zones (more strength than 30DS) and you can just modify lower body…
  • Adore this show and just caught an episode today. They had 12 oz. burgers at a place in East NY and even Guy said he could only eat half a burger, no way could he finish the whole thing. It was MASSIVE. I think I could do it but then I looooove burgers.
  • 9 years - LOL!!!!! I had practically no solo pictures since my travel days, all of mine are with kids now. Plus, it's what I aspire to look like again ;)
  • I just did L1D2. Feel free to add me anyone :) I'm not doing every day for 30 days as it's just not manageable with my 2 kids at home with me but I will try for 5 days a week. I suck at push ups and they're on my knees! Are people supplementing with other workouts as well?
  • Are you wearing a monitor because 357 calories seems super high for the workout. I think most people burn under 200 in that time FYI. I'd eat something but not eat back all the calories. I ate a couple of turkey slices and a yogourt for protein today afetr finishing L1D2 for example. check this out for calories burned:…
  • I dont really have an answer as I'm shredding as well and just started but I think if you CAN, then 2-3 extra cardio workouts a week wouldn't hurt. I don't have time beyond the 25 min shred workouts because of my 2 young kids but I will try and fit in c25k when I can too.
    in 30DS alone? Comment by qlk77 April 2013
  • Hi. My 1st post ever! I love reading but never seem to post on here. I'm 5"3 and 145 lbs. I was 159 in Aug so I lost about 14 in 3 months, then stalled completely since November as I stopped tracking and I have a sore knee that hasn't improved with physio so exercise has been lacking. My goal is the 130s and from there who…