Looking for girls 5'3-5'4 that weight 150-160



  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 165, with a goal weight somewhere around 140. Anyone in this thread, feel free to add me!
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'4" 159#, started in high 160s. Anyone feel free to add me that doesn't starve themselves ;0)

    I do Zumba, any group fitness really, spinning and will restart stronglifts 5x5 when my shoulder recovers.
  • estey89
    estey89 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 23, 163 lbs, lost 4 lbs this month! I'm also doing the 30day shred, finished day 4! Looking to be 140 max. I took before pics and measurements :)
  • eimsg
    eimsg Posts: 19
    I'm 5'3". Lost weight before but put more than 20 pounds back on. Lowest was 140, currently fluctuating around 164 (and plateauing hard for the last few months). Would like to get back to 140 and possibly get under once I get that far. Feel free to add me too.
  • MarthaNina
    MarthaNina Posts: 10 Member
    I did really well on MPF, i lost 2 stone but have just put half of it back on!!!! ARGGGG
    And im going on holiday and want to feel confident but nothing looks good anymore... Im a bit taller at 5"6 but i weigh 155 lb :S I need to loose like 20lbs and am struggling to find any motivation at all....

    ... any help welcome!?

    Thanks x
  • SquashedBanana
    SquashedBanana Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and when I first joined MFP (over a year ago) I was just over 160. I was at my heaviest weight, which was 162.5. Eep! By last fall, I'd gotten down to 136, then I met a new boyfriend and got lazy. Whoops! As of last week I was 139 (so glad I'm only up a few pounds!) and I'm trying to lost the last 15ish pounds I originally set out to lose. Would love to have some new friends on here who are similar height with similar start weights!!! Add me!!!
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    I'm 5'3". Lost weight before but put more than 20 pounds back on. Lowest was 140, currently fluctuating around 164 (and plateauing hard for the last few months). Would like to get back to 140 and possibly get under once I get that far. Feel free to add me too.

    This sounds exactley like me :-) was doing amazing then completely let myself slack and was far from consistant and gained 20 back which is insane! Now ive been losing and gaining the same 5-6 pounds and im sick of it! So now im 165 and so excited to be out of the 160s for good! Sick of it here! I miss the way i felt in the 140s and cant wait to get to the 30s and maybe 20s...we shall see! No more letting go! :-)
  • mcva929
    mcva929 Posts: 73 Member
    Its hard to relate to people who are way bigger than me who don't understand that you actually need to go below 1700 calories to lose weight at our weight!

    Amen! Our school offers a weight management program for students, and the lady kept telling me to eat like 1800-2000 calories a day, even when I told her "I've done this before on my own and lost weight at 1400". Nooooo that can't be possible! Well, when you're short, sometimes you can get away with fewer calories. Just saying.
  • I'm right there! I'm 5'4.5" and 155--I would really like to be at 135. I'm not sure this is going to be possible for me. I've struggled with this for over a year. I eat pretty well (I'm begining to think I've not been eating enough) and exercise regularly and CAN NOT lose! I was 105-110 for my entire life until about five years ago. I had some serious life changes (all for the better): left a stressful marriage, left my second job, changed my primary job from a busy walking, standing working 60 hours a week to a very sedentary job, and am the happiest I've ever been---except my weight!!

    I think I'm a good bit older than most of you, I'll be 45 soon. Everyone tells me "you're just not young anymore and you look fine for your age" I want to look great for my age and be a few sizes smaller. Alot of women at my age are heavier and just don't get it!

    I've been on and off MFP for a long time. I'm back and plan to go into the next two weeks with a renewed commitment to diet and exercise.
  • qlk77
    qlk77 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. My 1st post ever! I love reading but never seem to post on here.
    I'm 5"3 and 145 lbs. I was 159 in Aug so I lost about 14 in 3 months, then stalled completely since November as I stopped tracking and I have a sore knee that hasn't improved with physio so exercise has been lacking. My goal is the 130s and from there who knows? I'd love to see myself at 130 as I haven't been there in 8-10 years but I also loooove food and cook 7 days a week and am a stay at home Mom so food is always within reach for me.
    I just started shredding and will continue if the knee holds up. I'm also trying the c25k and have done 1 run so far but it's been pouring and even snowing here this week so I'm waiting for warmer temps to get into this.

    In regards to calories, MFP would have me around 1200-1300 to lose 1 pound a week but that just doesn't work for me so I used TDEE minus 20% to get to 1559 calories which is comfortable. Here's the site if anyone wants to calculate a different way and customize goals:

  • clareiow
    clareiow Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5ft 3 and 155 currently. Would love to lose 20lbs, that would bring me to my happy place!!

    What is everyone here eating calorifically? I've just upped mine from 1200 to 1500 as I've stalled...I've no idea of its working as its only been 2 days!

    Good luck to all, in a way it might be good to have a group for us lot, for support and advice etc?
  • i am 5'3.5 an currently weigh 163.5.. want to get down to 140 but my ultimate goal would be 125
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm 5'4" (165cm) and currently weigh about 158 lbs (72 kg) - looking to lose another 22lbs/10kg or so. Always had hormone trouble, finally able to lose now it's sorted out!
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    I too love reading from MFP, but have never gotten involved...1st time poster! I've tried MFP in the past, but usually stop recording food when I eat beyond my set food goals for a number of days, get lazy with keeping track, or get busy with life. I've come to the realization that I usually stay more consistent for weight loss goals, when I have a community to keep me accountable, have similar goals, and that are like minded! I am hoping to make some friends here so that we can help each other stay on track:)

    I'm 5'3" and 43yrs, soon to be 44 mother of two teenagers. My weight has always fluctuated throughout the last 20 yrs, although I've noticed that it's been harder to lose the flub these last few years. I weigh 162lbs and would like to lose 40lbs or so, but realistically would probable be more happier at 30ish lbs. I'm gonna try to do the TDEE-20% method and see how that works for me, as well as trying to get 3-5 days of walking, jogging or riding my bike. For now, I just want to concentrate on keeping up with my daily food log, stay below my TDEE if not at my TDEE-20%, and keep up with my exercise.

    Although, there are are many reasons why I want to lose the weight, the main reason is because It just makes me feel better.
  • tra428
    tra428 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm 5'2 or 5'3 and just discovered today that I'm 160 lbs. I'm kinda having a break down about it, because last year only I'd made it to 125 lbs with Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal and Jillian's Michael's...then I moved, got married, started grad school and got a German Shepherd and boom. I gained 35 lbs in one year. I have stretch marks...and apparently am extremely delusional because even though I did my measurements last week when I started tracking again, I put my starting weight at 140 lbs. I just can't believe I was so off. I've never been heavier than 135 lbs in my life, and I've weighed that from pretty much age 14 till recently. I really need some motivation, but more importantly a reminder to not get all extreme and do some stupid crash diet that just makes this worse. Sorry for the ramble.
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 5'5 and weight 151, and I'm down almost 20lbs from my starting weight and have about 20 more to go - yay halfway! I just started working out and started with TDEE-20%, so I'm expecting to gain a few lbs as my body figures things out again, but hopefully I'll be down another 10-15lbs by mid July :) Good luck everybody!
  • cbkb1234
    cbkb1234 Posts: 94 Member
    HELLO! I'm 5'3 and I am 153lbs and looking to lose 20lbs more!!! add me if you'd like!!!
  • FightingMongeese
    FightingMongeese Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'4" and at 155 as of this morning. I started eating back my exercise calories and C25k last week, and have lost three pounds! Before, on 1200 cal a day, I never had the energy or resolve to both diet and exercise. Now, as long as I watch the junk, I've got enough calories to keep me fueled for workouts. Hopefully we can keep this thread going with all our progress! Good luck, ladies.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I was at 168 but now I am at 139! 5'4
  • jay10587
    jay10587 Posts: 57 Member
    I am 5'5 and weigh anywhere from 145-150.

    My ultimate goal weight would be 135-138 range but I have been stuck at this weight for 2+months now