Just finished 30 Day Shred day 1 !

What a crazy work out, but I'm pretty happy with the way I got through it! I didn't stop until the end for like 2 seconds when there where the bicycle crunches, but I said in my head " no no no you're not giving up on me now, not at the end!!!!!!" And to he'll with the my neck is sore, etc, I pushed through it for those last 5 countdown bicycle crunches and man oh man I did it !!!!! Finished day 1!

MY QUESTION IS - I had a 220 calorie-ish breakfast, now, after Jillian's 30DS workout, I have burned 357 calories, a lot over what I had for breakfast. I'm not hungry yet as I did the workout 30 minutes after breakfast and drank quiet a bit of water, what do you guys suggest eating now or when I start feeling a bit peckish again? Must I eat back those 357 calories?! I dno if I can! Cus I'm thinking my calorie intake so far for today is pretty much 0, please correct me if I'm wrong, still learning the ropes !


  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    I love the 30 day shred,and it really works,just before my holidays last year I lost 13lbs in the 30 days straight no rest days, I'm always hungry after my workout so I normally split my breakfast in two and have my porridge before a nd my fruit after,,as for you eating back calories I just don't know, I having the same problem myself at the minute,,not going to eat back any calories this week and then see what the scales tell me,, but any way WELL DONE and congrats on finishing day 1
  • qlk77
    qlk77 Posts: 9 Member
    Are you wearing a monitor because 357 calories seems super high for the workout. I think most people burn under 200 in that time FYI.

    I'd eat something but not eat back all the calories. I ate a couple of turkey slices and a yogourt for protein today afetr finishing L1D2 for example.

    check this out for calories burned: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/689389-30-day-shred-calories-burned-in-level-1