Looking for lunch and snack ideas

I'm looking for some yummy snack and lunch ideas that I can take to my office with me. I feel like I take and eat the same thing and I'm getting bored.
I'm trying to make up a good grocery list and need some ideas. Anyone want to share their diaries with me so I can get some good ideas?



  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Tuna Pasta - Tuna, sweetcorn, peppers, Light mayo (or salad cream) and Pasta is a good one. Sometimes i add kidney beans too.
    Very filling & tasty!
  • bea_ong
    bea_ong Posts: 2
    banana and peanut butter :smile:
  • sunshine5512
    sunshine5512 Posts: 39 Member

    Anyone else have any ideas?
  • MeganG12345
    MeganG12345 Posts: 66 Member
    I usually try to go with fresh fruit, especially now that spring is here.

    Right now I have a big bag of clementines that I'm working my way through.

    I also like carrot sticks with hummus.

    I usually keep a fiber one brownie in my purse in case I ever get hungry on the go. I find them to be pretty filling for a snack.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Lean ground meat (beef, chicken, turkey)
    Tomato Sauce Cucina Antica Sauce is a low calorie/sodium choice) or crushed tomatoes and Italian spices or even Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce -- Also works with Taco Seasoning (can make taco seasoning with just Garlic Powder, Chili Powder, and Onion)
    1/3 cup of Wheat pasta per serving
    Mirepoix mixed vegetables Cajun (onion, celery, green peppers) or your choice of veggies

    Steak Berry Salad:
    8oz Ribeye (or choice of steak)
    Mixed Green Vegetables (salad) + whatever veggies you like, celery, tomatoes, carrots, etc.
    Mixed Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.)

    Lean Hamburgers on
    Sara Lee 45 & Delightful Whole Wheat Bread
  • RunReadEat
    RunReadEat Posts: 37 Member
    For snacks, sliced apples with sunflower butter or hummus, homemade granola with almond milk.
  • qlk77
    qlk77 Posts: 9 Member
    Hard boiled eggs
    Tuna salad
    I made a yummy chicken salad from leftover poached breast: from smitten kitchen website and has walnuts and cranberries in it!
    Sliced turkey (deli)
    Bean burritos on weight watchers tortillas
  • Suffer4beauty
    Suffer4beauty Posts: 44 Member
    Orowheat pocket thins Italian Herb bread (100 calories)
    Foster Farms southwestern chicken breast strips 1.5 ounces - dice them up small and mix with some Dijon mustard (about 70 calories with the mustard)
    Dice some tomato and shred some lettuce (I just use scissors to snip the lettuce to small pieces). About 40 calories. Mix with the dice chicken, then use a spoon to shovel it into the pocket thin. GREAT tasting.
    Have a side of asparagus or brussel sprouts or banana squash (I love all of these roasted - put coat them with a dash of olive oil, add some garlic paste and mix, and some Trader Joe's brand of Balsamic vinegar (it is very sweet) and then roast for 15 to 40 minutes depending on how carmalized you want the veggies).
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I eat 3 snacks a day while I work. I usually go for 2 fruit and one yogurt. My 4th snack is a night and usually a sweet one.

    I do 4oz of either pineapple and strawberries ( you can cut them up and put them in containers for the whole week so they are ready to go), usually a big apple, and either dannon light and fit yogurts for 80 calories as they come in yummy flavor assortments or chobani bites for 100 calories.

    Popcorn is always good as it takes a while to eat and kills time. I also added pop-chips this week.
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    I eat various things including some or all of these:
    hard boiled egg
    weight watchers smoked mozerlla string cheese (50 cals)
    Fage plain greek yogurt (to which I add ground flax seed and fresh berries)
    hummus with grape tomatoes, celery, bell peppers (yellow red and orage) and carrots
    banana w/ 1-1.5 Tbsp peanut butter
    leftovers from dinner the night before (stir fry, lentils, etc)
    spinach salad w/ whatever veggies are on hand and low cal kefir based dressing

    The yogurt is 26g protein per 8oz, the cheese has 6g protein, the egg has 6g protein and the veggies and hummus all have like 1-2g protein, so all of that helps keep me full so this kind of lunch works for me. Plus the veggies have lots of fiber and volume for a small amount of cals, which also helps. The banana and PB add up the calories so I don't have that every day but it's delicious and gets you good healthy fats and protein which keeps you full!
  • sunshine5512
    sunshine5512 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you guys very much. That helped me get a good list started!

    Much appreciated!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    My sister, who is still a commuting/cubicle prisoner, has started taking homemade soups she makes on the weekends.
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    Deli sliced turkey breast or roast beef, a few slices with chopped tomato on it, with 1 TBSP salad dressing or mayo. A sandwich without the bread -- love it.
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    Oh and another one is chicken salad. I get chicken in those pouches like tuna salad and mix it w/ greek yogurt and then whatever I'm feeling - sliced almonds, diced onions and celery, garlic powder, black pepper, onion powder, curry powder once, etc. Then I eat it at work for lunch by scooping it up w/ celery sticks! Lots of protein punch for the cals :smile:
  • One of my favorite snacks is a sliced Roma Tomato piled with a slices of string cheese. I sprinkle just a tad of sea salt, and a whole bunch of pepper. It's really good!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Anything I make for dinner I'll try and make enough for lunch the next day, or at least whatever I'd eat for dinner I'd eat for lunch.

    A lot of snacks I eat are fresh fruit, coconut chips (unsweetened coconut chips that have no sugar, you can add cinnamon and a bit of salt and dry them out in the oven to make them crispy - http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2011/06/13/carmelized-coconut-chips/), turkey bacon (add cracked pepper when cooking and it ees delicious), low sugar yogurt (still on the search for one I really like), a pickle, hard boiled egg, a small serving of nuts (mmm pistachios), homemade applesauce, mix it up!
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    Lunch has always been my enemy. I hate most sandwiches and salads... and soup everyday just gets old eventually. I had an "aha moment" when I realized I don't have to eat a normal lunch. I now just snack on a bunch of different things and that is my lunch.

    Those things are: yogurt (Mediterranean coconut is amazing), boiled eggs, bananas, chick peas, almonds (habanero flavored...mm.mm..), string cheese, apples, oranges, grapes, cherries, laughing cow cheese, whole grain crackers, left over veggies from the night before, fig newtons, apple sauce, trail mix, and Special K cereal.

    When I want something more filling, I like banana/peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread. There are some whole grain ramen noodles in the organic section of my grocery store that are pretty good. Trader Joes has some amazing frozen thai food dishes. I got into a lean cuisine kick for awhile, especially their tortilla encrusted fish.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Lunch has always been my enemy. I hate most sandwiches and salads... and soup everyday just gets old eventually. I had an "aha moment" when I realized I don't have to eat a normal lunch. I now just snack on a bunch of different things and that is my lunch.

    Those things are: yogurt (Mediterranean coconut is amazing), boiled eggs, bananas, chick peas, almonds (habanero flavored...mm.mm..), string cheese, apples, oranges, grapes, cherries, laughing cow cheese, whole grain crackers, left over veggies from the night before, fig newtons, apple sauce, trail mix, and Special K cereal.

    When I want something more filling, I like banana/peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread. There are some whole grain ramen noodles in the organic section of my grocery store that are pretty good. Trader Joes has some amazing frozen thai food dishes. I got into a lean cuisine kick for awhile, especially their tortilla encrusted fish.

    The best dieting snacks are the ones who offer the most satiation for the calories they give you

    i wouldnt buy any stupid cereal bar

    Casein shake(not whey) it provides more filling than whey
    Kiwi with the skin still on it
    FULL ORANGE, not juice
    baked potatoe sweet or white