sfrohardt5 Member


  • I hope you already got this information, but, in case you didn't, I found this one online: I generally just make one up as I go based on whatever I feel like eating and just adjust as the day progresses. Of course, the key is to not go overboard --…
  • I hope you already got this information, but, in case you didn't, I found this one online: I generally just make one up as I go based on whatever I feel like eating and just adjust as the day progresses. Of course, the key is to not go overboard --…
  • Hello all Hope you don't mind if I join your group -- I'm always looking for good motivational quotes to keep me going!
  • Hello everyone! Like some of the others, I am getting back into MFP after being absent for a while. I've read some of your challenges and feel like this would be a good group for me. I'd like to join if it's alright with you.
  • I don't know why it works, but it does (I actually lost 35 lbs doing this and then I allowed myself to gain it all back) -- you can google articles on it if you want. If you are craving sugar and you drink a small 4 oz. glass of Welch's grape juice instead, your cravings are gone. If I drink just a 1/2 cup of Welch's grape…
  • Speaking from experience on both ends of the spectrum, I would say trying to gain weight is much more difficult than trying to lose weight. I was on weight gaining diets all throughout my junior high and high school years. When I graduated high school, I weighed 105 pounds and was 5'2" tall. During my weight gaining years,…
  • I'd like to join as well. SW: 159 GW: 125 I have to lose 34 pounds for health reasons. I have been a member of MFP for a couple of years but I keep losing motivation. I did better at sticking to my goals when I did challenges and when I tracked my eating and exercise. Therefore, my self-challenge is to: 1. Drink 8 glasses…
  • I am also up since I started by 1.4 lbs. I was discouraged but then my husband reminded me that muscle weighs more than fat. When I did my measurements, I found that since I started MFP 3 weeks ago, even though I gained 1.4 lbs, I lost 3/4" around my waist and 1/2" on my thighs and 1/2" on my hips -- everything else (arms,…
  • I think it is most important to lose inches and to eat healthy -- remember that muscle weighs more than fat. If you are losing inches then you are likely gaining muscle. As for the constipation, my son has a chronic problem with that, too. His doctor and a specialist we took him to both say that it is best for him to take…
  • This week was bad for me, too. I woke up with a migraine on Sunday, was off work with it Monday, was in the hospital for 7 hours with it on Tuesday and the remnants are still lingering with me. My head has hurt so bad, I have not met my challenge this week and am doubtful I will meet the weekly challenge unless God heals…
  • My fitbit emailed me a progress report today. I averaged walking 6.8 miles over the past week -- about 0.98 miles per day. Now, that probably doesn't sound like much to you all, but to someone whose job is very sedentary, who isn't physically fit and doesn't exercise a lot, that was a lot for me. However, I was not pushing…
  • I am finding that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is challenging, but the idea of having to enter a "zero" into the challenge spreadsheet is so appalling that I am ensuring I get all of my water in each day. Monday, I barely made it through the 8, yesterday, I drank 9 and today, I am unsure how many I will get but know I…
  • I didn't see a place to add water, either. Thought from reading the Challenge post we were to add the water to the spreadsheet, but perhaps there is a second spreadsheet? Like you, I am new to this, too. Trying to figure it all out . . . Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Looks like everyone is doing great! I managed to get 12 minutes of stationary biking going between 15 and 16 mph and I just finished my 8 glasses of water for the day. Not sure I'm ready to start the exercise regiment most of you are doing but I am going to do my best to get in some exercise everyday and add more time as…
  • SW: 152 GW: 135 I hope to lose one pound per week, if I can do more that's great! But, I have had a really hard time shedding these pounds and want to have a realistic goal. I am hopeful that I can lose more but as long as I am losing each week, I will be happy! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Sounds like you have a good plan! I am going to the car races tonight and they do not allow you to bring in your own food or drink. I plan to eat fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, bean with bacon soup for lunch and a sensible dinner (maybe a boca burger without bread?) before I go so I will not be as hungry. Since I will be…
  • I entered my information on the Spreadsheet.:smile:
  • Hello everyone, My name is Shannon and I am excited about joining this challenge! I need to lose 25-30 pounds but just haven't found a way to keep myself accountable on my own. I am new to myfitnesspal and am new to the Fitbit, but so far, I love them both! I look forward to getting to know you all and to succeeding at all…