September Weight Loss Challenge (Open)



  • NikkiHann17
    NikkiHann17 Posts: 126 Member
    Count me in
    SW: 295
    Goal: 290
    personal: Gym 3x week and workout the other 3 resting only on Tuesdays.
  • Mnecka
    Mnecka Posts: 119 Member
    I'm so in!!!

    Starting weight: 203
    Challenge Goal: 193
    Personal self-challenge: Cut back on the wine and become consistent in running on the weekends.
  • bb1266
    bb1266 Posts: 27 Member
    Cool! I could use some accountability!

    Note: I am short so my numbers will look low to the average taller person, no worries well within my healthy BMI range. It also means it takes me about two weeks to lose a pound -.-

    SW: 100.6
    GW: 98
    Personal: Work out a clean eating routine, and maybe get my head around meal planning!
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    Had way to much fun this summer, need to get back on track!!

    sw 141
    gw 135

    my goal is to workout at least 3 days a week doing jm ripped in 30
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    SW: 194 lbs
    GW: 181 lbs
    Self challenges: get my act together and actually work towards my aims in life!
  • Okay so signed up today, hopefully I will get the hang of this site:

    S.W. 179lbs.
    G.W. for end of Sept. 168lbs

    Self challenge - to walk at least 10,000steps a day for at least 5days in every 7
    get my head around calorie counting whilst cooking or even meal planning in advance!
  • Jolie_K
    Jolie_K Posts: 38 Member
    Me too :)

    Current weight: 71.7 kg
    Goal weight: 68 kg

    Self challenges: like someone else said a few posts up: work towards achieving my goals in life
  • lealofi03
    lealofi03 Posts: 7 Member
    Yaay hopefully not too late to join. If not here are my stats :)

    Current weight: 202
    Goal weight ( by the end of Sept) : 187

    Self challenge: To log my food no matter what. It has been a challenge of mine ever since I registered with MFP :)
  • Starting Weight: 182
    Goal Weight: 174
    Personal Goal: Get to week 5 in C to 5K
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 97 Member
    Add me in!

    Current weight: 220.2
    Goal weight at the end of Sept: 215

    Self challenge: Be better at drinking water
    Cardio at least 3 times a week
    Track food every day
    Be better at prepping the fresh fruits and veggies I buy so they don't go bad and end up in the trash
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    I need some motivation, especially after the holiday weekend!

    SW (as of today): 142
    Goal Weight for September 30: 135
    Self-Challenge: Add 20 extra minutes to my work out at least 2 times per week
  • MattsGirl90
    MattsGirl90 Posts: 64 Member
    Im in:

    GW 180

    Personnel Goal: No cheese for a month :)
    Good luck all :)
  • Naturella1
    Naturella1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in!

    SW: 175
    Goal Weight for Sept 30:167
    Self -Challenge-work out 4 days a week and keep track of calories.
  • Starting Weight: 150lbs
    Goal Weight: 145lbs
    Personal Goal: No eating after dinner, start 3 x week fitness video, weigh in only on Fridays
  • SW: 219
    GW: 209 (by end of September)
    1) at least 10,000 steps daily (at least 5 days a week, with fitbit),
    2) no food after 8pm on "school nights",
    3) take all the classes at the y (3 different classes, it's not much) whether my friends show up or not.
    4) Drink at least 1 gallon water a day, everyday
    5) Plan weekly meals ahead, and pack all my lunches and snacks for work
    6) On days that I don't take fitness classes, get on the treadmill for at least 30 mins in the morning
    7) Daily Squats
  • sfrohardt5
    sfrohardt5 Posts: 18 Member
    I'd like to join as well.

    SW: 159
    GW: 125

    I have to lose 34 pounds for health reasons. I have been a member of MFP for a couple of years but I keep losing motivation. I did better at sticking to my goals when I did challenges and when I tracked my eating and exercise.

    Therefore, my self-challenge is to:

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    2. Break the sugar habit
    3. Exercise at least 20 minutes per day on 4 different days
    4. Eat 3 servings of fruit or veggies everyday.
    5. Not eat anything after 8p.m.
    6. Track everything I eat.
    7. Not go over my daily calorie limit unless I am willing to make it up through additional exercise. (Exercise is hard for me as I have fibromyalgia and frequently hurt when I exercise in the beginning, though the pain lessens a lot after my body gets used to exercise -- it takes about 2 weeks).

    Looking forward to this challenge! Good luck to all who enter!
  • Start: 243, End: 233, Cardio X 5, More Active, Quit Smoking, Weighin on Mondays!
  • Krissy_K89
    Krissy_K89 Posts: 14 Member
    SW: 132
    GW: 125
    Self Challenge: Running a 5k September 21. I am just able to begin training due to an undiagnosed sport induced asthma issue. So, now I have an inhaler and am good to go!
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    I am in!

    SW 172.4 (but this could be more water weight due to a long weekend of camping/burgers/beer)

    So my goal weight for September will be reflect the above!

    GW: 160

    Personal goal: go to the gym at least 3 days a week and add an additional cardio day or two as well.
  • massromanticfool
    massromanticfool Posts: 34 Member
    SW: 156.8
    GW: 150
    Self Challenge: continue losing weight during the Jewish holiday season! It seems all we do is sit and eat, so we'll see how that goes.