raetonycass Member


  • Hi. I once lost 75lbs using WW and still eating at McDs twice a day. Then I had 2 more babies. Now I am back up to more than I was to begin with. I started logging on MFP about 2 months ago. I have lost 19lbs of the 95 I need to lose. It isnt' easy. Need some inspiration. I did just join the Y and my teen and I just did 45…
  • 1. First Name: Rae Marie 2. Single/Married/Divorced: Married 21 yrs in July 3. Children: daughter 13, son 6, daughter 4, huskita puppy 4 mo 4. Where do you live: Indiana 5. Favourite Non-Healthy Food/Favourite Healthy Food: chocolate and 86% cacao chocolate 6. Favourite Exercise: swimming 7. One question you have regarding…
  • I have found that using a stability ball works great. It helps strengthen the areas that hurt, like my back, hips, knees and arms. It is low impact but can be made more challenging with the use of exercise bands on days I can tolerate more.
  • I honestly think my exhausted feeling has a lot more to do with my fibromyalgia (which pulls in Chronic Fatigue Syndrom and a sleep disorder) than with my diet. Going to discuss it with my dr Wed though.
  • I know in general I have already doubled the amount of protein in my diet. However I think you are right about me needing more. I think tomorrow I might try adding his whey protein powder to my breakfast and see if that helps. As far as getting a handle on it I am seeing my dr next Wed and plan on taking my food diaries…
  • Normally I do ok other than tired but that is an ongoing problem linked to my fibromyalgia. Believe it or not, my diet is already a hundred times healthier than it was 3 weeks ago. I will keep trying to tweak it and make it better but I know I can't do a complete overhaul overnight and be successful. I also broke down and…
  • Pain sucks for sure. Sleep isn't always a relief for me though. I often wake up at night because my hands have gone numb or my shoulders are so inflamed. I do take trazadone every night with my celexa, meteprolol, womens vitamin, omega3, glucosamine, bromelain, turmeric and naproxin. I take Welbutrin, naproxin, Bee Pollen…
  • Today was definitely a better day, not good or great, but better. I hope yours got better too! Pain sucks big toes!
  • Well, welcome to our little group. You can always find support here.
  • I have yet to figure out the rhyme or reason of that.
  • Ah, the wonderful fibro fog! Seems to be getting the best of me some days. I still try to be as active as I can even though that isn't always easy. KNowing I am not alone certainly helps though as I am sure you know.
  • I sort of am but not to that extreme. My husband just doesn't get that I am trying to lose weight and that I actually have to work to do it. He brings me home snack cakes, candy, cookies, frappes. Very hard to not hurt his feelings even though I have talked to him many times. When I go by my folks house (daily occurance) I…
  • I hear your pain. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis. It can be very depressing, discouraging and painful. I am 39 and I feel I am way to young to have such pain. I have lived with fibro pain for probably 15 yrs only diagnosed in Dec 10. At night it gets so bad that I can't walk unassisted. It royally sucks. You are…
  • I make some soups. Chili, black bean, 16 bean, potato. My family complains when I do though. I usually pair it with salad.
  • some good ideas. I always have brown rice on hand as well as pasta. Chicken breasts are so large I share one with my 2 youngest kids. I do the whole fryer chicken about once a week and that provides for 2 meals. I buy hamburger in bulk and separate myself into smaller sizes. We do a lot of breakfast for dinner because that…
  • Going there tomorrow. I get tomatoes, green beans and peppers there. I even have a friend who works a booth and always hooks me up with some extra.
  • I love using dried beans. I make red beans and rice, 5 bean chili, 16 bean soup, homemade refried beans from dried beans, and black bean soup each at least once a month, sometimes twice. When I make my chili my family eats it for at least 2 meals like plain chili and then chili/cheese baked potatoes or baked fries. When I…
  • Sounds silly but when I was on WW before and craving chocolate I would buy a can of that chocolate whipped cream in a can and put a squirt in my mouth when the cravings were out of control. Worked like a charm! Certainly less calories, fat, sugar than oreos. I also like skinny cow ice cream snacks or the blue bunny no…
  • My kids eat what is in the house period. Aside from cereal I dont' buy a lot of junk. We go through about 32 oz of cheese in a week though because that is their go to munchy snack. They love the quaker oat squares or frosted mini wheats cereals for snacks too. DH brings them home an apple or an orange every day from work.…
  • Thanks. I have researched the condition a lot since I was Dxed almost 2 yrs ago but I hadn't run across those particular ones. Interesting. I had read some things on diet and try to stay away from certain foods and take certain supplements already. Thanks for hte links.
  • You are right. I lost weight using jr. mints and choc covered raisins as my sugar treats. I just made sure I premeasured serving sizes. That was on WW though. Right now I am stuck with what is already in the house which is part of why I am eating "normal" for a week to get a baseline. Then when I get a new food budget I…
  • I am not doing any program. I was successful with WW once, and kept it off, but just can't get motivated to figure out all the points anymore. I stick with the foods I knew well from back then but I am finding it was a very high sodium diet. I am going to just try and watch calories, sodium, fiber etc. Gave in and had…
  • Thanks. I lost a significant 5/6 yrs ago but after having 2 kids back to back with the second one being 29 weeks of full bedrest. I have been doing an average of 80 oz of water a day for over 6 weeks. Right now I am more or less eating as I normally would just to get a baseline to go off of. Normally I don't have these…
  • Oh, I have lots of flavored green teas! I go in spurts drinking them to help my joints/fibromyalgia. I will try that! Thanks
  • I would if I could. I am limited because of fibromyalgia. I overdid it at the gym already today just walking a mile on a treadmill.
  • Did as much exercise as I physically could today which wasn't a whole lot. Working on my last 2 glasses of water, can add more. Stuck at home, carless, so I can't go get any low cal snacks. Is air popped popcorn with ICBINB spray terrible I wonder?
  • Without being able to see what you are eating or exercising it is hard to tell. Are you on any medications? I took one that caused weight gain. Getting a dr to rule out medical reasons is a great start.
  • I am also new and I have to agree with you. This is an awesome site!