eddieharrisjr Member


  • Great job! Living proof that it can be done.
  • I just purchased the Motoactv, made by Motorola. It tracks calories burned, distance, heart rate, steps, plus its an 8G MP3 Player. When you sync with your computer, not only will it tell you your calorie burn, it will break down how many calories you burned per song that you worked out to, so in essence it learns what…
  • Welcome to MFP. Its a great site and I can honestly say that I have received a ton of support since I've been here. You have to find the "fuel for your flame", I always tell my clients this. For me my motivation was my children. Anytime I feel like not working out or running, I just think of them and how badly I want and…
  • Speaking on behalf of personal trainers. Being someone who lost 60+ lbs on his own and then went on to become a personal trainer I can speak truthfully that although I didn't have an actual trainer at the gym that I worked out at; the trainers and owners of the gym were there to cheer me on and provided me with valuable…
  • From a personal trainer standpoint, I can attest that cleaning is very much an exercise. Truthfully as long as your body is in motion, you will be burning some amount of calories. Actually you burn sitting still. Obviously in both cases you wouldn't burn in the exact same manner or maybe even as much as you would doing…
  • As a nutritionist, I can say that the old adage remains true, "everything in moderation", there truly is not a magic food, pill, or anything else that beats eating the right types of food and exercise. Its like with 100 calorie packs; they're fine if you're eating just one or two in a day but if you eat the whole box,…
  • I think seeing any women trying to better herself, even if she's already fit or trying to get there is hot. Hotness/Sexiness is something that comes from the inside.
  • Welcome...O-H-I-O!
  • Good job and welcome to the 40lbs lost club! I remember the day I hit 40lbs lost, I got on the scale @ the gym after working out and I almost cried...(almost,LOL!) It feels good. It's too much work to get it off so I know you sure as heck dont want it back.
  • I'm with you.
  • Congratulations and welcome to the team. We're all here to help you and each other.
  • You'll be there before you know it. Gradual and steady. Chip away at it one lb at a time, each pound lost, is a pound behind you.
  • You CAN do it! Get used to telling yourself that. Then get used to believing that. Then get used to doing it.
  • Plus...you need to celebrate your accomplishments thus far. You've done well. We are always our own worst enemy, but also our greatest cheerleader and champion.
  • Remember that the fat is not who you are. Outward appearance is nothing more than a book cover, the "real" you is comprised in the pages of your book, on the inside. You have to get to a point where you are happy with you, the "real" you. You can gain weight, lose weight, change your hair color, buy new clothes and…
  • Its fairly standard medically that you need roughly 1200 calories to basically function at a healthy level. So I definitely would not go below that. But keep in mind, everyone is different. If you are a person who was truly obese not just bmi obese, then a 1000 calorie or less diet might be the ticket because sometimes…
  • In the beginning you have to ask yourself, if in the end will it be worth the middle. In other words, do the positives outweigh the negatives? Do some self-inventory and ask yourself why you are doing this. Is it for health or vanity? List the positives versus the negatives, for example being around for your children,…
  • Nope buddy, I'm here too.