Help on doing 1500 cals or 1200 cals/day?????

So I have lost about 12-16lbs in a 3 month span.....I think its a healthy loss but I feel like I should be able to lost a little more.

I do 1500 calories.....TRACK EVERYTHING...and give myself 1 cheat day a week. Now that I have my food consumption under control , I'm adding more cardio.

My question you think I will see a little more weight loss if I go to 1200 cals a day? Or is that too little?

I'm at 238lbs ...5'4 and feel like I should be shedding more with how good I have been tracking and eating.

Any tips would be awesome!


  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Do you eat your exercise calories?
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I was doing 1200 and working out 5-6 days a week and it started getting to me a lot. No energy, headaches, just overall feeling crappy. I now eat 1500 and feel GREAT! My weight loss also is about the same each week as before...remember eating too few calories will slow down your metabolism.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I was doing 1200 and working out 5-6 days a week and it started getting to me a lot. No energy, headaches, just overall feeling crappy. I now eat 1500 and feel GREAT! My weight loss also is about the same each week as before...remember eating too few calories will slow down your metabolism.

    Exactly. I have my goal set for 1250 as my BMR is 1248, then it goes up to about 1880-2000 when I input my exercise. My net is always back around 1250 at the end of the day. I have tons of energy not just for the day but my two work outs. I weighed in last week at 120-121, this week I weighed in at 117.8. A year ago, heck even a few months ago, you would not be able to tell me that I could eat 2000 calories in a day and lose weight.
  • norcalbeezy
    norcalbeezy Posts: 220 Member
    I tried 1200 and had the same thing going on that your feeling right now, I bumped up my calories to 1320 and can already tell a huge difference I'm not so tired! Try something in the middle maybe 1350 and keep up consistant excersize. Its all about finding that perfect number, I dont give my self cheat days, maybe a meal every once in a while, and I'm not eating my calories that I burn from working out. Seems to work for me.
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Do you eat your exercise calories?

    I figured that was the healthy way....1-2. I've been averaging like 1.3lbs. I dont eat my exercise calories....but then again I've only been working out 1-2 days a week. Do you think maybe increasing my cardio to 4-5 days a week will make a big difference? Also, I feel like 1200 would be unrealistic and I would be really hungry lol
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    I was doing 1200 and working out 5-6 days a week and it started getting to me a lot. No energy, headaches, just overall feeling crappy. I now eat 1500 and feel GREAT! My weight loss also is about the same each week as before...remember eating too few calories will slow down your metabolism.

    Thats exactly what I was thinking...which is why I posted this. I know too few calories can store as fat since your body is freaking out about not having energy. Good advice

    I think I will just up my cardio to 4-5 days a week instead of my 1-2 and see how that progresses for a month or 2....think its a good idea?
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    eating your work out calories is not mandatory but if your feeling hungry then you should eat them, it should not affect you as long as you do not go over 1350 or whatever calorie goal daily you have. increasing your workout gives you a lot of benefits, including making you emotionally happier. Even if you eat these calories you will still speed up your metabolism and help your heart if you work out around an hour 5 days a week, if tolerable.
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    eating your work out calories is not mandatory but if your feeling hungry then you should eat them, it should not affect you as long as you do not go over 1350 or whatever calorie goal daily you have. increasing your workout gives you a lot of benefits, including making you emotionally happier. Even if you eat these calories you will still speed up your metabolism and help your heart if you work out around an hour 5 days a week, if tolerable.
  • kelseybee17
    Work out at least 3 days a week. 4-5 days a week for cardio would help increase you're weight loss immensely!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Do you eat your exercise calories?

    I figured that was the healthy way....1-2. I've been averaging like 1.3lbs. I dont eat my exercise calories....but then again I've only been working out 1-2 days a week. Do you think maybe increasing my cardio to 4-5 days a week will make a big difference? Also, I feel like 1200 would be unrealistic and I would be really hungry lol

    1200 for days you work out is really low. Think of it this way, my goal is 1250 for the day before exercise, if I don't eat my exercise calories then I'm really only taking in 600-650 calories that day for my body to use to funtion. Once I eat my calories from exercise, there is still a deficit but it then leaves 1250 calories for my body to use in order to funtion. I do cardio everyday with the exception of Sundays which are my rest days. In addition to cardio I'm currently on a round of P90X Plus. I basically do the cardio because I like it and to burn some extra fat because even at 117.8 I still have a layer of fat. I used to barely make it to 800-900 calories a day a year ago and even about 5 months ago I was only taking in 1200 but not eating back anything I burned so in actuality I was not feeding my body at all and it was terrible. Now I'm feeding my body and the weight is coming off at a healthy pace and my body is quite happy that I'm actually feeding it haha
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    hi babe. when i started at 217, i ate 1200. ever since, ive stuck to 1200 with days of cheats too. ive never gone over 1500 though. i am 5'2, 170 now. i started dieting, counting calories, and exercising october 6th. it is march 16th, and i am down 47 pounds. although it may seem a lot to you, i feel like i could have lost more monthly -_- i feel like you can TRY 1200 for a week, and see how you feel. for me, although suggested 1500, i feel bad eating that much. i have a lot of self esteem issues and such, even though 1500 isn't a lot of cals, you know? i still have another 50 to loose, here i go!!

    can i make a suggestion? try CURVES. its a all womens gym, GREAT exercise. and its not boring at all. i go to curves mon-thurs and i absolutely love it. its a 30min exercise program, its a circuit. give it a try

    btw, your beautiful. gorgeous face!!
  • twinwolf
    twinwolf Posts: 165 Member
    In the book I just read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", it states that women shouldn't go below 1400 when adding exercise to your fitness. Also you should eat back your calories. In other words, your net calories should be at 1400 at the end of the day. Also, try to get at minimum 10+ (8 oz) glasses of water a day.. Water is one of those things that is hard to overdo!

    Just my two cents!

  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    hi babe. when i started at 217, i ate 1200. ever since, ive stuck to 1200 with days of cheats too. ive never gone over 1500 though. i am 5'2, 170 now. i started dieting, counting calories, and exercising october 6th. it is march 16th, and i am down 47 pounds. although it may seem a lot to you, i feel like i could have lost more monthly -_- i feel like you can TRY 1200 for a week, and see how you feel. for me, although suggested 1500, i feel bad eating that much. i have a lot of self esteem issues and such, even though 1500 isn't a lot of cals, you know? i still have another 50 to loose, here i go!!

    can i make a suggestion? try CURVES. its a all womens gym, GREAT exercise. and its not boring at all. i go to curves mon-thurs and i absolutely love it. its a 30min exercise program, its a circuit. give it a try

    btw, your beautiful. gorgeous face!!

    Awe, thank you! You are very pretty too!

    Thanks for the suggestions...I belong to the gym at my work and its convienent since its downstairs...they have circuit classes that are similar to curves. My big thing was to get my food consumption under control for a few months...then add the 5 day execerise week slowly. Any big change is more chance of failure in my opinon lol.

    I think age is a big factor too...I'm 27 so I'm sure your metabolism at 19 is a little different I'm thinking.

    Again, so very proud of you...which is why I added you. Keep it up and thank you for the help!!!
  • eddieharrisjr
    eddieharrisjr Posts: 21 Member
    Its fairly standard medically that you need roughly 1200 calories to basically function at a healthy level. So I definitely would not go below that. But keep in mind, everyone is different. If you are a person who was truly obese not just bmi obese, then a 1000 calorie or less diet might be the ticket because sometimes extreme results require extreme measures, I've seen this done particularly when a person is actually to big for weight loss surgery. As most of the comments have stated, you can try it and see how you feel. The important thing to remember is this : You did not gain weight overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. Gradual weight loss is better and healthier. Plus you stand a better chance of keeping it off.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    In the book I just read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", it states that women shouldn't go below 1400 when adding exercise to your fitness. Also you should eat back your calories. In other words, your net calories should be at 1400 at the end of the day. Also, try to get at minimum 10+ (8 oz) glasses of water a day.. Water is one of those things that is hard to overdo!

    Just my two cents!


    Exactly. Your net should always be back at your goal because there is already a deficit built in. That's why it says you earned an extra such and such a number of calories from exercise.

    I wouldn't set your goal below your BMR. That's why I upped mine to 1250 because my BMR is 1248.
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    In the book I just read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", it states that women shouldn't go below 1400 when adding exercise to your fitness. Also you should eat back your calories. In other words, your net calories should be at 1400 at the end of the day. Also, try to get at minimum 10+ (8 oz) glasses of water a day.. Water is one of those things that is hard to overdo!

    Just my two cents!


    Good suggestion, i think since some people say 1200, and others 1500...1400 is right between :)

    I understand the eating your excerise calorie thing too. Water is hard to are right....I quit drinking pop last May and only keep water and La Croix in my fridge since has helped a LOT!
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    In the book I just read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", it states that women shouldn't go below 1400 when adding exercise to your fitness. Also you should eat back your calories. In other words, your net calories should be at 1400 at the end of the day. Also, try to get at minimum 10+ (8 oz) glasses of water a day.. Water is one of those things that is hard to overdo!

    Just my two cents!


    Exactly. Your net should always be back at your goal because there is already a deficit built in. That's why it says you earned an extra such and such a number of calories from exercise.

    I wouldn't set your goal below your BMR. That's why I upped mine to 1250 because my BMR is 1248.

    Sorry if this sounds dumb....but how did you figure your BMR? Are you talking about Burn rate? Or the suggestion on here?
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    In the book I just read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", it states that women shouldn't go below 1400 when adding exercise to your fitness. Also you should eat back your calories. In other words, your net calories should be at 1400 at the end of the day. Also, try to get at minimum 10+ (8 oz) glasses of water a day.. Water is one of those things that is hard to overdo!

    Just my two cents!


    Exactly. Your net should always be back at your goal because there is already a deficit built in. That's why it says you earned an extra such and such a number of calories from exercise.

    I wouldn't set your goal below your BMR. That's why I upped mine to 1250 because my BMR is 1248.

    Sorry if this sounds dumb....but how did you figure your BMR? Are you talking about Burn rate? Or the suggestion on here?

    It's not dumb. It's what your body burns if you were to stay in bed all day and not do anything. It's what your body then needs at least in calories to funtion, breath, grow hair and so on. You then need to add more calories for when you exercise because if you go below that number, you don't leave your body a good amount of calories to use in order to properly funtion and do what it needs to do.
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    In the book I just read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", it states that women shouldn't go below 1400 when adding exercise to your fitness. Also you should eat back your calories. In other words, your net calories should be at 1400 at the end of the day. Also, try to get at minimum 10+ (8 oz) glasses of water a day.. Water is one of those things that is hard to overdo!

    Just my two cents!


    Exactly. Your net should always be back at your goal because there is already a deficit built in. That's why it says you earned an extra such and such a number of calories from exercise.

    I wouldn't set your goal below your BMR. That's why I upped mine to 1250 because my BMR is 1248.

    Sorry if this sounds dumb....but how did you figure your BMR? Are you talking about Burn rate? Or the suggestion on here?

    It's not dumb. It's what your body burns if you were to stay in bed all day and not do anything. It's what your body then needs at least in calories to funtion, breath, grow hair and so on. You then need to add more calories for when you exercise because if you go below that number, you don't leave your body a good amount of calories to use in order to properly funtion and do what it needs to do.

    How do you figure that out?
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    In the book I just read "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle", it states that women shouldn't go below 1400 when adding exercise to your fitness. Also you should eat back your calories. In other words, your net calories should be at 1400 at the end of the day. Also, try to get at minimum 10+ (8 oz) glasses of water a day.. Water is one of those things that is hard to overdo!

    Just my two cents!


    Exactly. Your net should always be back at your goal because there is already a deficit built in. That's why it says you earned an extra such and such a number of calories from exercise.

    I wouldn't set your goal below your BMR. That's why I upped mine to 1250 because my BMR is 1248.

    Sorry if this sounds dumb....but how did you figure your BMR? Are you talking about Burn rate? Or the suggestion on here?

    It's not dumb. It's what your body burns if you were to stay in bed all day and not do anything. It's what your body then needs at least in calories to funtion, breath, grow hair and so on. You then need to add more calories for when you exercise because if you go below that number, you don't leave your body a good amount of calories to use in order to properly funtion and do what it needs to do.

    How do you figure that out?

    They have it on this site under tools or you can google BMR calculator.