

  • Yes and no, you are flushing sodium out of your body by drinking water, but things tasting bland is not a sign of sodium deficiency. Moreover, sodium deficiency in any American diet is almost impossible. Could it be that you are simply eating more raw and/or less processed options that are just lower in sodium naturally?…
  • I do not agree, I think there are plenty of ways for you to continue to loose weight, and even get plenty of physical activity, without joining a gym. You could buy some work out DVDs, BeachBody has several that they sell that are highly effective. You could buy some at home gym equipment. Just some thoughts, best of luck.
  • I know you've heard it before, but NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels. It took me years to internalize that, but once I did I discovered it was so true. Some quick tips I've learned through experience: - Don't make your daily calorie goal too low - Allow yourself mini "splurges" now and again - Be realistic, weight loss…
  • :smokin: Kat is right, you feel like you gain quickly when you eat the exercise calories because your body is telling you something. One of the joys of exercising is being able to allow yourself to eat a little more. Obviously, you want to stick with healthy options, but don't starve yourself. I went through the exact…
  • Kat is right, you feel like you gain quickly when you eat the exercise calories because your body is telling you something. One of the joys of exercising is being able to allow yourself to eat a little more. Obviously, you want to stick with healthy options, but don't starve yourself. I went through the exact problem a…
  • Also, don't forget, weight loss will slow as you get closer to your goal because you're in a more normal range, so your body will start to fight it.
  • Hello, and welcome to the site. I have been using this site for about 6 months now and it is fabulous! I too, have recently lost weight to set an example for my son, so I can relate. I have also recently become a vegetarian. Anyway, let me know if I can help in any way, I am somewhat of a nutritional expert, as I studied…