Cheriperkins Member


  • Chalene Extreme is awesome! She is very motivating and the workouts do not get boring. I have seen really great results w/ this program and working on my own now. (I first started the program and was seeing awesome results when I found out I was pregnant and my Dr. advised me to stop ..I was high risk due to age.) Are you…
  • About to feed the baby then Ramp it up (SI6 series) then out for a walk w/ the kids to enjoy this weather! Have a great day everyone!
  • I was on Wellbutrin years ago for migraines.....I gained weight! I gained about 15 pounds, now another girl I knew was on them at the same time and she lost weight! So I believe everyone is different. I think I gained because they completely took the edge off . I was a little too relaxed and just didn't concern myself with…
  • I agree to check with your Doctor to be sure. I do know a weight loss doctor that has her patients take Biotin (OTC) to prevent hair loss. I also agree that everything has to be balanced to function properly. You may wantg to check this out to... ..then click on "shakeology".
  • Welcome to MFP! Congratulationson your progress so far, that is awesome!! You will love this helpful in SO many ways. I want to invite you to check out for some additional motivation, especially if you like nutritional shakes and enjoy working out at home. Keep up the great work!
  • If your interested in working out at home, check out these programs at and let me kow if your interested in them, I can show you how to get a discount. (Its less expensive than the treadmill) :happy:
  • This is soo true. There is life after divorce and the BEST thing you can do is be healthy and happy! I went thru a divorce 16 years ago and remarrried 9 years ago..all I can say is if your happy with yourself everything else just falls into place. Hang in there and don't can't deprive yourself…
  • Hi Tanya. I wanted t introduce myself and wish you Good luck with your journey. I am just starting back myself (my son is 9 weeks old) and wanted to invite you to join Beachbody WOWY (work out with you) for additional motivation. Go to and click on join. You can create a FREE account and everytime you…