SilverRose89 Member


  • If your friends are actual friends, they will support you in becoming healthier and reaching your goals. Sure, they may have a bit of a laugh with you as friends do, but ultimately they will support you if they are worth bothering about. Saying that, you don't have to switch burger for salad. How about a smaller burger?…
  • For weight loss and maintenance, the one that is sustainable and manageable for you to keep as an ongoing lifestyle :smile:
  • Someone recently said to me to not get my hopes up for losing weight, as some people just are destined to be bigger and there is nothing you can do about that :open_mouth:
  • Well I don't call them cheat days, but yes I log my higher-than-I'd-usually-like calorie days now. I didn't the last time I was on MFP and lost weight. But then I ended up stopping my "diet" and then putting the weight back on plus more. I really do think part of that was not developing the true honesty and accountability…
  • I've only lost 11lbs so far but have noticed my PF pain has reduced. I'm a podiatrist so advise on this stuff, but for some reason I am still surprised it's making a difference :open_mouth:
  • They were all seeming pretty accurate, until today when I scanned a stir fry sauce and it came up as Trader Joe's broccoli. We don't even have Trader Joes in England I don't think? I guess the barcodes are the same or something. I wish my hoisin sauce had those broccoli calories though :smiley:
  • I don't think anyone says alcohol does not add lbs even if you count it, if it makes you go over your calorie allowance for the day? Of course you will put on weight in that case whether you count it or not. You will not, however, put on weight from alcohol if you maintain a calorie deficit. Small amounts of alcohol in…
  • Man, I love this forum :smiley: OP, all of this. Listen to these guys. If you want to lose weight for your heart and knees (well any reasons really) you need a calorie deficit and that is all. And if you want it to be sustainable, make changes that you personally can do long term to maintain your weight loss. Don't look…
  • I switched whisky and lemonade for whisky and soda water and it was difficult to adjust to soda at first but now I prefer it and find lemonade is too sweet :smile:
  • No, calling me out over my weight would have probably just made me upset, defensive, and more self-loathing which would have in turn probably made me comfort myself with more excess food. I really don't think you can ever make somebody else make any real changes in their life. And that is the same for all things be it…
  • Several mental health diagnoses here which sound quite similar to yours. 18 months of therapy behind me with a recent crisis so now on new medication and a new therapy program. It is hard to lose weight with all this against us, but not impossible by any means. Go slow and steady and make sustainable changes to your…
  • 3lb in a week is significant. How much were you hoping to lose in that time? It sounds like you may need to adjust your expectations. Slow and steady is the goal here :smile:
  • Yes it works. Log accurately and carefully. You are still allowed what you ate before, as long as it fits into your calorie goal. If you are used to eating mostly "junk" food then switching to all vegetables and lean meat will likely mean you will get cravings and find it harder than you need to. It's about making choices…
  • Alcohol is part of my social life, so I do make allowances for it but more commonly I end up at maintenance for that day because I wouldn't want to end up not eating enough just to accommodate alcohol. So it has to be a treat. Which has had the second benefit of improving my relationship with alcohol which is also a good…
  • It simply means that, for many people they need to look at their diet as while exercise can help create a deficit, and of course is good for health, it isn't usually the magical key to weightloss that people can think it is. Not on it's own anyway. As an example, I would have had to to do a hell of a lot of exercise to out…
  • Thank you! I've not heard of him but this is a great video. I will be sending it to a few people. I had a watch of some of his other ones too.
  • How are you working out what you are burning during workouts? If you are sure your logging is 100% accurate and it has been four months, I'd be thinking that the inaccuracy is probably in what you think you are burning.
  • How much weight do you have to lose? Are you logging your food accurately (including oils etc.)?
  • Agreed. People like to say their opinions on what you are eating and I've found myself in debates before about it, which is ridiculous really when all I am doing is eating a bit healthier and sticking to a (not particularly low) calorie limit.
  • The colon does not need "cleansing" and it's wrong to suggest people need to go once a day. Everyone is different and if someone doesn't go one a day they certainly do not all need enemas.
  • Yeah it's eye opening for sure. For me it's the things I just wouldn't even consider before, like how much pesto I'm mixing into my pasta dish. That really adds up! And you know what, I discovered that halving the amount of pesto in the meal doesn't even make a difference to how much I enjoy it. So I get the same meal and…
  • Chilli and rice, made with quorn mince.
  • Absolutely amazing. You're an inspiration.
  • Bubble tea is just the best. We had prawn stir fry with satay sauce and udon noodles for dinner.
  • I have been drawn to the idea of appetite suppressants many times, but ultimately I feel I will only get past my binging problems by working through the reasons I do it, namely as a way of managing my emotions and also just habit. I need to replace this with better mechanisms. Taking something to suppress my appetite I…
  • Binge eating disorder here too. I previously did really well using MFP and moderating my food but over the last year my mental health spiralled drastically and the binges increased again. Started back on here January 1st and did great that first day but got up in the night and ate an entire block of cheese before realising…
  • Hi ladies :) 28 and wanting to lose about 50lbs to begin with. Did well on here before then life stuff happened and I got off track completely and have put it back on plus more. Always looking for more accountability friends!
  • Please speak to someone about your drinking. Blacking out three times a week through alcohol? The least of your problems is it undoing your work at the gym.
  • You'll be hungry because 1000 calories a day is not nearly enough, especially if you are going to the gym sometimes twice a day...
  • Either MFP is playing up, or somewhere the stats you have entered are wrong.