What Has Been Your Worst Binge Since Joining MFP ?



  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    My last binge, I ate a dozen doughnuts and 2 cartons of ice cream over the course of a weekend, in addition to my regular meals. That's something like 9-10k extra calories.
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Worst binge for me is always on Thanksgiving, and usually around 4500 calories. When I have random binge days it's more like 3500.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Ben & Jerry's is a common theme I see.

    I haven't binged in a while but I just pack in calories dense food, not large amounts.

    Pint of Peach melba gelato (Talento brand I think? )
    3 Doritos loco tacos and nachos with cheese and guac
    Large root beer
    2 Little Debbie Oatmeal Double Decker cakes
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I am recovered from binge eating disorder and have a whole lot of 10k+ Calorie days on record. As mentioned above, I only consider it a binge when I’m out of control, feeling possessed and consumed, full to the point of physical pain, but unable to stop eating.

    Some notable items I’ve binged on (combined in various ways at various times):
    -an entire pork shoulder
    -1/2 or as much as a complete cake (like a 9” round 2-layer cake)
    -multiple packages of Oreos
    -pounds of cherry tomatoes
    -dozen (or more) donuts
    -entire bags of Halloween/xmas/Easter candy bars (more than one bag)
    -pizza (the whole thing)

    I also have a lot of high calorie days (6-8k) after multi-hour Training runs. Those weren’t binges though-just a huge case of the rungries.

    I’ve frequently wondered if I would break Mfp with all the binges and high calorie day’s I’ve logged.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited November 2017
    Lets just say one day I had a crapton of ice cream in one day & I mean a crapton of ice cream.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    edited November 2017
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    I've eaten a case of Hi-Chew candy (similar to starburts) in 1 sitting. That's 220ish cals per pack, 12 packs per case, 2600 cals total, roughly.

    I've eaten a package of pull-apart cookie dough on the way home from the grocery store... 180 calories per cookie, 12 cookies... 2160 cals total.

    I've eaten a box of munchkins on the way to work... ~1700 cals.

    I've eaten 2 bacon, egg and cheese bagel combos from McDonalds on the way into work... ~ 1850 cals.

    And don't even get me started on take-out/fast food...
    - boneless wing bites + bacon cheeseburger from Applebee's: ~ 2000 cals
    - baconator combo + chicken nugget combo from Wendy's: ~ 2800 cals
    - breakfast pizza from local pizza place: ~3000 cals

    So yeah... I have an unhealthy relationship with food.

    Could I ask what on earth munchkins are and pull apart cookie dough? Never come across that here.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    Graelwyn75 wrote: »
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    I've eaten a case of Hi-Chew candy (similar to starburts) in 1 sitting. That's 220ish cals per pack, 12 packs per case, 2600 cals total, roughly.

    I've eaten a package of pull-apart cookie dough on the way home from the grocery store... 180 calories per cookie, 12 cookies... 2160 cals total.

    I've eaten a box of munchkins on the way to work... ~1700 cals.

    I've eaten 2 bacon, egg and cheese bagel combos from McDonalds on the way into work... ~ 1850 cals.

    And don't even get me started on take-out/fast food...
    - boneless wing bites + bacon cheeseburger from Applebee's: ~ 2000 cals
    - baconator combo + chicken nugget combo from Wendy's: ~ 2800 cals
    - breakfast pizza from local pizza place: ~3000 cals

    So yeah... I have an unhealthy relationship with food.

    Could I ask what on earth munchkins are and pull apart cookie dough? Never come across that here.

    Munchkins are donut holes from Dunkin Donuts and pull apart cookie dough is refrigerated cookie dough that you pull apart and bake...or eat raw :)
  • dancefit2015
    dancefit2015 Posts: 236 Member
    Yesterday I ate over 6,000 calories for no reason... nearly 4,000 calories over my goal. I ate an entire container of doughnut holes, 2 packages of ramen noodles, chips and cheese dip, munchies, chili, even had some salad thinking that eating something healthy would make me want to stop, but wasn't long before I was eating candy, popcorn and chips again.
    I haven't done anything like that since I started on here in May, I have been taking a break at maintenance this past week, which I thought would help with this sort of thing, but the opposite happened. Ended up skipping out on school and work because I felt so sick.
    I hope that this was just a one time thing.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I'll spare you the details, but it was just before Christmas last year when the notorious piles of food gifts arrived. I quit logging at 7000.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    I'll spare you the details, but it was just before Christmas last year when the notorious piles of food gifts arrived. I quit logging at 7000.

    Wow, were you just a little bit bloated after this? Admittedly, I feel full to the point of pain after around 4k
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited November 2017
    Last Thanksgiving. Dined out at a really good buffet for a change vs. mediocre plate dinner. Bad idea. Tasty, but a bad idea nonetheless. I'd never done that at a buffet before, and never will again. I was in so much gastric distention physical pain I actually had to cut the 4 mile post-feast walk planned to...oh, about a mile round-trip. Longest mile, evah.
  • abi111
    abi111 Posts: 50 Member
    About 12,000. many times, usually I don't log as I cant remember what I ate but this is based on the few times I have logged from wrappers etc. BED sucks. I am making progress though. :)
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    The last time I binged was last Monday, when our city had a free festival to celebrate the beginning of our Winterfest season (aka winter tourist season). Lots of free food and drink, but luckily a few healthy foods as well such as cider, beans, apples and chili.
  • UltraVegAthlete
    UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
    Went through a period of extreme hunger after losing enough weight to be underweight and after my marathon training ended. I would binge every other day for a month and then 1-2 times a week for 3 more months. Then twice a month for another month. I couldn’t say which binge was my worst, but I remember after Christmas I got 2 lbs Medjool Dates in my stocking. I had a smoothie in the morning for breakfast, but then decided to eat all the Dates which triggered me to want to eat everything. I ate an entire jar of almond butter, 1/2 loaf of low sodium sprouted Ezekiel bread with blueberry jam, a pint of vegan icecream, a bag of vegan teriyaki chicken with mustard, and a handful of tortilla chips and hummus.

    My New Years Resolution is to not binge. If I don’t for the entire year, I’ve decided to treat myself and go to Disneyland or maybe tour national parks for the summer.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Graelwyn75 wrote: »
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    I've eaten a case of Hi-Chew candy (similar to starburts) in 1 sitting. That's 220ish cals per pack, 12 packs per case, 2600 cals total, roughly.

    I've eaten a package of pull-apart cookie dough on the way home from the grocery store... 180 calories per cookie, 12 cookies... 2160 cals total.

    I've eaten a box of munchkins on the way to work... ~1700 cals.

    I've eaten 2 bacon, egg and cheese bagel combos from McDonalds on the way into work... ~ 1850 cals.

    And don't even get me started on take-out/fast food...
    - boneless wing bites + bacon cheeseburger from Applebee's: ~ 2000 cals
    - baconator combo + chicken nugget combo from Wendy's: ~ 2800 cals
    - breakfast pizza from local pizza place: ~3000 cals

    So yeah... I have an unhealthy relationship with food.

    Could I ask what on earth munchkins are and pull apart cookie dough? Never come across that here.

    Munchkins are bite-sized donuts. It's a big bite, but I'd call them bite sized.

    Pull-apart cookie dough is premade cookie dough that you buy and simply break apart into cookie-sized pieces then bake. IMO, baking is optional.
  • itsfitnessnotrocketscience
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    I've eaten a case of Hi-Chew candy (similar to starburts) in 1 sitting. That's 220ish cals per pack, 12 packs per case, 2600 cals total, roughly.

    I've eaten a package of pull-apart cookie dough on the way home from the grocery store... 180 calories per cookie, 12 cookies... 2160 cals total.

    I've eaten a box of munchkins on the way to work... ~1700 cals.

    I've eaten 2 bacon, egg and cheese bagel combos from McDonalds on the way into work... ~ 1850 cals.

    And don't even get me started on take-out/fast food...
    - boneless wing bites + bacon cheeseburger from Applebee's: ~ 2000 cals
    - baconator combo + chicken nugget combo from Wendy's: ~ 2800 cals
    - breakfast pizza from local pizza place: ~3000 cals

    So yeah... I have an unhealthy relationship with food.

    I relate... it sounds like a problem with eating in the car/while driving.

    That was a recent new “rule” for me. No sneaky car eating. Snacks after a hike while riding, my prepared breakfast while driving, okay. But I know when I’m doing the sneaky car eating. Being alone & bored driving is tempting to me. Had to be outlawed hahaha.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I have never been someone who binges thankfully ... Unless you count eating two 30g packets of crisps (chips) at the same time a binge...

  • its_me_april
    its_me_april Posts: 57 Member
    Whoa! I am kind of impressed by how much food some of you have put down. I must say this is comforting knowing other people struggle probably more than I do with eating too much. To be honest, I usually just overeat more than “binge.” Thanksgiving was a bit much for me. I had 2 pretty normal meals during the day, maybe a bit less than usual, then dinner was huge and made me feel so sick that I couldn’t eat dessert.

    When I do choose to overeat, I almost always go for cereal (cinnamon toast crunch and Golden Grahams have been two recent faves), chocolate, Oreos if we have them, PB ok its own or with pretzels, crackers or chips. CARBS!!! :D
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    Moxie42 wrote: »
    I've struggled with Binge Eating Disorder (BED) ever since a traumatic experience that happened 13 years ago. I just recently broke a 75-day streak of not-binging but had one yesterday. I still feel good about my progress though because it used to happen VERY often and sometimes for several days in a row. Now it's a rare thing, and they're not nearly as bad as they used to be.

    Binge eating disorder here too. I previously did really well using MFP and moderating my food but over the last year my mental health spiralled drastically and the binges increased again. Started back on here January 1st and did great that first day but got up in the night and ate an entire block of cheese before realising what I was doing. It could have been way worse though.

    Am currently working through a course of emotional coping skills therapy, to learn other ways of coping rather than the unhealthy mechanisms I have gotten used to and I think it will be really helpful. Overcoming the emotional eating and is undoubtedly my biggest hurdle to overcome for weightloss. But I am positive :smile: