

  • I know this is a cliche, but you really just need to take it one day at a time. You gained weight not from vacation, but more likely from just lying in bed for two days. All one can expect from themselves is to put forth the best effort they can. The hardest thing for me, whether at work or when I was at school, is to get…
  • You already finished the toughest part, getting started! Keep going and soon living healthier will become the norm instead of something you have to do. Dont forget donuts are the enemy Good luck
  • I love this website. It really helps me not overeat. Before starting on here on 11/1810 I never realized just how many calories I was eating. My staring weight was 247 and now I am down to 234.8, I would like to get to 195 which would be a good weight for my height.
  • A couple things could be going on here. I am assuming since you are using fitness pal that you are tracking your calories and overeating is not the reason. What it could be is that you are taking in more salt than usual and therefor your body is retaining water. The other thing is if you are nearing the end of your…