Will you reply?

luvinggal Posts: 58
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hey, I wanted to just see how other people are doing on their goals. I have been trying for a while, and thanks to the people on here I finally started cutting back on my foods and drink intake. SO, thanks to all that helped. Let me know how your doing. :laugh: :happy:


  • redwingluvr
    redwingluvr Posts: 75 Member
    Hello! I've been here for 20 days now adn have lost 9.5lbs. I even got into a pari of old jeans today! Love it here and I'm so glad my sis-n-law told me about it. The support has wonderful and it all really helps! Good luck on your journey!!!
  • I just started back counting calories yesterday but so far so good! Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • I love this website. It really helps me not overeat. Before starting on here on 11/1810 I never realized just how many calories I was eating.

    My staring weight was 247 and now I am down to 234.8, I would like to get to 195 which would be a good weight for my height.
  • I had reached my goal a couple of months ago with a loss of 37lbs and 28.5"!! I am now on maintenance and its going great :) I started the hard weight loss journey in Nov 09 but didn't see many results till I joined MFP in February/March!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    My ticker is 2 lbs off, but as of yesterday I have lost 50 lbs in 4 months! I switched to a mostly primal diet around the first of August and it has been amazing! I feel incredible and am 15 pounds from what I weighed in high school. Not too bad for a 32 yr old mom of 3 :)
  • nonnahs413
    nonnahs413 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Glad you are starting to get motivated. I love this site. I have used other's that I paid for and didn't enjoy them no where as much as I have enjoyed this site. I have been on here for a while. I used this when I reached my halfway point in my weight-loss and had to maintain my weight for 8 weeks. It worked out great! I was able to drop a few pounds even during that time! I am now on my second stage with my program and I love that its so easy to keep up with my calorie intake. The key to weight-loss IS keeping the food log. If you dont use anything else on here, at least use the food log! I promise sticking to the recommendations and exercising will help you reach your goals. Don't be in a hurry, the slower you lose the better chances of keeping it off!
    So, good luck on your journey and keep us updated with your progress as well!
  • I broke the 50lbs. loss mark today.... 4 pounds to go to get to my next goal. Lossing weight on MFP has been not been a diet it has been a complete change in liftsyle!
  • I started MFP on 11/15/10 2 weeks into my "diet". I will complete my first month tomorrow (12/04/10) and am currently 19 pounds smaller. I am praying really hard when I weigh tomorrow that I will have lost another pound. I would love to have lost 20 pounds in a month. I know that is a lot, but I have really been trying hard and still have a ways to go, but I am encouraged and seeing results.

    Together we can do this and encourge each other along the way. I truly believe that nothing taste as good as being smaller feels and that is what pushes me towards another mile walked or another bottle of water drank.
  • thanks to all, you've been a great big help. And to anyone that wants to keep in touch, friend me please, I'd love to, thanks
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I met my first Mini-Goal on Thanksgiving. I'm 13 lbs down (in about 6 weeks).... I'm seeing a big change in myself... and I feel I'm well on track to meeting my next goal at the end of this month =)
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