I can feel myself slipping...

ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
For the past 3 months I have lost 23 pounds. I was really motivated and determined to make this time different. I was doing really well and theennnnn....thanksgiving in new mexico for vacation. I got back last sunday and I have 7 exams in the next two weeks. I have mentally shut down and for the past two days I have literally been laying in bed and haven't left it but to pee and open the door for the delivery men. I have been watching movies and stuffing my face, not studying, and trying to pretend like it's not going on. I forced myself to get on the scale this morning for an eye opener and surprise surprise, I have gained 4 pounds. I'm totally freaked out about going home for the holidays and even getting back on the wagon during these next extremely stressful weeks with so many exams. I know that this is the point in which i either gain all of the weight back and probably more....or get back on and keep on trucking with my progress. This is the time I have been dreading for the past 3 months- I need you guys now. Please someone say something to help me.


  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    I'm sorry things are so stressful! But try not to dwell on it too much and just look at each day as a new opportunity to start over and get on track. Sometimes changing your routine can actually be a good thing and reset your body. At least that's how my body works. It's Friday so you have a chance to get in lots of studying and some time at the gym, so enjoy it!

    Good luck!
  • christinehay78
    christinehay78 Posts: 82 Member
    You've had your few days to veg. It's now time to pick yourself up & get moving again! You've come so far, don't quit now. You can do this!!! I know you can!
    There are many people on here to support you & listen when you need to vent.
    Chin up! You'll get through this stressful time! xx
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I say don't use all of these little things as excuses to slip up. They're just triggers and you KNOW that so don't try to blindly look the other way. Only you have the strength to continue on with your new journey and YOU have to be the one who wants it. Nobody can do this for you - you need to "woman up" and get back to your routine. NO EXCUSES! :flowerforyou:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,537 Member
    O.K. take a deep breath. Realizing what is going on and reaching out is a HUGE step in the right direction. You have achieved so much is a short amount of time take a second right now and pat yourself on the back. Done? Alright. Get rid of the junk. Just throw it away. If you can't be trusted with it (and believe me, I can't) get it away from you. Now, go out for a walk. It doesn't have to be huge, but get your body moving and you will remember how much better you feel when you do. Stress is absolutely killer on a lifestyle change like we are making. It's so easy to fall back into old habits to try to feel better and exam time is incredibly stressful. Get your brain involved though and remind yourself that you will feel so much better and be able to study and do better on your exams if you exercise and eat well. The crap may taste good for the moment but it won't make you feel good.

    This is about you but I want to let you know that I know all too well how tempting the old habits are. I am going through a very stressful time in my life right now, my younger son needs surgery and we are having to fight the insurance company to get it approved, I feel like I have an elephant sitting on my chest with the stress level I have and I burst into tears at the least bit of provocation. But, I have been working out and those endorphins really do help and this morning when I thought "boy, a Chick Fil A cookies and cream shake would really make me feel better" I thought of having to log that in my diary and how I would feel having "spent" those calories and you know, I really wouldn't feel better. Honey, you can do this and we are here for you!
  • I know this is a cliche, but you really just need to take it one day at a time. You gained weight not from vacation, but more likely from just lying in bed for two days.

    All one can expect from themselves is to put forth the best effort they can. The hardest thing for me, whether at work or when I was at school, is to get started. Just take the first step, pick one subject and attack it so that you will at least feel better about one class and than do the next one.

    As for dieting, nothing is worse than just sitting around. If you are busy, you dont have to eat to fill the time.

    I guess what I am trying to say is use the fact that you need to study to keep you to busy to eat. Use it to your advantage.

    Good luck with you weight and at school
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    First off I HIGHLY doubt you actually gained 4 pounds in a week. That would be eating an insane overage of food. It might be possible you gained 1 actual pound and 3 are just water retention. This is what happens almost immediately when you go from eating healthy and fresh food to crap food. So I would take a deep breath and relax. Go back to your good habits and everything will be evened back out within a week or less. Also you should remember brain food is good food!! So you'll do much better on your exams eating healthy than eating junk. :))
  • As a recent grad, I know EXACTLY what you are going through.. I made sure to give myself a little "me" time everyday, so I didn't go insane. I learned to live on evergy drinks, which are horrible.. and I stayed up all night when I had to. You will gain a few pounds during exam week.. So don't let that stress you out even more. The most important thing right now are those damn exams, so as long as you make an effort to eat a bit healthier, and maybe get a little exercise in, that's all you can do! Don't stress yourself out. In a couple weeks it'll be over. Soon, you're education will be done, and you'll be able to really focus ont he rest of your life. Just remember, you will get through it.

    I went for walks when I needed a break in studying. Not only is it time to clear my head for an hour or so, but it's also great exercise. If you're going to order food, order pitas, not pizza! Keep drinking your water. This especially important now that you're so stressed, you'll likely forget!

    Don't let a couple pounds break your determination. Don't eat because you're stressed, remember that good food will keep you alert and healthy, it will fuel your body. You need that now. Bad food will make you tired and groggy. This is probably why you've been in bed the past couple days. Good food is your friend. It will help you succeed during these stressful weeks!!

    Just remember, there's no reason you can't do this!! Just stay focused and determined!
  • 5mule
    5mule Posts: 32 Member
    I keep telling myself "progress, not perfection". Don't try to be perfect during stressful times. Do what you can, keep healthy eating and exercise a priority, and don't let the stress drive you eat emotionally. And, you know what relieves stress? Exercise! Staying in bed all day while eating whatever I want is one of my favorite things to do in life, but it never makes me feel better about myself...
  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    I've been going through something similar. I'm also a student and I have lots of term papers and exams coming up, I'm finding it nearly impossible to keep up with all of that AND continue to track calories and focus on my health. I havent' worked out in days - I started walking further to get some exercise in, but I just don't have time to do my DVD workous anymore. When I spend all day at the library, I eat fast food from the food court for lunch because it's so convenient. I'm trying to make healthy choices there but it's hard. I stepped on the scale today and I'm still losing weight, somehow, but I don't feel successful at the whole weight-loss thing. I can feel myself starting to not care about weight loss any more, and it's really worrying me. I go through cycles of nto caring and eating terrible things, and realizing how dangerous that is and not eating anything to make up for that - it's not good for me, and I know that, but I can't seem to find a happy medium!!!

    I'm thinking about switching my weightloss ticker to maintain just for the next few weeks, until the semester is over, so that at least some of my stress goes away. I'm going to keep tracking but I might have to give up my workouts for a while. I'll try to squeeze in as much as I can but only when I'm on a break from studying - school comes first, even before eating healthy, for the next few weeks.

    Maybe you can try something similar - hope your next few weeks calm down, good luck!!! I'm sure you'll get back into it after the stress of the end of semester is over - I know I plan to. I really enjoyed it when I was less stressed last month and before that.
  • pmathe01
    pmathe01 Posts: 1 Member
    I have only been on the program for 4 weeks and have lost 6 pounds. Last week, we lost my brother-in-law to cancer. Everyone drove to Iowa where he lived and attended the funeral. His wife's tradition for a funeral was to have a wake afterward. There was food everywhere! Of course, while we were there for 5 days, I didn't exercise or eat right at all. Now that I am back to "reality", I just weighed myself and I have gained 1.5 pounds. I also have exams this week to finish and everytime I try to sit down and study, all I can do is cry. I can totally relate to your level of stress right now.

    I decided this morning, that no matter what, I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF ME....even if it's through tears. I got up and got on the elliptical and cried through the whole thing, but I did it! So can you!!!! Just get up......don't give up. You are worth it!
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    I know this is probably eaiser said than done. Sit down and think about what it is that is the underlying problem. The key reason you are wanting to say F everything. It sounds like you are suffering from depression. I know when I get depressed all I want to do is eat away my feelings and sleep. Neither solve anything. Aknowledging the situation is a great step. =]
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I'm in the SAME boat. I slipped up a little over Thanksgiving break and now I'm back at college with 0 motivation. All I want to do is lay in bed and sleep. I've mentally shut down, too. I've been fine with eating but everything seems like so much more of a struggle than usual :\ I'm curious to see what advice others can share as to how to beat this!! The next two weeks will be roughhh
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you everyone, I really needed some words of encouragement right now. The past few months I have been so happy with all of the milestones of losing weight finally. I just crashed for a little bit from the stress, everything will be OK. :) I love ya'll and this site is the only thing keeping me holding on right now!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Over eating will not relieve your stress. It is only ADDING to your stress. Compounding it. Adding a layer of guilt. Filling you with self doubt.

    That's exactly what you DON'T need with a stressful week ahead (or ever).

    If I was bleeding, I'd get myself a bandaid. I wouldn't get a sharp object and cause myself to bleed more. That wouldn't make any sense.

    It also doesn't make sense to aleviate stress by causing more stress. When you're tempted to turn to food. Say aloud 'The food will not take away my stress'.

    Feel the stress. You are anyway. It's still there, waiting for you, when the food is gone.

    Love, love, LOVE yourself enough to know that you can experience the stress without fragmenting. Food will not make you 'cope' with the stress. You've coped in the past with the stress AND the stress that was added to the situation through food. Imagine how much BETTER it will be if you just feel the stress and not all the other nonsense that over eating will add?

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I agree! You can only control today. Yesterday was here and gone, and now you have to focus on yourself. Since Thanksgiving, life has been hectic, throwing me lots of curveballs and changing my schedule. I've realized it is not very realistic to do the same-exercise wise- as I was before Thanksgiving. At least for the next few weeks, so I'm trying to be as conscious as I can about doing SOMETHING instead of nothing. Get yourself through these tests. Be meticulous about at least having a plan for your meals. Use your workouts as a way to break up studying, even if it's just a 15 minute walk to clear your head. Give yourself rewards to get to the end, and don't beat yourself up for not doing everything to a tee. When Christmas comes, allow yourself to enjoy your favorite things without going overboard, and most of all, ENJOY YOURSELF. I LOVE Christmas, and I'll be darned if I stress myself out over a few calories. I'm going to work them into my "budget" the best I can and just go with it. You can do it! We all have those days, and we all need someone to kick us in the butt sometimes! Here's to you! You CAN do it!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    When I feel myself slipping I go to Wal-mart. Open your eyes and look around. That usually motivates me.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member

    Love, love, LOVE yourself enough to know that you can experience the stress without fragmenting. Food will not make you 'cope' with the stress. You've coped in the past with the stress AND the stress that was added to the situation through food. Imagine how much BETTER it will be if you just feel the stress and not all the other nonsense that over eating will add?

    Well said!

    Be your own best friend, not your own worst enemy!

    You know how to do this healthy lifestyle, you've had success! Remember how good it feels after a hard workout or dropping a pant size. Most importantly, PICK YOURSELF UP and get moving! Take a walk, go to the gym, do a workout DVD....find that mental clarity through physical exercise. You'll be okay!
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    When I feel myself slipping I go to Wal-mart. Open your eyes and look around. That usually motivates me.

    Haaaaa! I LOVE this! :laugh:
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    i TOTALLY understand where your coming from girl...u came to the right place to get back on track...i gained 5 lbs over thanksgiving and im trying to tell myself just hop back on the wagon and stay consistent b/c thats what gets the job done...marathon here we come...u can do this girl....U look great keep it going
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    thank you everybody. Still having a hard time getting back on but I'm mentally stronger now and i KNOW this is just a little slip-up in the grand scheme of things :)
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