P90XLE Member


  • Depends on what you want to do. Whey protein is digested fast so it should be taken after a workout, where as Casien protein is slowly digested so you would take that before bed when your body is replenishing itself.
  • I did the Tough Mudder New England. I am now the proud owner of a Tough Mudder head band! The Tough Mudder New England consisted of running up and down Mount Snow in Vermont, while doing a number of obstacles throughout the course. One obstacle I will never forget is having to cross the snow making pond, (Water temperature…
  • Try Insanity Cardio Abs.
  • www.beachbody.com - check out that website for turbofire, P90X, Insanity and Asylum
  • Under the cardio section, type in Strength training (weight lifting, weight training).
  • While doing INSANITY, I was up to 3000 calories a day and found it very difficult to eat that many calories. So I started to double up on my portions. For example I would have 2 cups of Kashi cereal in the morning, 6 oz of chicken for lunch instead of 3 oz etc. I found that I was able to easily reach my calorie needs of…
  • Congrats on your 11 lb weight loss. However be careful your body will reach a point where you cannot sustain a 1200 calorie diet any longer. With your increased metabolism, you will need to eat more.