

  • Try lowering your sugar. I know when my trainer suggested that and had me below 15grams a daym it did help. Also, try switching up your eating habbits with how much protein and carbs you eat during the day. If your everyday meal plan consists of even carbs and protein then boost up the protein and cut some of the carbs.…
  • I can't really see it being good for you but I don't know that for a fact. But if you think about it your body needs food to give you energy and all the other nutrients it needs and when you are most active is the time you need it most. I know it is difficult not to eat during the day as well but if you have to work night…
  • Hi, I am not normally a night shift person but when I had to work night shift for two weeks I made sure that I didn't eat for the 4hrs prior to my sleep (nap). I would say not to eat during the day as much since you need most of your energy at night. I hope this helped some what.
  • Why not try crackers? There is a lot of them out there that are not that bad for you and you just need a little to satify your craving. There is also celery you can use as well.
  • Just hang in there! I know it's hard but instead of just watching your calories pay attention to your carbs, protein and sugar (lower your carbs than what MFP allows you, I go 100 or less and try to double your protein). I too have always struggled with my weight and so far I have lost 44lbs since November. What I do to…
  • I usually have a protein shake for breakfast. Sometimes i'll add a few things to it like some fruit or a little bit of peanut butter. Then maybe an egg white and/or fresh veggies.
  • Have you tried changing up your diet when you hit the plateaus? Try having a high calorie and high carb day and then the next day go low carb and low calorie. That is what I did when I hit mine and it seemed to help a lot, your body gets used to your diet and so it causes the halt in weight loss. Also, maybe take a look at…
  • I don't think it is a bad thing to go over protein. I have a trainer and he said that the amounts of carbs and protein in his book is off and tells me that my protein level should be about 45 to 50% of my food intake. So you should be fine.
  • It can be very hard to stick to your diet, especially at first and when you hit your first plateau. I would recommend trying to get some people you work with to help with your motivation or join one of the groups on here to help give you the support you need. There has been several times that I wanted to just say screw it…
  • I know how difficult it can be to go on vacation and stick to your diet. My advice is to try and carry protein bars, almonds and other small healthy items in your purse. When I went to NYC for Thanksgiving, I had a protein bar and some carrots in my purse and they didn't say a thing. As for eating out in restuarants I…
  • Welcome Sara! This site is a great tool to help lose weight, I started in late October and have learned so much. Good Luck and stay strong!
  • Good for you! This site is a great way to help lose weight and control what you eat. I have learned so much from MFP, it's amazing. I have lost 29lbs so far and I am even getting my mom and sister to start tracking their food and getting them into wanting to lose weight and being healthy. I am 25 and have always had weight…