Going over on protein

lazygirllosesweight Posts: 190
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
So I am careful to stay within my carb goal because I don't want my insulin level to be fluctuating. But what about protein? Is it a problem if I go over on protein?


  • Not sure, I go over protien everyday too so Im curious about what the answer is!
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    If you're going to go over on something it should definitely be protein. I think most people on here agree that MFP sets the protein goal a bit low.
  • I don't think it is a bad thing to go over protein. I have a trainer and he said that the amounts of carbs and protein in his book is off and tells me that my protein level should be about 45 to 50% of my food intake. So you should be fine.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    I think most people go over on protein. The same conversation was a thread a few days ago. I think someone said the research they did was conflicting. Most agreed that going over on protein (and fiber) was better than going over on calories or fat.
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    I sometimes have too much protein also. If you do Atkins Diet and are stictly focusing on protein shakes and no carbs, it can then affect your liver. But if your going over a little bit, but still eating your carbs and fiber, you will be okay. Today I went over by 34g of protein, which isnt going to kill me, but I do try focusing on staying within 20g of my set amount!
  • ppahler
    ppahler Posts: 16
    I guess it would depend on how much protein. I know that excess protein can be hard on your kidneys long term... I would research it though, I'm no doctor! Don't be too short on your carbs though, glucose is the only substance that the brain can use! Normal diets should be about 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat, but I don't know for sure about diabetic diets. ..
  • I also eat too much protein, not alot over my daily goal, but I do go over. I found this article and found it kind of interesting, hope it answers your question.


    Can you eat too much protein for your own good health? Consuming levels beyond a certain amount probably won't give you any additional benefit unless your aim is to build large muscles via a bodybuilding program. The best plan of action may be to calculate your suggested daily intake of protein (0.37 times your body weight) and stay within that range. To promote overall better health and reduce your risk of disease, decrease the amount of protein you get from animal sources and add more vegetable sources of protein such as beans, lentils, and nuts. This is also a good general recipe for better health and longevity.
  • 2joe2
    2joe2 Posts: 13
    So long as your fat and carb in-take is kept to low levels, you can go over protein. If you have too much fat and/or carbs and then too much protein it can cause weight gain. As you step up your workouts and increase calorie burn, you can start to increase your carbs and reduce your protein in-take. A good rule of thumb to promote fat loss and build lean mass is to follow the following relative percentages of protein/fat/carbs: 40/30/30. In other words, of your daily calories, 40% should be from protein and so on. Also, the fats you consume should be non-saturated "good" fats from fish, lean meat, avocado and nuts. Good luck.

  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    The protein count here is way too low. You need more protein especially if your exercising. As long as your not way over(and consistently over), you will be ok!!

    Keep with it, all this work is worth the payoff!!
  • As long as the protein is lean - low fat protein, going over is normal -- MFP is a bit low in protein.
  • I'm only going over 4 to 15 grams per day. I didn't think it was a problem. But I wanted to check. Thanks!
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