W15t5v1 Member


  • I have also read that eating not only affects your energy levels and mental ability but sleeping patterns as well. Considering I eat all the wrong things and sleep terrible I did a little research and came accross the Paleo system. http://www.paleosleeptips.com. I have no idea if this is the real deal or not but has anyone…
  • I agree that diets are the pits and generally do not work. I am Lactose and Fructose intollerant as well as being Diabetic and have not found one 'diet' that has helped. My diabetes educator tells me all in moderation but I love my food so I looked at the latest fad of Paleo. I must say that the recipe book I found made my…
  • Not sure if this is helpful but being lactose and fructose intollerant has driven me to the Paleo diet and I found a realy good recipe book. http://paleocookingtips.com/ Being on a pension means I have limited funds but there is also a video on the site explaining that Paleo need not be costly and is very helpful.
  • I am lactose and fructose intollerant as well as being type 2 dyabetic so the Paleo diet is my last attempt to lose weight and get a little healthier. I was a little concerned about the extra cost with being on a pension but came accross this video http://paleocookingtips.com/low-cost-paleo-ideas which also has a complete…
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