Clean eating, does it really work?

I want to try clean eating, I don't know what else to do. I have no energy, feel horrible, etc etc. I heard that clean eating can not only help you lose weight but can also make you feel better (mentally). Is this true?:yawn:


  • You won't lose weight if you don't pay attention to portions, just as with any eating style. I have led a clean eating diet for about a year now and I notice a significant increase in my energy levels, skin, and overall mood. Since cutting out processed foods from my diet I couldn't imagine going back.
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    it definitely helps but i find it hard to do 100% .. but i figure 90% is better then 0%
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Personally I find that eating IIFYM forces you to eat "clean" most of the time. The upside is you can also enjoy treats that fit your macros!
  • You won't lose weight if you don't pay attention to portions, just as with any eating style. I have led a clean eating diet for about a year now and I notice a significant increase in my energy levels, skin, and overall mood. Since cutting out processed foods from my diet I couldn't imagine going back.


    I eat clean but that's because I don't like junk food and just love real whole foods. I have no disrespect for those that don't eat clean either. Whatever works for you! Eating clean makes me feel better. I feel like total garbage when I eat crap foods so eating clean works for me. All I can say is if you make the decision to eat clean stick to it. It's totally worth it if you are feeling like garbage with what you are eating daily (non clean foods). Good luck
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Cleaning eating takes alot of work, alot of planning, and alot of prepping. My girlfriend and I try to eat clean for the most part. We plan out meals out a week in advanced for breakfast lunch and dinner. Get our meats and vegetables from the framers market whenever we can. Avoid pre packaged food items whenever possible. I mean for me personally it has helped alot with my energy how i feel after i eat, and just mentally knowing im not packing down 85 ingredients I dont even know what they are. But just because your eating clean doesnt mean you get a free pass to eat whatever you want. Clean calories are same as dirty calories, they just dont have all the other things that come along with processed foods. Good luck.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I want to try clean eating, I don't know what else to do. I have no energy, feel horrible, etc etc. I heard that clean eating can not only help you lose weight but can also make you feel better (mentally). Is this true?:yawn:

    So can stimulants...
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It won't help you lose weight, but I do think incorporating "clean foods" can help you feel better to some degree. So will fish oil.
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    ‘Eating clean’ is something I do 95% of the time. I avoid processed foods, refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol wherever possible.

    The other 5% is what I allow myself so I don’t end up in an inevitable binge/blow out.

    If done within your calorie target you can lose weight, and feel better. Eating junk makes me feel and look like junk!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    How many cals do you eat now? If it is quite low or you don't eat back some workout cals you just may not be eating enough. Tough to tell since your diary is closed.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Personally I find that eating IIFYM forces you to eat "clean" most of the time. The upside is you can also enjoy treats that fit your macros!

    I second this 1,000%!
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm in maintenance and recently transitioned to a whole foods, plant based diet. I've found that veggies, beans and whole grains are really filling and I naturally eat less calories now. I've lost around 3lbs, which was something I wasn't expecting, but beyond that my adult acne has cleared up, I'm sleeping better at night and my grocery budget has gone down :)

    I've found that eating a whole foods diet is actually pretty easy and doesn't take a lot of planning or prepping. But, my meals are very simple-I have a green smoothie everyday, a servings of oats, a serving of beans (right now I'm eating a lot of organic refried black beans mixed with tomatoes, onions and black olives and then either wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla or used as a dip), and then things like sauteed veggies and mushrooms, brown rice with veggies etc. I haven't ventured into using recipes or baking yet-I like easy right now, with the kids out of school :)
  • cmath81
    cmath81 Posts: 8 Member
    Absolutely. I feel so energized and have an enhanced mood. I have kept 14 pounds off for 2 years. Clean eating makes the out of control binges or cravings manageable or nonexisitent. I start the day with warm lemon water, green smoothie, salad for lunch, and like to try new recipes for dinner. Some of my favorites are black bean burgers, zucchini "pasta", sweet potato & quinoa. The UltraSimple plan is a great way to eliminate foods that may cause inflammation. It may be an introduction to clean eating for you. Here is the link:
    Remember, all our bodies are DIFFERENT and one way of eating - i.e. vegan or paleo - may not work for everyone. Just experiment and take note of how you FEEL and respond to life.
  • cmath81
    cmath81 Posts: 8 Member
    Great reply and totally agree :)
  • cmath81
    cmath81 Posts: 8 Member
    Cleaning eating takes alot of work, alot of planning, and alot of prepping. My girlfriend and I try to eat clean for the most part. We plan out meals out a week in advanced for breakfast lunch and dinner. Get our meats and vegetables from the framers market whenever we can. Avoid pre packaged food items whenever possible. I mean for me personally it has helped alot with my energy how i feel after i eat, and just mentally knowing im not packing down 85 ingredients I dont even know what they are. But just because your eating clean doesnt mean you get a free pass to eat whatever you want. Clean calories are same as dirty calories, they just dont have all the other things that come along with processed foods. Good luck.

    Thank you ....great job!
  • W15t5v1
    W15t5v1 Posts: 4 Member
    I have also read that eating not only affects your energy levels and mental ability but sleeping patterns as well. Considering I eat all the wrong things and sleep terrible I did a little research and came accross the Paleo system. I have no idea if this is the real deal or not but has anyone heard of it and does it do what they say?
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Not really.... mostly because what one person considers "clean eating" may be different then another person. There is no real, official definition as to what "clean eating" is.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Personally I find that eating IIFYM forces you to eat "clean" most of the time. The upside is you can also enjoy treats that fit your macros!

    I agree!
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I recently read "The UltraMind Solution" by Mark Hyman (author of the Ultra Simple solution mentioned above) and thought it was really informative as to how much our diets affect our entire body, mind and all. It is not just about the good stuff you put in but the bad stuff you eliminate from your diet.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    I want to try clean eating, I don't know what else to do. I have no energy, feel horrible, etc etc. I heard that clean eating can not only help you lose weight but can also make you feel better (mentally). Is this true?:yawn:

    Well it certainly won't hurt you providing you don't overeat.
  • I always try to eat clean. I feel better when I do :)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    If by "clean eating" you mean mostly non-processed, naturally occurring and available foods? Sure, it can make all the difference. That hundred pounds lost you see in my ticker is from a lifestyle of "clean eating" (and later IFing), without any calorie counting, logging, or food weighing; and that's eating a diet pretty high in fat. I also don't eat just to lose, I eat to feel as good as possible, be in as wonderful of health as I can be.

    For me "clean eating' is eating in a way that keeps me full of energy, makes me feel good, and aides in my goals. I almost never overindulge in "clean" foods, so overeating isn't a problem. However if you are prone to overeating food, regardless of the apparently "cleanliness" of the food, you still need to track and calorie count. There are fat, unhealthy fruitarians, vegans, vegetarians, organic-only diets, the list goes on. People who are predisposed to overeating will overeat regardless of what eating system they adhere to.

    It's also about NOT being a nazi. You can indulge in the so called junk foods, or if restricting carbs you can have higher carb foods, just do so in a way that doesn't hinder your own health and nutritional goals. Any good diet/program/lifestyle needs to be followed the majority of the time, not all of the time.
  • costahobo
    costahobo Posts: 20 Member
    I always wash my food before cooking it. I assumed everybody did...
  • Agreed
  • CrazyWhiskers
    CrazyWhiskers Posts: 63 Member
    This is interesting. I will give this a whirl after Thanksgiving (tomorrow). :heart: