

  • Last month...when was the last time you walked barefoot in the grass?
  • Thanks! I wish you the same
    in Hello Comment by evatorrez October 2009
  • That is awesome! I have been doing his 10 minute videos for about 6 months and am down 59 pounds. I have the p90x but I'm seriously scared to try it. I was thinking about Insanity myself you say its harder that p90x? Yikes.
    in PX90 Comment by evatorrez October 2009
  • I have noticed a huge difference in both my leisure and daily activites. It is amazing how much torture our poor little knees can endure. I noticed that while I was golfing I hit the ball better too it is a great feeling.
  • Way to go you for making such a hard decision. It sounds like you are really committed to going the distance doing research and reaching out for ideas is really good.It may not be immediate but your family will jump on board and join you. Just becareful with you kids its a fine line between healthy wieght and healthy self…
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