**Newbie needs support!

Hello all I am a newbie here. I am almost 40, have 4 kids (2 mine 2 step), 4 dogs a few fish, and a wonderful husband! Last week I watched my daughter take a HUGE tablespoon of peanut butter and just eat it out of the jar and thought to myself... this is what "I" taught her. I felt terrible! I have officially hit my all time high l and now have decided I HAVE got to do something about my weight before it kills me! I have only myself to blame.

I am a overeater, have bad habits and emotional eat. I want to set a good example for my kids and husband, be healthy, keep up with my kids and fit more comfortably in place like airplane seats. I am tired of needing to buy HUGE clothes and always bumping my belly or butt into things when I walk by. I could go on but, I am sure may of you have already been there.

To add to all of this my son is type 1 diabetic and my husband type 2. As of right now I am just fine in that department but, diabetes does run in the family and I want to not only help my son and husband with cooking better but also exercising and well just plain becoming a healthier family! My son is not overweight. However, my husband is and we have gotten obese together. You might say, we have supported one anothers bad habits. Well, I am making the 1st move here. He wants to loose weight but, the motivation just is not there. So, instead of waiting on him to make up his mind. I am here and making these lifestyle changes now. I can only hope if I set a better example then I have maybe he to will get some motivation.

So, over the past week I have done some research, made some SERIOUS life decisions and am going to get healthier, loose weight and set a good example for my family! If any of you have suggestions I would love to hear them! I am also looking for a group to join to help keep me accountable as I have a long long road ahead of me with over 100 lbs to loose.


  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Welcome dawna,
    you will find lots of support here! i joined recently and absolutely LOVE this place!! Congrats at your decision to change your lifestyle...that is really what this is all about!!

    Make sure to do this in baby steps! When taken in babysteps...a healthier lifestyle and healthier weight are more likely to be done! It will be hard, and sometimes you will be frustrated, but YOU CAN DO IT!

    P.S. Great way to spell your name! Thats how I spell mine too! :)
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Welcome, we are all in this together!!
    MFP has changed my life and I'm sure it will change yours too- you can do this!!!
  • pattitricia85
    welcome! You have come to the right place. I recommend planning out you and your familys meals for the next week, and when you go to the store, stick to the list!! Look on the internet for healthy meal ideas that you and your family will like. Just google it, you will find tons, or ask people here, you will get a lot of ideas. Good luck!!
  • imdamom
    imdamom Posts: 42
    I am brand new here as of today. Reading your story reminds me so much of my own. I will be 41 on Monday and am well past needing to get it in gear. I have lost weight in the past but it always comes back. I quit smoking almost 15 months ago and I gained back the most recent weight I had lost when I did. I too have 4 kids ranging in ages of almost 6 to almost 17. My 14 year old daughter is following in my foot steps too closely. In fact, she now only weighs 5 pounds less than I do. My two oldest are twins and one of them is borderline anorexic because he doesn't want to end up like his mom and dad. I have to do this for them but more importantly, I have to do this for myself. I wish you all the best on your journey and know that you have a friend walking it with you.

  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Welcome to dawnannw and imdamom.:flowerforyou:

    There's tons of information on this site, and everybody is in the same situation or we've been there.
    Lots of ideas, tips, recipes and support from people.

    Dawnannw, you said it in your profile. "1 day at a time."

    We didn't gain all this weight in 1 month or 6 months, so we shouldn't expect it to come off that fast either.
  • evatorrez
    Way to go you for making such a hard decision. It sounds like you are really committed to going the distance doing research and reaching out for ideas is really good.It may not be immediate but your family will jump on board and join you. Just becareful with you kids its a fine line between healthy wieght and healthy self image. I struggled with that. I made the same decision about 8 months ago for alot of the same reasons you described. I became a grandparent in August 2008 and I decided that I really want to be around to see him grow. My ethnicity predispositions me for a ton of health problems naturally and I decided I didn't want to help nature kill me. So I have lost 59 pound in the last eight months. I have been working out faithfully at home and riding my bike (weather permitting) I really stay active and try to watch my portions when I eat. I feel so great what a difference it has made in all aspects of my life. Good luck on you journey.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    You guys are GREAT... Thank you so much for the encouraging words! :) I honestly feel better already. It has been somewhat of a shocker how many calories (and bad ones) I was taking in. This site is a blessing I look forward to logging in and reading more every day!

    pattitricia85 - planning out my meals for the next week.. I will have to work on that.. I have managed to plan the days meals but, as for the week well.. that will definitely be something I work on when I make my grocery list on Saturday.

    imdamom - thanks for the note and welcome! It will be great to travel this journey with you.

    tttthumper and willywonka and kicklikeagirl - Thanks again for the note

    evatorrez - I am committed.. My sister recently lost 120 lbs (weight loss surgery) and I see how she has become a different person. She has so much energy and well really a new lease on life! It has been so good for her even though she has had a really tough time emotionally. You might say in some aspects she has been a bit of my motivation.