
Hi I am new to this and decided to join after I did PX90 with my husband, IT WAS AMAZING. I reached my goal and now i set another goal for myself. I am not overweight but am just trying to get very lean. I would like to lose another 8-10 lbs and I iwll be very content. The reason for my post.....ANYONE trying to lose weight and get in great shape MUST try PX90...i lost 15 lbs, and a total of 13 inches. It was amazing. Before px90 i could not run a mile. Now, I am up to 10 and planning on doing my first half marathon in 3 weeks. Seriously. its hard, its dedication but if you have struggled this will do it!!!!!!!!!!! I just loved it so much I wanted to share my success with it. My husband and I plan on getting INSANITY and starting Jan. 1st...suppose to be tougher than PX90....but we will see!!!!!!


  • eeekmom
    eeekmom Posts: 23
    why cant i read the replies to my post????
  • eeekmom
    eeekmom Posts: 23
    oh jeeze never mind. i get it. 12 people have viewed but not replied. sorry still new to this. thanks
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I tried P90X and gained 7 lbs in 6 weeks and lost no inches, I have no idea what went wrong
  • sonialynnt
    Do you think this is for someone who is overweight and trying to get in shape? I am overweight but can run a 12 min mile and can do various other workouts but my bad eating habits is what is making me overweight. What do you think personally? Thank you.

    Sonia ****man
  • evatorrez
    That is awesome! I have been doing his 10 minute videos for about 6 months and am down 59 pounds. I have the p90x but I'm seriously scared to try it. I was thinking about Insanity myself you say its harder that p90x? Yikes.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Insanity is definitely harder than P90X. I did four rounds of P90X before I attempted Insanity, and it still gave me a swift kick in the bum.

    P90X is doable if you are overweight, but you have to make modifications. You also have to realize that you might not reach your goals in 90 days; it may take two or three rounds for that to happen. If your nutrition is in order, it will happen sooner.
  • eeekmom
    eeekmom Posts: 23
    In my honest opinion.....i think the first week or even two will be very hard but its more of a commitment thing than anything else. It is 6 times a week for at least an hour sometimes 1 1/2 hrs. so even if you cannot get all the moves down right away just moving that long, that many days will do it. although i am not over weight i was very out of shape. the warm up was enough for me the first week.....by the end of the 3 months you body adapts and its amazing what your body can do if you are willing to do it!!!!! so, yes, i think its very possible. any questions please feel free to post. i just loved it and would be willing to answer any questions with nothing but honesty!!!!!!!!
  • eeekmom
    eeekmom Posts: 23
    sandy 429....which workout did u like better? my husband wants to do px90 again and i want to try something different and challenge us.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I love them both for different reasons.

    P90X is my first love. I love Tony, and I love lifting heavy weights.

    I love Insanity for what it did for my cardiovascular endurance and performance. It made PlyoX seem like a walk in the park.

    I am currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. I suggest doing another round of P90X or P90X+, and then go for Insanity.
  • lgav23
    lgav23 Posts: 33 Member
    A group of us women are getting ready to start P90X on Monday. I have watched the infomercial many times and I am so excited to finally do this. I am overweight, but I have always been active in sports and hiking so I am hoping I can do this.
    Thanks for posting on the subject it just got me more fired up to do it.:smile:
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Do you think this is for someone who is overweight and trying to get in shape? I am overweight but can run a 12 min mile and can do various other workouts but my bad eating habits is what is making me overweight. What do you think personally? Thank you.

    Sonia ****man

    Hi Jasonia,

    I love P90X, BUT a huge part of it is nutrition.

    If you want to lose weight, eat less. Exercise for fitness.

    I noticed on one of your other posts you said you don't track your food (if I read it correctly). You need to track if you're ever to keep your self at a caloric deficit. If you don't know how many calories you're consuming, how can you make sure to keep the numbers in the right order?

    Just my 2 cents. All the best with your goals and welcome to myfitnesspal!

  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, I think p90x is doable. I have completed 2 rounds. I started at 190 and am down to 160. The first few weeks will be very tough and you will get sore, but pace yourself and eat good. Nutrition is very very important. It keeps you energized and you are going to need it. I was contemplating starting insanity for quite a while and am now on day 6. I am doing a hybrid with some p90x strength training workouts. All I can say about insanity is look out. You will never sweat or breathe harder or better yet be out of breath with any other workout. If you have done Plyo X, think of doing all the exercises of one set one after the other with no breaks and then take 30 seconds and start it all over. The warmup is harder than plyo x!
  • kdandrea
    I'm in the last week of my 3rd round of P90X. (2 P90X, 1 P90X+)

    I'm looking at doing a round of Insanity after the holidays.

    Just sayin'