

  • Hi... just joined. Good luck to all!
  • I cook a 4 pound whole chicken, and that gives me chicken for salad, soups, etc., for the week. I stuff the chicken with veggies that may have been in the fridge a little too long... onion, garlic, mushrooms, carrots, celery, herbs... whatever you have. If I have some old lemons or limes, I'll put those in, too. Season…
  • Hi all! I'm Dee from Oklahoma. My goal for this challenge is to lose 20 pounds. I've lost 10 pounds so far, and I'm feeling so much better. My plan is to do strength training 3 times weekly, cardio 3 times weekly, and yoga at least 3 times weekly. I'm already eating much healthier, but I want to continue to refine my meal…
  • Hi... I have some catching up to do. I've been crazy busy the last couple of days. But, my goal for today is to drink 64 oz. water, stay under calorie goal, and weight training.
  • Pics and measurements taken. Let's do this!
  • Hi gingerpeachy6! I just joined the challenge. Just last night I was trying to figure out how to add ab work into my routine... your challenge is right on time! I will start tonight. Thanks! :wink:
  • Congrats for joining MFP! That's the first step. Sharing your struggles just shows that you're willing to be accountable for your actions... that's huge in itself! It also shows you that you're not alone, everyone has demons... I let mine get the better of me, because last night, I DID fall off the wagon. But, that was…
  • OK, I'm in. Since joing MFP, it's become painfully obvious how drinking certain things, namely alcohol, iced coffee, frapuccino, etc., can totally negate all of the hard work I put in. I've wanted to cut down, so here we go! Week 1 - 164 lbs.
  • Thanks Twyla17! I appreciate your reply. I've been able to nip and tuck to hide some of the extra pounds I'm carrying, but the proof was in the pudding when I saw a picture of myself in a one-piece swimsuit. Not pretty! :embarassed: But, I needed to see it to realize it was time to get serious.