

  • I love this thread! I am currently training for my first 5k. It is a week from Saturday and I have experienced an injury or two that I feel has set me back quite a bit. But I still plan to run! I would LOVE support and advice from those who have already have a 5k or two under their belt! :D
  • I currently reached 159! But sometimes I teeter totter around 161 and 158. Anyways, I am also walking out of the 160's. Congratulations on getting into the 160 club and lets get to the 150's club together!
  • I appreicate your advice very much! I will set my workout on my phone to more walking toward the beginning of my run, or force myself to walk a little more, since I feel as though I will not improve if I do this, it is hard for me. My breathing is saying you can go longer and my legs are saying.. PLEASE WALK A LITTLE! :D I…
  • Thanks johnwitent! I was doing the 6 week runnerworld program but incorporated hills in this, because the running terrain by my home has hills. My shoes are new and yes I was fitted and bought them from a specialty running shop for the fact that I run on the outside of my feet. On my right foot, my three outside toes also…
  • Guess no one else has this problem :D The point of this post is to get tips on what intervals to run in order to increase my endurance, ultimately increasing my time :D I hope someone can help me :D Thanks!