5-7 people for running support, motivation, encouragement



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The website Active.com has some free programs to log your progress. I'm doing a 10k training plan now.
  • k83did
    k83did Posts: 7
    I love this thread! I am currently training for my first 5k. It is a week from Saturday and I have experienced an injury or two that I feel has set me back quite a bit. But I still plan to run! I would LOVE support and advice from those who have already have a 5k or two under their belt! :D
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    For all of you lovely ladies preparing for your first 5k, I'd be happy to share my tips, since you asked, though I am not a pro by any means.

    1) Your first race is all about setting your very first PR (personal record). Remember that any time you set is going to be your new record! Whether it's 30 minutes, 35 minutes, or 40 minutes, it doesn't matter.

    2) You've probably heard this one before but I can't stress it enough...start slow. Off of the starting lines people will be flying past you. Don't be tempted to pick up the pace because you feel slower than other people around you. You're better off finding a pace and keeping it than starting fast and burning out. Do this and you'll start passing those same people around mile 2.

    3) If you can, stage family members or friends at the mile 1 and 2 mark, as well as at the finish line. It helps motivate you to look like you're doing good when you run past them. :-)

    4) If you can find the race course published online, try to run it a week or so in advance of the actual race so you'll know what to expect.

    For me, I'll be honest, my first 5k was actually more difficult than I thought it would be. I had done most of my training on a treadmill and it just wasn't the same. Not to mention, it was the very end of April and by some fluke we had a really cold and foggy morning, and I don't run well in the cold. I felt like there was no way this was just a 5k and someone must have changed it to a 5 miler as a joke. That said, when I crossed the line I was pleasantly surprised with my time...31:08. At the time, I was typically running 11 minute miles (5.5mph) on the treadmill, so I shocked myself by coming in with a 10:01 pace. I have learned that I always have a faster pace outdoors than what I can do on the treadmill. Longer strides maybe?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I run faster outside than I do on a treadmill, too.

    My suggestion for your first 5k would be to have some kind of goodie in your pocket. Like jelly beans or Skittles. I get parched when running, but can't drink and run, and I didn't want to stop at the water station. So I popped two jelly beans every two songs on my mp3 player, and it kept my mouth from feeling all dry. Plus, breaking it down by songs helped. Telling myself, "after this song, you get a treat" kept me moving. And especially being able to tell myself, "You'll be done by the time this song is over!"

    And make sure you have great music. When you're feeling fatigued, pretend you're dancing. I may or may not have sung aloud, "So what!? I'm still a rock star!" :laugh:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Sorry I have been busy and not posting on the thread!
    I got Brooks Adrenaline shoes (had only run in Sauconys before) they did not have my old shoe, and the upgradeded model had a wider heel and they were just slippy so I couldnt go with them. I went to the usual shoe store ... the running store that is... for the fit and the whole deal. We only diagree one one thing...

    My feet are 10 1/4 ... and they want me in 11s. I CANT do it... I feel like I am wearing clown shoes. I have never had problems with toenails or tight shoes before and my feet do not swell so I am fine in them. The Brooks are slightly smaller even than the Sauconys with a smaller toe box... but overall I think they will be ok.

    I ran 4 on Tuesday ... and then life got in the way on Wed and Thursday. Yesterday I took off in the new shoes with the intent to do a 10K.

    I got my usual foot pain at 0.6 miles and it persisted until about 1.5 miles... the middle of the L foot felt slightly numb until mile 2.5 and then after that I felt great. I even upped several of my intervals at around mile 3 I felt strong and started some 6 min intervals... and at the beginning of mile 4 I ran for more than 10 minutes (I lost track). One of the things I was focusing on with these longer run intervals was maintaining the same pace... not falling off the pace... so I was happy.

    I finished in 1:27:24 which was 14 seconds faster than I have ever done a 10K so I was pretty psyched! My mile splits were almost perfectly even within about 10 seconds of each other - which meant that I was consistent for the run instead of falling off the pace.

    Tomorrow is an 11 mile long run .... last one before the next half marathon 1 week from today!

    Keep pushing yourself... there is failure in every success... and success in every failure ... what you are going to see today?
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    Great job Emmaleigh!!! How'd your 11 mile run go?

    I managed to get my 13 year old daughter out with me for 4.6 on Saturday. She couldn't run the whole way, maybe a quarter mile at a time, so it was more like interval training, but if I can get at least one of my kids to be fit and run with me, it's totally worth helping her get better!

    I didn't run Sunday, and then yesterday my almost 2 year old was sick so there was no running either. It really sucked though because I had PLANNED to go to the gym after dinner...therefore I ate two sloppy joes, potato salad and this evil and delicious "molten chocolate cupcake" I made, figuring I'd burn enough in an hour on the treadmill at the gym to still come in under my calorie goal MFP had given me... However, the baby got really fussy and sad, and I ended up cuddling with her on the chair until 1 a.m....and then trying to get her to sleep the rest of the night.

    So now, here I sit, AF due any minute, having eaten way over my calorie allotment (like +900 calories) yesterday, and then of course, I also drank diet dew like, three cans, just to stay up and take care of baby... got like two hours of sleep, and am now back to 157.2, or .4 pounds above where I was when I started this site 2 weeks ago. Gah!!!

    I know most of it will fall off when I get some sleep, don't down liquids right before bed, see AF show up and go for a run, but it's still a total buzzkill.

    I am going for a run with my daughter again when I get home. Probably just 4.5 miles again, and probably just intervals again, but at least it's something.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Alright friends, let's get running!!! (And posting):laugh: I'm finally feeling better - enough energy to get out there and do something- so I'm totally going to go for it !! This seems like one of those "nice and easy"'jog days. It's been a few weeks since I've jogged for 3 miles straight or more but I really feel like going for it today. I miss that free feeling. I'm gonna go for it. Will post back after. Btw- it's a gorgeous sunny day in Hawaii - no wonder I feel like a run!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Emmaleigh- how many days until hour half marathon ? Looking forward to a full report!
    I went out today and really enjoyed myself. Did a steady (slow) jog for 30 mins after a 5 min warmup walk. Lots of hills and the last leg of my jog was a steep hill that I tend to wise out and walk up. Not today! I pushed it and am glad I did. Feels good to get out there again. One run at a time, right?
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    Glad to hear you got out there and good for you for pushing it through those hills! It's such a sense of accomplishment when you do what you thought you couldn't do isn't it? :-) I haven't been out for a run since Saturday. I really wanted to go yesterday and the day before, but I have a sick 2 year old and yesterday, it rained and snowed! I WILL get out this weekend, at least twice, because I have a 5 mile race coming up on May 1st, only 16 days away!
  • Wow, I was looking at your pics, and What an inspiration, you look great and healthy!!! How is the running going? I did a 9 min mile which is my best yet, slowly I am getting there!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Wow, I was looking at your pics, and What an inspiration, you look great and healthy!!! How is the running going? I did a 9 min mile which is my best yet, slowly I am getting there!!!

    If this is to me, thank you! Then again, there are several inspiring healthy peeps on here!!

    I haven't ever been a daily runner- more an every other day kind of gal. Today I did some zumba DVDs after work, a short arms workout. What I noticed in yesterday's run was how much stronger my core felt and how light I felt overall- which was not the case before. I have been focusing a lot on core work so it was nice to feel the benefits of power and strength!

    Cambria- a 9 min mile sounds great!!! I think that may he the best pace I've ever done, and only once, and I thought I was going to die. Do you run outdoors?

    My madori- keep us posted on your race. I'd love to know what motivates and inspires you guys to enter and follow through. I'm intimidated by the whole race scene. Or at least... I have been so far!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Bummer! Lots of initial responses but not so much ongoing community. I'm still here, still looking for support. Checked in here for motivation before heading out today. Maybe I'll wander over to a new Cto5K thread....
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    I tell you, the race scene is what has kept me hooked. There's just such a sense of accomplishment that comes from a 'race'. I use the term race loosely because really, the only person I'm ever racing is myself. I don't really have any big lofty aspirations of getting a medal or coming in first, second or even tenth in my age group- I just want to get out there with other runners and cross a real finish line and break my own personal record. You really should try to find a good local 5k run/walk and sign up. You don't know what you're missing until you try it!!!

    I am so frustrated. So the last time I posted I said my 2 year old had been sick and then it rained/snowed here in beautiful Colorado, so I hadn't been out for a run. Well, guess what happened after that! Yup! I got sick. A horrible terrible head cold and I couldn't breathe through my nose, and my ears were popping and it was just awful for days. I am just now back to feeling about 80% recovered, but now I haven't run in 9 days. Eek. My race is in 12 days!

    I am not sure whether I can run just yet- my throat is still hurty and my ears feel tickly. (how's that for adjectives?) But I think I really need to try because this is not the time for slacking!!! My hubby gets mad and says I really need to take it easier, but he, of all people, is a horrible influence. His version of exercise is golfing (with a golf cart). In the last three days he has ordered pizza, hot wings and Panda Express, and Sam (my pet name for my scale) has not been very nice to me as a result.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Aww... I'm sorry you've been sick!! I also recently recovered from very similar symptoms. You may need just a coue days yet before you hit the trail agaIn- so you don't wear yourself out too easily. Then again - YOU are the nest judge of what you need.

    Like you said, the only person you are really racing against is yourself, so if your time is slower, its understandable. That being said, I would be wanting to get back out there by now too!

    I went out this morning but it sort of went off track. My playlist was messing up and then my on call phone rang so I had to slow to a walk and deal with some work stuff. Let's just say I had no focus. I tried again after that but I had no mojo. Oh well, it was movement- at least it counts for that!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I'm in ...if its not too full.I use to be a runner and had knee surgery and then had a baby where I had to stay off me feet. Now i'm back to the run/walk stage. Can't even jog a full mile yet. My goal is at the end of summer to do a 1/2 marathon. Ulitmately I'd like to do a full marathon so we will see.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Aww... I'm sorry you've been sick!! I also recently recovered from very similar symptoms. You may need just a coue days yet before you hit the trail agaIn- so you don't wear yourself out too easily. Then again - YOU are the nest judge of what you need.

    Like you said, the only person you are really racing against is yourself, so if your time is slower, its understandable. That being said, I would be wanting to get back out there by now too!

    I went out this morning but it sort of went off track. My playlist was messing up and then my on call phone rang so I had to slow to a walk and deal with some work stuff. Let's just say I had no focus. I tried again after that but I had no mojo. Oh well, it was movement- at least it counts for that!

    I get distracted all the time! Plus its hard for me to find time to get back into running. I think you are doing great! Saw your pictures and wow! I hope I can get results like you!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Another one Joining if it's ok.
    I wasn't good at c25k when I joined MFP and couldn't get the pace properly.
    I just walked/jogged at my own pace, own distances/times.

    Now I'm at it again and downloaded podcasts which I enjoy listening too.
    4km lap around my place is short, so I've stretched it to two laps. and walk/jog 8 kms every couple of days.
    My initial time was 65 mins, and have decreased my time by a couple mins each time.

    Today was 57.5 mins for 8kms.
    I am stuck on C25k Wk4 - I can get the first 5 min jog in, but the others I struggle.

    I'm thinking of running my first 5k or 10k this year.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm in ...if its not too full.I use to be a runner and had knee surgery and then had a baby where I had to stay off me feet. Now i'm back to the run/walk stage. Can't even jog a full mile yet. My goal is at the end of summer to do a 1/2 marathon. Ulitmately I'd like to do a full marathon so we will see.

    Yes! Join us!! glad to hear you are progressing through your recovery. Your goal is awesome!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Another one Joining if it's ok.
    I wasn't good at c25k when I joined MFP and couldn't get the pace properly.
    I just walked/jogged at my own pace, own distances/times.

    Now I'm at it again and downloaded podcasts which I enjoy listening too.
    4km lap around my place is short, so I've stretched it to two laps. and walk/jog 8 kms every couple of days.
    My initial time was 65 mins, and have decreased my time by a couple mins each time.

    Today was 57.5 mins for 8kms.
    I am stuck on C25k Wk4 - I can get the first 5 min jog in, but the others I struggle.

    I'm thinking of running my first 5k or 10k this year.

    Hi Peter :) welcome aboard! I think I can relate to your journey. Good for you for sticking with it. What is it about week 4 that you are finding challenging? are you trying to sustain too fast of a pace?

    I can't quite remember which week I repeated when I did it the first time, but it was in the neighborhood of week 4. Keep us posted please!
  • cghiggins518
    cghiggins518 Posts: 48 Member
    please count me in to.
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