

  • I am 4 weeks out from my first figure competition. I did bikini back in June. It is a tough journey, but you look great! Good luck to you and you can friend request me if you want :)
  • I think there are several things that may be beneficial for you: 1. Definitely do get your thyroid checked. My husband and alot of my family have thyroid problems, which can effect so many other aspects of your life. Thyroidism, depression, and anxiety often times go hand in hand as well. 2. If you are able to see a…
  • I love the 60 calorie Jello Temptations. They have boston cream pie, caramel/butterscotch, and chocolate/banana. I cut up strawberries and mix them in with the jello. Then I have a glass of non fat milk. It's a great sweet dessert/snack.
  • These stories are fantastic! Great lunch time break. My husband and I have had this one happen to us bunches of times: you know when you're working out and there's alot of people around and one of them (you never really know who) farts and it smells super horrible! Then, you all have to pretend like you don't notice to be…
  • Awesome! Yes, I figured that I would start out with bikini and see how it goes and maybe try to do a figure next year. I heard it takes about a year to get ready for the figure competitions. Thank you so much for that website! Good luck to you too!:happy:
  • Hey, BeccyBerry maybe if you have any friends/family in the US they could buy the DVD for you when it comes out here and then ship it over to you. Maybe you might get them quicker that way :)