

  • Do you mean which nutrients? If so, I track carbs, fat, protein, sodium, and fiber. I shoot for a higher amount of fiber per day than recommended to help me stay full. And I tend to go overboard on sodium without realizing it so it helps to watch it. If I could add something else to track, it'd be sugar bc that's a major…
  • I changed my activity level since I'm back to working out, so that allotted me a few more calories. I'm going to try to avoid the sugary stuff like slim fast and cliff bars and see what happens. I need to stock up on nuts and other good proteins! The sugar cravings are a lifelong issue though.
  • I don't eat a lot of meat but I'll give it a try. :)
  • Thanks for the suggestion. Sugar is definitely a weakness for me. Guess I didn't even consider Slim Fast and protein bars to be a culprit!
  • Add me! We have similar goals. I have 2 kids. How old are yours?
  • I had a serving of homemade tomato/corn/beans/avocado salad and a bag of green giant broccoli/cauliflower/carrot in cheese sauce. Also 3 fish sticks bc I was still hungry.
  • 1300-1500
  • Just opened my profile.
  • I'm definitely used to much more food than what I'm eating. Not sure how many calories I was eating before but suffice it to say... a lot!
  • When I was in high school I was about 115 and looking back at picture I was skeletal (thought I was fat at the time, but that's another story). Before I had my first daughter I was about 125. A year after she was born I was almost back to my original weight (130) but was a size 8 instead of a 4/5 pre-baby. Second baby got…
  • Golden delicious.
  • My daughter is 10 months also, and I've been using her (and breastfeeding) as an excuse for staying the weight I am! I can't use her as an excuse forever, so I'm starting to work on it. I have about 24 pounds to lose to get to the weight I was before I had her, and another 10-15 pounds to get to the weight I was before I…
  • I'm mostly at home with my girls (work part-time as a nurse) and I keep a large (22 oz) cup of water in the kitchen near the fridge. Since I'm in and out of the kitchen frequently, I drink some every time I see the cup. When it's empty, I refill and go from there. I also bring it to bed with me and keep it on a shelf…
  • Me too! I check in several times a day now. I've only been on my diet for a few days but it helps sooo much to see what I'm eating and how it adds up!
    in OMG Comment by nursewhy October 2009
  • I have a serious addiction to sweets/sugar too, so this should be interesting. I just started my diet, but tonight I served myself a 1/2 cup of ice cream, in a measuring cup so I couldn't cheat. I stuffed that sucker as full as I could without going over, but whatever. Then I put the ice cream container back and came…