So friggin hungry!!!

I'm eating lots of vegetables, fruits, and proteins. I eat more than the recommended fiber every day. I drink water all day long. Why am I soooo hungry?? It's worst at night so I know it's at least partially emotional, but I'm physically hungry and out of calories. I'm so tempted to binge.



  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    If you have thoughtfully decided you ARE hungry, then you should eat IMO
  • DianeG213
    DianeG213 Posts: 253
    If you feel comfortable opening your food diary, it might help with suggestions.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    If your body is used to much higher calories and portion sizes, it is going to take some time to adjust. I have been at it nearly a month and still experience some almost overwhelming bouts of hunger. It is rough, but your body will adjust! I know because I am starting all over from the beginning after losing and gaining back 40 lbs. Ugh...
  • nursewhy
    nursewhy Posts: 17
    I'm definitely used to much more food than what I'm eating. Not sure how many calories I was eating before but suffice it to say... a lot!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    How many calories are you NETTING a day?
  • nursewhy
    nursewhy Posts: 17
    Just opened my profile.
  • nursewhy
    nursewhy Posts: 17
    How many calories are you NETTING a day?

  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    Same here! I don't want to know what I was eating before. I went to visit family Saturday, and they are my downfall. All about eating, and they use any excuse to eat out. Even eating a meatless portabella burger for lunch, I still figure I went 2,000 calories OVER my daily limit that day! And it was so easy! I was horrified and it made me realize how I was probably eating similar to that on a daily basis.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I find that it's only easy when you're on a diet that you become hungry because you're deprived of the calories you were once eating that no longer exist in your daily intake. Before this, you were just eating anything, because you were hungry, or at least your body was telling you that it was. Now you have to track every little thing you eat, and you're given a calorie limit, and you're now missing calories from your daily intake. Your body wants the calories you aren't eating, and it's telling you LOUDLY. There's a term for it, I read it in a magazine once, it's called hanger. Are you having trouble trying not to snap at people while you're hungry? When that's the case, it's because you're lacking essential calories, as in you could be eating too few for your needs. You might need to tweak your diet a bit if this is the case, or things could get ugly!!! :grumble:
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    It looks like while you're eating a lot of calories, you're also eating a lot of carbs, which can make you hungry even when your stomach is full and you've met your nutritional needs for the day. Try to stay away from bread, and sugary stuff like slim fast shakes or protein bars. If you're like me, they only make you hungrier.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I would suggest eating a more dense protein at dinner....chicken breast, turkey burger, lean beef, fish filet. It may hold you better in the evenings. Also check out these two groups. You can still eat over 2000 calories and lose weight.
  • zumbagirlwf
    zumbagirlwf Posts: 18 Member
    I feel the same way. I've come to the conclusion that eating is a hobby for me. I love food. I love everything about it. I work at a supermarket where I smell bread and cookies baking all day long and fried chicken cooking. My husband loves to cook and makes authentic Mexican food all the time. I just love it, but I have decided that I love myself more than food and I will conquer this. I WILL be in that bikini by the end of summer. It may be the end but I'm going to give it everything I have. Time to take back control and enjoy my life.
  • nursewhy
    nursewhy Posts: 17
    Thanks for the suggestion. Sugar is definitely a weakness for me. Guess I didn't even consider Slim Fast and protein bars to be a culprit!
  • nursewhy
    nursewhy Posts: 17
    I would suggest eating a more dense protein at dinner....chicken breast, turkey burger, lean beef, fish filet. It may hold you better in the evenings. Also check out these two groups. You can still eat over 2000 calories and lose weight.

    I don't eat a lot of meat but I'll give it a try. :)
  • zumbagirlwf
    zumbagirlwf Posts: 18 Member
    When I start thinking about food I chew the extra gum that taste like key lime pie. Taste like dessert and the chewing motion makes me feel like I'm eating and takes my mind off of it. LOL And it only has 5 calories.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Really, If you get a good fat burn going on your body, it will cut your appetite well. I like hoodia (herb) to cut the appetite, too...just so I can make good food choices, rather than grabbing the fastest (carb) calories 'cause I am so hungry.

    I think it helps alot to go for a quick rev-it-up run (15-20 min), then eat a small veggie and protein meal/snack.

  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. Sugar is definitely a weakness for me. Guess I didn't even consider Slim Fast and protein bars to be a culprit!

    I tried slimfast and GAINED weight! I finally read the ingredients and sugar was the first one! Same with clif bars :C which sucks bc I love 'em. I drink almond milk and natures way metabolic reset chocolate shake-it's VERY filling, low sugar, and even has some fiber. Add a banana and peanut butter, and I'm full for a good 4-5 hours on 12 ounces.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I know how oyu feel. I work exercise to give me more cals so I can eat or snack if I want to. I call it *earning my food* so I can trick my head lol I also have been looking and over viewing calories on everything. Even bread. I was so mad when I want to make a sandwich n 1 piece of white bread was 90 cals. SO I found bread to where I can have 2 slices and 70 cals for all. I think its all about out smarting it.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I know how oyu feel. I work exercise to give me more cals so I can eat or snack if I want to. I call it *earning my food* so I can trick my head lol I also have been looking and over viewing calories on everything. Even bread. I was so mad when I want to make a sandwich n 1 piece of white bread was 90 cals. SO I found bread to where I can have 2 slices and 70 cals for all. I think its all about out smarting it.

    Sorry about the typos. :)
  • Try some greek yogurt. I was having trouble feeling full when I first started, then I tried greek yogurt out of the blue and found it very filling. As long as I eat lunch by 12:30, I'm completely satisfied with only half a container of greek yogurt for breakfast. I also really like my 90 calorie Fiber One brownies when I'm feeling snacky in the evening and need something to fill me up. Fiber expands in your stomach and helps fill you up, so they're awesome... and they are honestly VERY tasty! Good luck! :)