

  • Just try intermittent fasting. Eat once or twice a day. No snacks. Just one or two meals for lunch or dinner. Put your 600 calories in two meals or one meal of 1200 at dinner. Don't listen to anyone who tells you your metabolism will slow down. It won't. How can anyone gain weight by missing not eating? Drink herbal tea or…
  • I used to drink heaps of Coffee and enjoyed the buzz before a workout. But I noticed it used to really increase my stress levels as they day wore on. I now stick to White tea or herbal. Much better.
  • You won't lose lean mass if you weight train. Your body will always choose to burn fat before muscle. Starvation mode is something that would happen if you didn't eat for weeks. Your body will appreciate a fast every now and then to cleanse. I haven't eaten breakfast for a year and follow a 16 hour fast every day and night…
  • I eat 2 meals a day. Big ones because I love to eat. Keep them below 1200 cals each and the weight has fallen off. Macronutrients are majority lean protein, then fibrous veggies for carbs. I then make the rest up with chocolate or beer if I feel like it. I can now see my abs and have been doing this for 8 weeks and have…
  • I'm getting really good results on this with minimal effort. I'm still enjoying the foods I like and not depriving myself.
  • Thank you all my new friends. Keep healthy and an open mind free from diet industry dogma!
  • Hey I didn't mean to upset anybody. People get very emotional when it comes to their firmly held convictions being challenged. I'm everyone's friend on here. Maybe the use of the word lie was unnecessary but I wanted an intelligent debate so I used a headline grabbing word. You can eat 10 meals a day if you want but I am…
  • Google Leangains and enjoy!
  • I'm a fan of Martin Berkham - Leangains website, Lyle Mcdonald - Body recomposition website, Brad Pillon - Eat stop Eat website. Check em out people! Don't listen to the stuff they write about in Mens/Womens health mags. It always contradicts itself. The diet industry aims to confuse so they can sell you more 'magic' diet…
  • If you like fruit, eat fruit. It's natural. It's a much better choice than processed foods. Keep within your calorie levels and you will lose/maintain weight. Enjoy. Having too much sugar applies only if you eat too much.
  • I agree with your trainer. Overeating is the problem. Say for example all you ate all day was a Whopper burger (you wouldn't) you would still stay lean no matter what time you ate it if you was in calorie defecit. The only trouble with late night eating is you tend to comfort eat and overeat. I don't eat much in the day…