1200 Calories A Day



  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Hi there Melissa

    We sound a lot alike except I only have 1 child to chase after!!!

    I've only been doing this for about 10 days but here's what I have found helps & hurts!

    1. I do drink 16 oz of water before I eat a meal. Usually while preparing it... and I always have my 8 glasses a day. Sometimes 9 or 10 if I'm exercising like crazy.

    2. I try not to wait until I'm starving before I eat because then its too tough for me to stay on track

    3. I eat breakfast even though I rarely feel like it and my "power" breakfast is 1 serving (5.3 oz) of Greek Nonfat Yogurt (with 2x protein) and a sprinkle of homemade granola. FOr some reason this keeps me going better than anything else I've tried before (even better than heavy fatty breakfasts!)

    4. I work out everyday to have more calories to eat (I'm on 1200 calories myself) but also get to add in 400-600 more because of exercise. (Not sure what's true with eating working out calories or not) but in the last 10 days I've lost 8 lbs!)

    5. I am learning to choose my lunches wisely and not avoid having a snack. When I have a lunch that doesn't have a lot of vegetables, fiber, etc. I feel hungry faster but when i have a lunch with a good balance of protein and veggies - it holds me to my snack. So I'm learning to eat more filling foods but also balancing it with things I love to snack on like cheese & crackers (now - Laughing Cow Triangle with Baked Pita Crackers)

    6. When I totally need to graze and need quantity - I make airpopped popcorn with sea salt or my favorite seasoning (Kettle Corn Salt when I want something sweet, even grated some dark chocolate on it) or salty spicy (Chili Lime), etc.

    Hope some of this helps.

  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Drinking water can help you feel full. Also add in exercise (or start counting things you already do like house cleaningand playing with your kids). The more you exercise the more calories you can eat, evern a couple hundred more might make all the difference.
    I disagree with this. You can't count activities that you already do as exercise. Your body is used to doing those types of activites on any typical day. Deep house-cleaning is an exception since I'm guessing you don't do this every day, plus it really can get your heart rate up.
  • destinyshoop
    I always keep a cup of Cheerios in a zip-lock bag so I can snack. I works for me, try it!:happy: :happy:
  • munembo
    munembo Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts! I am grateful for the amount of posts I received in such a short time.

    I am definitely going to try some of the things that you have posted and try to incorporate some exercise into my day. Tonight I played "Simon Says" with the kids before dinner instead of continue to work on my laptop. We jumped on one foot, twirled around, etc.

    Going from 2500/3000 calories a day to 1200 probably is too much of a difference and that is why I am so hungry. After reading everyone's posts I ate a Skinny Cow and my stomach is no longer growling and I feel better.

    Looking forward to being a part of this community :) Thank you!
  • pullright
    Just try intermittent fasting. Eat once or twice a day. No snacks. Just one or two meals for lunch or dinner. Put your 600 calories in two meals or one meal of 1200 at dinner. Don't listen to anyone who tells you your metabolism will slow down. It won't. How can anyone gain weight by missing not eating? Drink herbal tea or coffee for breakfast. Enjoy life.