1PearlyMargaret Member


  • You are not the only one! I am a recovered bulimic, anorexic, and binge eater of 16 years. It can be done. It's sad to say a bad purging experience made me quit instantly- I literally thought my heart would stop. So I just decided I rather be a little larger than the alternative. I lift weights and cardio three times a…
  • nicola1141- I hope Pandora makes you as happy as it's made me! It is totally worth rewarding yourself with charms if its your type of incentive. Other people will be inspired as well and compliment your "accomplishments". I think its awesome and I wish you the best luck! Pandora is such an amazing charm company and their…
  • I have developed a Pandora Charm fetish. I reward myself every few months if I have been doing good on my diet and exercise. I even attempted to cut out all alcohol out of my diet to clean up my eating habits and after one year sober (not an alcoholic but I was surely abusing wine) I bought a reward charm. I am recovering…
  • Hello! I am SOOOO glad I am not the only petite female out there! I am 4"11 and 110 pounds. I "try" to stay within the 1200 calorie range, but lets be honest.. I LOVE TO EAT!!~! So I just consume as many nutrient dense foods I can before giving into my beloved chocolate and beer so that I can even the score (balance the…
  • I have a problem with chocolate and bread around that time. Bread and butter are such a treat. I ONLY eat bread once a month and enjoy every single warm and buttery bite around this time.. AND I limit the portion size.. That way I don't feel bad. And I load up on healthy carbs (fruits and veggies) the whole day before I…
  • Coffee with almond milk, banana, and protein shake. :drinker:
  • I think I have developed an intolerance. It makes me physically sick after consumption all the way into the next day (hangovers). I'm sick of being sick. Plus, I am approaching 30 and trying to hold onto any last shred of youth as I can. Not only does alcohol inadvertently give me pimples (because my lowered immune system…
  • Here is the article http://bodyodd.nbcnews.com/_news/2011/03/17/6284505-why-do-hangovers-seem-so-much-worse-as-we-get-older
  • This is an interesting article, one in which I encourage you to read. We don't need as much alcohol as we age because "The critical enzymes for breaking down booze are somewhat diminished in efficiency as we age," in addition, our body treats and processes alcohol as if it were a toxin (I didn't make it up, just the way…
  • I get food hang overs. Last night I ate cookies and a rue sauce for dinner... Needless to say I am paying for it today. I literally feel sick as if I have the flu. Today, it's been hot tea, chicken soup (very healthily made), bananas, and sweet potatoes- all because I gave in to a few sweet treats the night prior. When we…
  • Own it! Broad shoulders do an amazing job making our lower half appear smaller (even is not the case). They are sexy, strong, and wholly sassy! I have broad shoulders and feel they are a blessing. I pump very hard on my upper body to accentuate what has naturally been "given" to me. It's a gift! Use your broad shoulders to…