aussiemama Member


  • Once a month at the gym - same scales for consistent reading. More than that, you fluctuate from day to day so not worth it
  • this happens with a lot of food :( I attempt a 'best guess' as a guide most of the time. I am Australian, currently living in Japan. it's very difficult. Go with Guesstimates and know that you are eating healthy with foods like this
  • Thank you! I have googled the sites, and have a Low Gi cook book and shopping guide which helps. I live in Japan, so wholemeal, and grain oriented foods are hard to find :( Just thought if myfitnespal could include the Low GI measurement in our daily intake that would help a lot :)
  • My GP told me Vitamin D and C together at night for full absorption. You should have a blood test to know your Vitamin D level to ensure you are taking the right amount of Vit D. For example i am a pathetic 27 and am taking 3000IUD of Vit D and 2000 Vit C nightly for 3 months, then have another blood test to see where my…
  • I've come across similar things - i just go for the one that best matches my meal. I find it hardest with home cooked meals or resturant meals - who can guess the weight or know the amounts of all ingrediants? best advice, is don't worry too much about this being an exact science and do your best as a guide :)
    in Help Comment by aussiemama December 2010