

  • So THATS why I'm up 4 lbs this morning. :)
  • That sounds too high... 350 is probably more appropriate unless you were running up-hill. Heart rate monitors also include the calories you would have burned if you sat still. MFP already counts those... so when adding exercise, if you include them, you're counting them twice.
  • If you're down 54 lbs, with 46 to go... first off, congratulations!! How long is the Plateau? 4 weeks + is a plateau, anything else could be bump in the road. You're half way on a long road. My best advice is to re-do your goals from scratch in MFP with your current weight etc. Eat MAINTENANCE for two weeks... take a break…
  • I only count the longer ones, not the short breaks. My 1.5 mile walks take 30 minutes and I punch them in for 100 calories. Its a set route, so it works for me.
  • Hot sauce, no lie. It does something with the popcorn, doesn't really add much heat but lots of flavor.
  • How much booze did you have? I'm finding alcohol throws my weight all over the place, even if I keep within my calorie goals. I ate extra over the holidays, sure.... but not 6lbs in two weeks more. Stick with it, it will even out.
  • Read about the whoosh. Its common to stall for three weeks then drop it fast. I was the exact same weight for three weeks, then lost 4lbs in 4 days.
  • Read about the Woosh I just had 3 weekly weigh-ins with zero lbs lost.. the next week was 4 lbs. If you're sticking to your numbers give it another week before shaking it up.
  • I went to Northwestern and had mine done, it was about $95. It measured the amount of CO2 my body produced over a 10 minute period while I was very relaxed. I would say its an accurate test. MFP had my RMR at 1800 based on my measurements and the RMR test had me at 1680. Considering I had been on a deficit for 4 weeks when…
    in RMR Comment by vnakkar November 2012
  • You're miscounting some of your calories. 200 cal - homemade cheese sandwich - wheat bread, tomatoe, onions, lettuce, and Kraft slice of cheese, 1 sandwich The bread alone was probably 200cal. I saw some salad entries that looked wrong as well....assuming there was any kind of dressing on there.
  • I included the first two groupings because knowing they're estimates I was surprised they were all in the same close range. The elliptical was reading the HR from the strap, as I wasn't using the hand grips so I was surprised they came up with such wildly different numbers given the same HR. However, in other news I saw…
  • Your liver rids your body anything it needs to. The rest is quackery.
  • Fitness App: Map My Walk Will GPS track your route, speed, and calories burned.
  • Very nice, thanks!
  • I used to get 8 - 8.5 and felt it was the minimum. I had to start getting up early which has shifted me to a steady 7 each night and I feel better for it. My sleep feels more efficient now and I wake up more rested.
  • Lay out everything you need the night before. When I wake up, I'm out the door within 7 minutes. The best thing to do is find someone to go with! A co-worker, a friend, a neighbor.. .someone who will give you the stink eye when you don't show. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing!
  • This is whats missing from all the 1200 calorie threads I've seen. There seem to be a lot of hobbits on here all eating 1200 calories... Sounds perfect for them. I think height and weight should accompany all calorie posts. Context matters!
  • If you're short on time to prepare foods try cooking in large batches. The recipe function here on MFP is awesome, I usually cook meals in batches of 8 servings and box them up and in my bag they go for lunch, dinner, or snack. Even more short on time? Get yourself a crock-pot or other slow cooker. One-pot meals can be…
  • Totally this. That was a normal lunch and I wouldn't blink. I'd even toss in a slice of cheddar to thicken it up. Also every pizza story on here. What MFP really opened my eyes on was booze. Beer, and Gin & Tonic's especially, no light beer junk either... Homebrew at 150 cal a pint! 800 calories a day when it was all in…
  • Some advice and support I'm sure others will reinforce. Be patient, if you just started your body needs to shift gears and head in the other direction. Imagine holding a volley ball under water, and then letting the air out while its under. Stick to the numbers, not the food. Obsess over the bottom line, not whats in the…
  • Fat is converted to CO2 and Water when the energy is used up. The exact same thing that happens to hydro carbons when you burn them.
  • Here is a good read about repairing muscles after a work out. After a good workout I have a 2 egg sandwich on multi-grain toasted bread. Its good for 360 calories and 22g of protein.
  • Make sure you're eating and drinking after your workout. An egg sandwich can really help with recovery.