Detox / Cleanse Recommendations



  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
  • vnakkar
    vnakkar Posts: 30
    What detoxes / cleanses do you recommend, preferably based on both personal experience and medical science?


    Your liver rids your body anything it needs to. The rest is quackery.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    I detox just about every other month. I like to keep my body clean of toxins. I have tried other detoxs they just make my stomach hurt thinking about them. Plus, they don't work but what does is Qivana's detoxe it's by urine. I have done this as I said about every other month. You take a pill by mouth and then just keep your diet them same. Drink more water of course and do this for 30 days. Your kidneys and liver do detox your body but the way the envirment is now they quickly become over loaded. This detoxe by Qivana will also rid your body of radication, and metals among other things,that you don't need. You can friend me to know more. You can look it up, on Qivana but I forget what all info they have there. Since taking it I have found more info. Some just amazes me.

    Beachbody is another company that does one but it is much harder and I am not sure of the results, or cost. They usually have great products though. I have had great results with the one I do and there are so many to choose from in the market. Do your research. Good Luck!
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm starting a detox/cleanse myself tomorrow and my chosen route is the P.I.N.K. Method. I did this last year with tremendous success and can honestly say I've never felt better in my entire life. There is a very comprehensive listing of approved foods on the menu and they can be consumed cooked, raw, steamed, whatever your preference. The point of this particular cleanse is to help rev up your metabolism to get the weight loss started, and to break your food addictions in addition to stopping the consumption of artificial preservatives and fillers in many of our foods. I REALLY liked this last year and regret every hopping off the wagon. The whole program goes in phases and the end result is supposed to be a complete lifestyle change. Unfortunately, I quit after going home to momma's "good" cooking. BAHAHAHAHAHA! If you like structure and a list of "eat this, do that" then this is the program for you. If you like a little more control then you'll hate this. I like to see it all in black and white and to have comprehensive explanations of WHY I'm eating these particular foods vs other options so it's a good fit for me.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Increase your fiber (i recommend adding ground flax seed), water intake, and eat a couple servings of yogurt a day for a week or two. Cleanse accomplished. No expensive kits or gut-dumping required. Most cleanses do more harm than good- they eradicate the good gut flora, can cause electrolyte imbalances, and don't accomplish anything more than what I suggested above. When you upset the gut flora, it can take a long time to restabilize, so you're setting yourself up for longer-term digestive problems. Let your body do the job naturally.
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    I forgot to tell you that the products by Qivana are backed by Dr. Marcus Laux and Dr Donald K. Layman. They have won lots of nobel peace prizes and have written of books. They have Derek Hall, Devin Glazier, Justin Banner, Rodney James and Craig Johanson on their team. I know they use science and reseach for their products. :)
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    fpacudan, I assume your acronym does not stand for "hard of hearing." Ahem.

    To those who offered constructive responses, thank you, as a neophyte I appreciate the education. :) To the remainder, well, I suppose you're welcome for the opportunity to appear clever at my expense. I hope it was a cathartic -- or "cleansing" -- experience. ;)

    Until recently, I have made an effort to eat as naturally as possible while still scratch-cooking for a household that loves its bread, meat and potatoes. As my recent diary entries reflect, I have seen a gradual descent from my healthy attempts-at-habits since undergoing a procedure to remove early melanoma; I've been necessarily lax in my exercise and, more to my point, my relatives have shown their kindness through gifts of foods I've been specifically trying to avoid. ;)

    After a post-procedure "recovery meal" from Culver's on Thursday and a Burger King breakfast drop-off this morning, I'm feeling The Bloat, and I admit I'm looking for a quick fix. Still, if as many have said here, the best route is simply to continue with healthy eating and ample water consumption, and let my body do the job with the better resources I provide for it, I'll just keep plugging away on my fruits and veg. Thanks. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    To get rid of bloat, start focusing on potassium. It's the yin to sodium's yang.
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    Thank you for the tip, MoreBean13. :) There is a green smoothie in my future with a banana involved -- hopefully spinach isn't one of those vegetables that cause bloat as well (e.g., broccoli).
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I forgot to tell you that the products by Qivana are backed by Dr. Marcus Laux and Dr Donald K. Layman. They have won lots of nobel peace prizes and have written of books. They have Derek Hall, Devin Glazier, Justin Banner, Rodney James and Craig Johanson on their team. I know they use science and reseach for their products. :) is the official site of Qivana, a network marketing company based in Provo, Utah, specializing in health and nutritional products

    LOL...Network marketing.....:noway: :laugh:
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I forgot to tell you that the products by Qivana are backed by Dr. Marcus Laux and Dr Donald K. Layman. They have won lots of nobel peace prizes and have written of books. They have Derek Hall, Devin Glazier, Justin Banner, Rodney James and Craig Johanson on their team. I know they use science and reseach for their products. :)

    They won a nobel peace prize? Lots of them? that's incredible, they must be loaded
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I forgot to tell you that the products by Qivana are backed by Dr. Marcus Laux and Dr Donald K. Layman. They have won lots of nobel peace prizes and have written of books. They have Derek Hall, Devin Glazier, Justin Banner, Rodney James and Craig Johanson on their team. I know they use science and reseach for their products. :)

    They won a nobel peace prize? Lots of them? that's incredible, they must be loaded

    :flowerforyou: :laugh: :laugh: LOL, I missed that one - they must be really famous.....
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Thank you for the tip, MoreBean13. :) There is a green smoothie in my future with a banana involved -- hopefully spinach isn't one of those vegetables that cause bloat as well (e.g., broccoli).

    I have not heard of spinach causing bloating. Usually people have a problem with cruciferous veggies- broccoli, bok choy, kale, cabbage, cauliflower and onions seem to be an issue (but not cruciferous). Spinach is packed with potassium, should be a good choice.
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    MoreBean13 : Thanks for the reassurance! You seem to be quite knowledgeable about such things. I haven't noticed bloat from spinach- or kale-based green smoothies in the past, but under my current circumstances, I don't want to chance anything. ;) Fast food is the blech. ;p
  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    Sounds like you're not talking about the sort of cleanse that some of the posts are mocking. Those are the "take this pill and be miraculously cured of all that ails you" cleanses. What you're talking about is something we can all related to, which is "I feel like hell because I've been eating the wrong foods".

    Like Bean said (listen to her, she knows what she's talkin' about), the best thing to do is eat healthy and drink lots of water. A blueberry-banana-babyspinach smoothie is delicious, btw. You can't taste the spinach at all, but it does add a peculiar dark color. lol.) Focus on whole grains, lots of fruit and veggies, healthy nuts like almonds, yogurt (watch the sugar), lean proteins, and drinking plenty of water. Part of the problem with crap food is the sodium, so you might be a tad dehydrated. Note that you may have some stomach bloating from gas if you have a huge amount of fiber and you're not used to it, but it should be temporary.

    Hope you feel better!
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    lesliefb, I am on a major green smoothie kick here. They make me feel great! It is amazing how sweet and good they taste, not at all like I expected pureed greens to taste.