

  • I fell in love with my husband when he was the "Fatass" body type. Once I started losing weight he joined a gym and dropped down to the "Chubbyfat" body type. Honestly I miss the belly, but he's happier now. I don't find him any less or more attractive now than I did when we met because I'm in love with him as a person.…
  • Hope Springs
  • Just out of curiosity when you say you're unmotivated b/c of the lack of loss this week do you mean you'd been cutting calories and working out for a week and didn't loose anything or you've been doing this for a while and hit a plateau this week?
  • OK, so someone help me understand this. I burn an average of 2400 calories/day according to my BodyMedia (that includes breathing all the way to exercising). My stats are 5'4, 219 pounds. According to the Withings scale I have 44% body fat. MFP recommends me to eat 1200 calories, but then adds to it after my BodyMedia…
  • OK, so someone help me understand this. I burn an average of 2400 calories/day according to my BodyMedia (that includes breathing all the way to exercising). My stats are 5'4, 219 pounds. According to the Withings scale I have 44% body fat. MFP recommends me to eat 1200 calories, but then adds to it after my BodyMedia…
  • So if my TDEE is 2462 I should be eating 1462/day to loose 2 pounds a week? So have I not been loosing 2 pounds/week because my body isn't getting enough food?