Why women don't date fat guys?



  • PandaMo
    PandaMo Posts: 14 Member
    Be funny.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Get a fat wallet.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member

    I wouldn't actively seek out skinny, skinnyfat, chubbyfat or "fatass," but I have dated damn near all of them. If I could pick it would be athletic or built-fat.

    Mmmmm built fat.

    ^^I agree. Built fat makes me drool. ^^ That is my type, although I range between Ottermode and ChubbyFat. The others I'm not attracted to from the pictures, but it is always different in person, so there's no telling.

    Helloooo ottermode!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    There was a long post on this a few months ago. It was a crock because all the women would say "Its whats on the inside that I like" and "Its not what you look like on the outside." But you don't see over weight guys and normal women hand in hand walking together some where. Women don't want to be perceived as being shallow. I myself have found a woman that is tall which I like, and weighs as much as I do, but I'm muscular build and she is not. I am 6'3" and she is 5'9". When she smiles at me I melt, very sweet and a great personality. The last post on this was almost like this one. If you are a women and see I man with a cute face but say 75 to 100 lbs. over weight are you going to go after him to find his good inside traits?
  • samgray86
    samgray86 Posts: 15 Member
    A 300lb man who is confident, has goals in life, has good hygiene, etc. is different than a 300lb man who is woefully insecure, lazy, and a slob.

    I love men and women of all shapes and sizes, and I like both a little soft around the edges. But I don't love people who are slobs, who have no drive or motivation or who complain about things they can change. And that goes for people of ALL sizes. For me, it's not about anyone's body - it's about their mind and how their feelings about their body manifest and affect their attitude and outlook on life. I'm just as likely to be turned off by a fit person with a holier than thou attitude as I am to be turned off by a heavy person who doesn't care about life.

    You said it
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I've dated all body types from heroin addict ultra skinny to beached whale fat. The body type doesn't make much difference to my attraction level after a few months. I am less inclined to date overly attractive guys for the same reason men complain about dating women who are 10s... stuck up... you fill it in. Performance is more important than appearance to me personally ; )
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member

    I'd have to say the "Ottermode" is my preference...
  • I fell in love with my husband when he was the "Fatass" body type. Once I started losing weight he joined a gym and dropped down to the "Chubbyfat" body type. Honestly I miss the belly, but he's happier now. I don't find him any less or more attractive now than I did when we met because I'm in love with him as a person. (Although I can honestly say I hope he never gets past "Builtfat".
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I've always been attracted to the hard gainers myself.
  • chism21
    chism21 Posts: 155 Member

    I'd have to say the "Ottermode" is my preference...

    My wish is get to athletic
  • Male-Body-Type-Chart-Ottermode-Builtfat-Bearmode-S.jpg

    I've had chubbyfat and builtfat............ I would take any except for skinny and fat as fatass ..lol
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member

    I wouldn't actively seek out skinny, skinnyfat, chubbyfat or "fatass," but I have dated damn near all of them. If I could pick it would be athletic or built-fat.

    I may be in the minority, but personally I like the look of the 'skinny fat' guy the best. The muscle guys are pretty to look at in posters on the wall, but in person, I was never interested in dating them. They usually had an ego to go with the body that just turned me off. (Not everyone who has a great body has a big ego, but just the ones I knew did. k?)

    I usually was attracted to, and mostly attracted skinnier guys, no matter what weight I was myself, but I have dated pretty much every other body type on the poster. Even the largest one, even tho he was 6'5" and carried it well. He also had a fantastic personality and a beautiful face. I doubt I would have been attracted to him if he was a foot shorter and had a belly like that.

    When I was happy with my weight, then other people's weight didn't really matter. I think if we hate our own body, whether large or small, then we will not want that same body in someone we are with. When I was thin, size didn't matter much, but when I was heavier, I was turned off by the larger sizes, because I didn't like my own body larger, and seeing them, reminded me of that. Maybe a little deep, but maybe someone else can relate.

    But for now, I am happily married for 15 years. My hubby and I were both healthy sized when we met, we both gained weight over the years, but always saw each other as the size we met. We are now both losing and enjoying the health benefits of being at a lower weight and more active. He was always active, but is even more so with the extra weight gone.

    We will all be old, grey and soft one day, so you better find someone that has more going on than just their looks.
  • dldrucker
    dldrucker Posts: 90 Member
    It's funny, when I was younger, I was fine with being with heavier guys. Now that I'm older (just about to hit 50), health is more of a concern. I'm single again (sigh) and now dating a guy who is heavier. Attraction really wasn't so much of a problem, but I'm finding he has all these health issues, and I'm concerned. I don't want to START OUT in a relationship with a guy who's unhealthy (and doesn't seem to be doing much about it). And, like many on this thread have expressed, I don't want to start slipping back myself.
  • mistadj
    mistadj Posts: 43 Member
    During the caveman times, men had to beat women over the head with a stick...Now...Broccoli ....so i came armed :-)
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Women are so much more forgiving than men when it comes to looks. They are far more evolved than us and fall in love for reasons based on character (for the most part). My totally hot wife fell in love with me when I was fat. Good banter will get you very far with the ladies...
  • During the caveman times, men had to beat women over the head with a stick...Now...Broccoli ....so i came armed :-)

    Ohh. My. Goodness...HAHA! You totally just made my day! Posting this on my fitness blog! =]

    I would definitely agree that women can be more forgiving then many men, but it goes both ways. I'm the skinniest of my family, but even though my older brother and Momma are bigger, they have so much muscle/strength! You don't have to be a size 4 to be healthy & happy. You just simply have to have a radiance of confidence to get my attention (with loads of humor...like this guy!^^) Just don't overdo it and become cocky.