SavingFaith65 Member


  • You are too kind! Thank you!
  • A lot of this terminology is confusing, I don't know what half of these lifts are haha. I do the basic squats, lunges, abductor/adductor, leg press (my favorite)...I use a lot of the machines cause my form isn't the best to do anything "free."
  • Yooooou definitely do not miss leg day!
  • Well first off welcome and congrats on taking the first step! It won't be easy but it will get easier - as long as you stay focused at the end result. Make small goals first - I've found trying to do it all at once gets frustrating and overwhelming. Having your family involved with this will really make it easier on you to…
  • We got this! Staying focused and in line will be my biggest issue. Good luck to you!
  • I am my own worst enemy - worst critic - worst everything. Bad has been done onto me by others but not what I'm doing to myself by beating myself up on a daily basis. I haven't "lived" in a while - I'm ready to breath in the air and remember what it's like to be happy and joyous! Good luck on your journey of weight gain!…
  • You are correct! Having support, especially someone to listen is few and far between! Thank you for the support!
  • Absolutely! I actually just printed some pictures of me when I was my heaviest (which is not at this moment) to look at and say NEVER AGAIN! But tracking progress visually and not just numerically makes a big difference! Thank you so much for the advice! Good luck on your journey you're doing great!
  • Thank you! I'm excited for this!
  • It really does help when you log! Makes you realize how much you actually eat or don't eat. Thank you!
  • I'll be 27 in July, 4'11" and staying at 147lbs the past few months. It's been a battle to get this weight down to where I was before 115-125. Always looking for motivation - friends - support!
  • I can really empathize with you as it wasn't too long ago where I was there myself. I totally get the "want it now" feeling but you have to remember that you didn't gain weight over night and you won't lose it that fast either. And indulging in the bad behavior because of how bad you feel is only self destructive and will…
  • Have to be honest I came close to giving up on myself - but yes a major accomplishment to make it through hell. I think my issue is I want things done or to happen RIGHT NOW - I lack patience, gives me anxiety. I make a lot of bad food choices. I'm interested in cooking healthy - looking at recipes and how to make healthy…
  • Trying I can def do.... don't take myself too seriously - that might be a struggle haha
  • I just opened my diary, I started eating "better" this past friday as you'll see a lot of starbucks and nastiness in my previous journals. I did weight watchers when I was 20 at that point I was only 132 but thought I was heavy, by 21 I was at 115, however I got a new position at work and that's when it all went downhill.…
  • I've started drinking more water at least 4 bottles a day now as opposed to half of one before. I work 12 hour shifts, my usual routine is hit starbucks on my way to work and I won't have to eat the rest of the day or don't get hungry until around 5/6 and by that time it's almost time to go home. Protein I know is good for…
  • I've done both, I work 12 hour days so after work I have no desire to do anything but take a shower and get ready for bed. I use to go to the gym at 5 in the morning. Since I work 8am-8pm I would get up at 4:45 put clothes on and go...take a shower and get ready there then head to work. I'd try to get an hour and a half…
  • 22lbs is awesome! I'm sure it had to do mostly with your diet, the pills do help with not being as hungry, but discipline in the end is what will help you lose weight! Add in some moderate exercise if only 3 days a week and I'm sure you'll see a much bigger change in your body!
  • Well I guess it's a good thing I'm a manager at wal mart :wink: I've had a few people recommend green tea pills but I don't want to take a horse pill haha
  • Oh no, I would never add Jack3d to anything, I have yet to take it before working out, I was taking it before going to work because I was so exhausted. I can def. feel the energy increase but I did crash hours later so it wasn't really affective. 5hour energy would work if I my body didn't get use to it after awhile when I…
  • No the plan is not to not take it the rest of my life, that was my question, what happens when you stop, do you blow back up? Is there some sort of side affect? I stopped taking it for a few days and didn't notice much of a difference in those few days. I don't have a huge appetite as is, my job keeps me pretty busy that I…
  • She probably would attempt to put it on her face.
  • Yea the guy said they weren't making the larger bottle anymore and it was a better deal, I stuck with the smaller bottle because I'm not good at remembering to take pills. I feel like it's almost an "easier" laxative, I def. have to pee more after taking it, so I don't know if it just targets water weight but it's not as…
  • I stumbled upon this diet and considered doing it, but I have to cut back on acidic foods and most days consists of them so I've held back on doing it. Anything that can help me lose 10-17 pounds is very intriquing I'm still considering doing it.
  • Thank you everyone for the positive posts. I started making 2 minute videos and posting them on my facebook page to track my progress (or lack of progress). I've only posted 2 so far and the few people that are "following" it have been encouraging, it's sad though that those encouraging you are not the ones exclusively in…
  • That's the process I'm working on...but it's dumping my brother. I moved in with him last May, mostly because he was going through a hard time himself (messy divorce) but also because I needed a change. A month after I moved in I knew it was going to be hell. I'm going on a year and a half of misery. He just recently moved…
  • True words.
  • This is interesting...where do you find "recipes" or actual products sold for this? What exactly does it do for the body?
  • I'm in! Weighed in yesterday at 156, in 15 weeks I'd like to lose 20lbs I can start going back to the gym (had surgery a few weeks ago) Gym 5am-7am 5/6 days a week, Sunday would be my day off from the gym. My weigh in's will be Tuesdays. Feel free to add me, I could use the motivation and encouragement some days and I give…
  • I pretty much make at least one mistake a day in eating/drinking, I was still able to lose 2lbs this past week. Kick yourself for a minute, know you made the mistake and move on. Go for a walk, do some push ups or jumping jacks that might make you feel better, burn the calories you over eat to make up for it. Drink water.…